Kris's Reviews > The Alchemyst

The Alchemyst by Michael Scott
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did not like it
bookshelves: 2007

This book was awful. So awful, it warrants me actually putting in a review.

First of all, there isn't enough Nicholas Flamel. There is far too much of the twins that kind of become Nic's apprentices, and attatches way too much teenage exposition to them. And we don't need the two of them mentioning that their parents are archaeologists every other page. We got it the first time. Move on. And even if their parents are archaeologists, they're not necessarily going to know as much about it as they seem too. When you're 15, you try to stay away from your parents as much as possible. And there seriously didn't need to be as much name dropping around the character of Josh (I swear to God, whenever the story was from his perspective, there was always a name dropped of a movie or a video game, and there was always mention of his laptop, his cell phone, and that he had been on the football team). And the repetition of the name dropping, or them mentioning their parent's profession, was enough to make you put a gun barrel in your mouth. It felt way too forced. Too much like he was trying to be all, "Look!! I'm one of you!!"

He turned a potentially kick-ass 2 1/2 thousand year old vampire into a lame teenager. Not a cool one, something you might have imagined Bill and Charlie Weasly being. No, she was lame ... and just happened to be able to kick ass ... cuz she was a vampire.

And some of the other gods could've been completely awesome (like Morrígan) ... but they came off kind of lame, without any real power, and seemingly easily manipulated.

Scott really could've done something awesome with this, if he had decided to do a kick ass Sword & Sorcery story (a la "Highlander: The Series"). Instead, it felt more like a teenager's attempt at High Fantasy (::cough::Eldest (Inheritance, Book 2)::cough::), and not a very good one at that. And seriously, mentioning LotR at the beginning of your book, does not a High Fantasy make. Nor does having something that's the equivalent of the Force, a good fantasy make.
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June 7, 2007 – Shelved

Comments Showing 1-32 of 32 (32 new)

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Xochilt Yes their Gods were lame.

Ridiculous to mention that a God, a Crow Goddess, "wasn't answering her cell" and "was either of eBay or playing one of those... online strategy games..."

Are you serious?

message 2: by Kris (new) - rated it 1 star

Kris I'm glad I wasn't the only one who was disappointed by the execution.

Danielle Your review is spot-on

message 4: by Kris (new) - rated it 1 star

Kris Danielle wrote: "Your review is spot-on"

The sad thing is that this story had a lot of potential. If only it lived up to that potential.

Julia E. I must disagree with you all. This is one of my favorite series, as it puts a little of everything from fantasy to mythology to legends in.

Anna I totally disagree with u except the fact they kept mentioning things WE ALREADY KNEW, other than that i thought it was a good book:)

Mark I disagree with you maybe you shod read another book from the series because it is a great series

Julia I agree with Julia. Especially the part about 15 yr olds not wanting to be with their parents. I am almost 15 myself and enjoy spending a lot of my time with my parents. Besides, how Josh feels about his electronics is probably how I would feel. I think Michael Scott did an excellent job showing how both Sophie and Josh would feel as teenagers suddenly faced with this problem. And about Scatty? She is still "kick-ass" if you ask me. She's obviously in control and doesn't take crap from anyone. As for the others of the Elder Race, I don't think they are manipulated at all. Bassett helps Morrigan because they are related. I mean, blood is thicker than water. The story ties in Mythology and other tales, giving many interesting allusions if you know your stuff.

message 9: by Briana (new) - added it

Briana I have a question, in the second installment "The Magician", there were much better reviews than The Alchemyst. That is to be expected because the first book in a series is always the introduction, which doesn't make it as exciting as the other books after it. Did you try to read "The Magician" because I like your opinion on the first book and I don't want to buy a series that does not have potential. Maybe "The Magician" is better?

message 10: by Paul (new)

Paul your review's saved me buying and reading this... thank you...

message 11: by Zach H. (last edited Nov 04, 2010 02:26PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Zach H. This book is great, and it's only the pilot of the entire series. Pilots are never as good as the rest of the books. Try reading the second one for once.

