seak's Reviews > Lord of Chaos

Lord of Chaos by Robert Jordan
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: 2012, 2017, reread
Read 2 times. Last read May 9, 2017 to May 17, 2017.

To review this book, I have to start by telling a little story about my history with this series, and more specifically with this book.

It was in the great year of ought 7 (2007) when I was first reading Lord of Chaos, the sixth book of The Wheel of Time. It was also the same year that Harry Potter was finishing up and sadly when the author himself, Robert Jordan, died of a rare disease.

I decided, not only did I want to make sure there was an ending (sorry, I know that was insensitive of me), but I was really excited to catch up and finish the Harry Potter Series.

So, 4 years ago or so (since it's early 2012) I stopped reading Lord of Chaos just about 260 pages in. For me, for the last 4 years, Nynaeve, Elayne, and Moghedien were in Salidar for that entire time. Rand was still waiting for Elayne to come back and reclaim the Lion Throne in Caemlyn. Mat hanging with the Red Hand Band (they're touring in a town near you) and Perrin in the Two Rivers (which still felt like he was there forever when I picked up again). And I can't really say things change all that much by the end of Lord of Chaos either, but I'll get to that in the spoiler below.

When I picked it up again last year, it was great to be back. I didn't realize how much I missed this series. I started by rereading (well, listening on audio) books 1-5 and then jumping into this book this year.

I have to say, Lord of Chaos is where you can really see the slow-down take place. I love this series as much as the next guy, but there's a definite slow-down that happens, especially when you have a 70 page prologue.

Some spoiler-ish things I'd like to talk about follow, so you may want to have read the book first. Just a warning.

I'll start with the ending. As epic as it is with the battle of Dumai's Wells, with the Aiel meeting Aiel meeting Aes Sedai meeting with Aes Sedai meeting with Mayeners meeting with asha'man meeting with..okay I'll stop there. Okay, awesome battle, I loved it, but it was extremely short. It was really only the last 30 pages or so. But the main part is that it really didn't do a whole lot to move the story forward like I thought the ending of the book would do.

No Forsaken is killed like in all the others up to this point. Okay, it shows the power and threat that is the Asha'man as well as the Shaido who've been pretty worthless for a while now. Otherwise, it just resolves problems that were just introduced in this book and then adds more. Am I gonna have to make another Lost comparison?

Next, what's the deal with the bowl that controls weather (that's not yet found)? I figured the way to solve the problem with the rising heat being due to the Dark One's influence was to...mmmm...defeat the Dark One. We don't need another random track to go down.

End Spoiler Discussion

So, if you read the spoiler, I really did enjoy this installment in The Wheel of Time, promise. If you didn't read the spoiler, I really did enjoy this installment in The Wheel of Time. Not my favorite in the series, but I really enjoyed all the intricacies and additions to the incredible world Jordan created.

4.5/5 Stars

Ps. This is a cool video of the making of the new ebook cover. I don't recommend watching it until you've read the book though. It combines the artwork with passages from the audiobook read by Michael Kramer including some of the very last lines of the book.
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Reading Progress

April 5, 2011 – Shelved
August 20, 2011 – Started Reading
August 23, 2011 –
page 230
January 30, 2012 –
page 400
39.56% "Third time's a charm right?"
February 1, 2012 –
page 400
39.56% "Was that some steampunk in the Wheel of Time?"
February 5, 2012 –
page 530
February 10, 2012 –
page 750
February 16, 2012 –
page 850
February 17, 2012 – Shelved as: 2012
February 17, 2012 – Finished Reading
May 9, 2017 – Started Reading
May 17, 2017 – Shelved as: 2017
May 17, 2017 – Finished Reading
March 13, 2019 – Shelved as: reread

Comments Showing 1-14 of 14 (14 new)

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seak Haha. I have yet to read any so I guess I don't really know what I'm talking about.

seak Wow, that's good to hear. :) I'm usually with you on your tastes I've noticed, so I will be wary.

Markus Just started reading, seems most wot fans think this is the best one. Most my friends started reading wot back in 90s, so i'm little bit late, but better later than never :)

message 4: by [deleted user] (new)

This was my favorite book of the series (I quit after book 8 though). Hoping to pick it up again some day. My husband liked the two that Sanderson has written so far.

seak I have to say, it took quite a while to get to that ending and you can really feel the slow down, I mean, 70 page prologue? Are you kidding me? Otherwise, I was pretty addicted to this one. My goal is to be ready by January 8, I think I can do it. :)

Markus Must be longest prologue ever :)

I don't think i be ready by January 8, so much more other books on my 'to-read-this-year' list.

seak Yeah, you're right. I probably won't make it either. There's too much that's new and shiny that I have to read NOW. :D

message 8: by Kat (new) - rated it 3 stars

Kat The Sanderson volumes definitely pick the pace back up. It's a bit difficult going at this point in the series due to slowness, but there's a payoff coming!

seak That's good to hear. I enjoyed it, but there are soooo many threads going on and I still can't believe how long Rand was just waiting there in Caemlyn.

message 10: by seak (new) - rated it 5 stars

seak Yes, the audio is done extremely well. Is there anyway to do an inter-library loan. I do those all the time for audiobooks which tend to be on the lean side in libraries.

message 11: by Alejandro (new)

Alejandro Great review. I like a lot the style in the writing ;)

message 12: by seak (new) - rated it 5 stars

seak Alejandro wrote: "Great review. I like a lot the style in the writing ;)"

Thanks a ton, Alejandro. :)

Roman Kurys Nice review indeed! Although, I must admit I for some odd reason really enjoy the slowness. Might be because by this book I’m already so immersed in the world Jordan created that I just like to be in for the ride.

message 14: by seak (new) - rated it 5 stars

seak Roman wrote: "Nice review indeed! Although, I must admit I for some odd reason really enjoy the slowness. Might be because by this book I’m already so immersed in the world Jordan created that I just like to be ..."

I have a love-hate relationship with the slowness. I agree with being more immersed in the world and that is a good thing, but I really do want to see some plot movement. I can't help but pointed out well at the same time reading the book 4.5 stars.

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