Susan I'm not sure why so many people dislike this book. I think it's great that the author pulled in modern technology. The Gods are different than what is typically in other novels and the kids are annoying but I know I was a bit obnoxious at that age? I haven't finished the book yet, but I am really enjoying it and don't think it deserves all of the negative comments.

message 13: by Taylor (new)

Taylor Wilkin of course the book is about the twins, it's about the prophecy! nicholas flamel isn't just going to be walking around and shit, he's suppose to be dead.

Hayley I'm just wondering if you noticed, but there are references to Harry Potter characters here.For example, Nicholas Flamel ? Same immortal guy in the first Harry Potter book, and seems to have around the same age and skills.Odd,isn't it?I haven't finished reading yet, but now I've found another.Sybil?That's the Divination teacher of Hogwarts.Mr.Scott, please go find something original, and do not rip off other people's stuff.

message 15: by Taylor (new)

Taylor Wilkin nicholas flamel supposedly existed before harry potter, i thought it was thoughtful to show some part of his story, even though he was mentioned in harry potter first, i'm a huuuuuuuuge fan of harry potter, and i know this book doesn't mention him as much as it probably should, because it's about the twins and the prophecy, but i don't think he's ripping anyone off. this is a whole other story, stop comparing it to harry potter, it is it's own story, even though there might be similar characters.

Ikarus You are spot on with your review. A terrible book.


Ciara No matter what anyone says, this is in my top three favourite series, along with Harry Potter (of course), and Septimus Heap. It may have its weak points,but overall I rated it 5 stars.

message 19: by Amy (new) - rated it 3 stars

Amy Faircloth Just because Nicholas Flamel was mentioned in Harry Potter doesn't make him JKR's original character. Whether you like the series or not you shouldn't accuse someone of plagiarizing. So, before you comment on a review (or make one yourself) make sure you have your facts straight.

Katherine True dat about mentioning their parents were archeologists like 10 times. That bugged me. And I also found the name dropping was a bit of trying to hard to "connect" with teens. Just seemed to try too hard.

Jaelyn Rae I a point. You really have to read the entire series. Once you do things like why the twins retained such extensive knowledge from their parents jobs' makes more sense. I think this is more of an editorial fail in how it was laid out. If you don't take it too seriously and have patience, the series really comes together in the end, leaving you with an overall sense of my humble opinion anyway. ;)

message 22: by :) (new) - added it

:) I agree about how they mention that their parents are archaeologists, but I think this book is great. I am 3/4 done with it.

message 23: by Hound (new)

Hound Nobelman What does it say about me that I laughed so hard during this review?

message 24: by Kris (new) - rated it 1 star

Kris Probably that we are of very like minds. :D

message 25: by Ema Nekaf (new)

Ema Nekaf To the people discussing wether whose original character Nicholas Flamel is, this was an actual guy in history.

message 26: by Ema Nekaf (new)

Ema Nekaf Well, not like living forever or anything, but an actual guy.

Candace Stone This is a teen book of course the focus will be on the teenaged twins, were you expecting it to be a classic? Then shop in the adult section

message 28: by Wyatt (new) - added it

Wyatt This obviously isn't classic literature so you can't give a bad review for trying to "connect with teens". The story is great but the characters could use some work.

Bente You should never trust a review, the book was amazing but is more a book for children ( I am a child so give this book 5 of 5 stars) and I don't mind people's opinions but how people trust others so easily they can stop people from buying a book they might truly enjoy.
Overall, it is a good book that is worth reading, but don't rely too much on other people's opinions.

message 30: by Susan (new) - added it

Susan These kids were so clueless that they kept saying their parents were archaeologists when it was pretty clear they were paleontologists, and the whole book was full of eyeroll moments like that.

Emilee Powell That's what it reminds me of! Paolini. Thank you, that's been driving me crazy.

Kelstar It's a YA book, they're gonna focus on the teens.
I'd also say these teenage characters are a lot less annoying than many others.
The Gods using cellphones and stuff was supposed to be amusing and different and perhaps a commentary on society.
I kinda get Josh and the technology stuff, when I was a teenager my computer and mp3s were super important to me. The mention of the computer repeatedly was to show how much it was on the characters mind.
Although I do have to say the iPod and mp3 message and the way his computer is written does date the book some. The iPod stuff is already comically out of date. I get it, it's not really inaccurate for a teenage in like 2004. But it was a bad call cause like 10 years later it already dates the book.

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