Petrik's Reviews > Senlin Ascends

Senlin Ascends by Josiah Bancroft
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bookshelves: self-published-and-indie
Read 2 times. Last read September 18, 2021 to September 22, 2021.

Buddy read with my awesome friend: Melanie

4.5/5 Stars

If you need extra proof that a self-published fantasy can be on par/superior compared to traditionally published fantasy books, Senlin Ascends is it.

Relatively, not a lot of readers will spend their time reading self-published fantasy books. It’s the harsh truth; the stigma that existed in self-published fantasy—bad cover art, cliché stories, typos, and grammatical errors—were there for valid reasons. Even to this day, it’s still easy to find a self-published fantasy work that has all the negative aspects I just mentioned. However, these issues exist in traditionally published fantasy books as well. If you know where to look, you can find a LOT of amazing self-published fantasy books. Senlin Ascends, Josiah Bancroft’s debut and the first book in The Books of Babel series, is one of them; the novel is filled with the exact opposite of all the negative points I mentioned. Orbit books have picked up this series, and Senlin Ascends will be re-released in January 2018. This means that the self-published edition is about to become a rare edition; I strongly suggest you get it now.

“We shouldn't have to go around congratulating each other for behaving with basic human dignity.”

Orbit Books made the right decision to traditionally publish this series. In every element of the novel, you can see how much passion the author infused into the narrative. The plot, the characters, the world-building, the prose; even the quality of the physical book were all wonderful. No kidding, the self-published trade paperback edition of the novel put a lot of traditionally published books to shame; under the lights, you can actually see the ink shone.

Senlin Ascends has a simple premise. Thomas Senlin, a timid, kind-hearted, and sensible teacher is on a honeymoon with his newlywed wife—Marya—to stay on the third level of the majestic and literally gigantic Tower of Babel. Before they even got the chance to start their honeymoon properly, Thomas lost track of Marya in the hectic and chaotic market. Now, Senlin will have to explore the tower of Babel—which turns out to be, of course, not as beautiful as he expected—on a wild goose chase to find his missing wife.

Picture: Senlin Ascends by Tom Kidd

But the simple premise is backed by many strong factors. Senlin Ascends is different from many mainstream fantasy novels, but it still retains elements that make any fantasy novel compelling and intriguing. Friendship, philosophies, adventure, heists, hope, despair, and a tiny section of well-written romance; readers will find a lot of relatable themes in this book. The complexity of the plot kept on unfolding; the narrative is divided into three acts, and in my opinion, the three acts felt like three sequential novellas that formed a bigger and connecting story.

“Senlin did not believe in that sort of love: sudden and selfish and insatiable. Love, as the poets so often painted it, was just bald lust wearing a pompous wig. He believed true love was more like an education: it was deep and subtle and never complete.”

The characters were well-written. Thomas Senlin’s character development was amazing; his growth from the first part—when he was timid, sensible, innocent—to how he became the man he must become to achieve his goal felt gradual and realistic. Thomas has always been a man of the written words, and now, he must use his wit and intelligence to become a man of action. However, another thing to be praised of Bancroft’s storytelling style was that every side character—Marya, Edith, Adam, Iren—received the same quality of treatment as Senlin did. Backgrounds of the characters were revealed, and each supporting character’s circumstances and personality were explored as efficiently as possible.

“It is easier to accept who you’ve become than to recollect who you were.”

One of the main highlights of the book, without a doubt, lies in its world-building. I’m going to spare you the details here for your own good, you have to experience every ringdom for yourself. Every part of the Tower of Babel is unique, distinctive, and bizarre; it made me feel like I just went on an unforgettable trip. Below here is a picture of the Tower of Babel illustrated by the author himself, and this is just a tiny fraction of the tower!

Picture: The Tower of Babel, The Lower Ringdoms by Josiah Bancroft

The world-building felt utterly immersive and atmospheric. Bancroft’s prose is accessible, beautiful, and well-polished. the Tower of Babel is a place you want—and should—dive into if you want an amazing and distinctive reading experience. Plus, I’m a sucker for Skyships and sky pirates. I’ve played a lot of steampunk video games, let’s say Bioshock Infinite for example, and Senlin Ascends made me feel like I just played that game again; this is a good thing.

The hype for Senlin Ascends are there for many good reasons. There’s no doubt that luck is required to get a signed deal, but I’m of the mindset that in life, in everything you do, luck can be always be improved. With hard work, perseverance, and patience, something great will not be lost to the world forever, and that’s exactly what happened to Senlin Ascends. Remember, this novel was first published in 2013. Yes, 2013! It took four years for a publishing company to finally pick up this hidden gem.

I owe a gratitude to Mark Lawrence (huge thanks to him, seriously) and Emily May for spreading the awareness for this book. If Bancroft gave up writing after releasing the sequel, Arms of the Sphinx in 2015, he probably won’t be signed by Orbit Books now. Once you know you’ve created something great with all your efforts; persevere and never give up. It's always easier said than done, but that's how it is in this world. Now, Josiah Bancroft has been signed by Orbit, and I’ll say that it’s totally well deserved. I'm going to conclude my review by stating that Senlin Ascends is a stunning fantasy steampunk debut; it’s easily one of the most unique fantasy novels I’ve read.

Bonus Picture: The trade paperbacks looks beautiful!

You can order the book from: Blackwells (Free International shipping)

You can find this and the rest of my reviews at Novel Notions | I also have a Booktube channel

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Quotes Petrik Liked

“We shouldn't have to go around congratulating each other for behaving with basic human dignity.”
Josiah Bancroft, Senlin Ascends

“It is easier to accept who you’ve become than to recollect who you were.”
Josiah Bancroft, Senlin Ascends

“Learning starts with failure.”
Josiah Bancroft, Senlin Ascends

“Senlin did not believe in that sort of love: sudden and selfish and insatiable. Love, as the poets so often painted it, was just bald lust wearing a pompous wig. He believed true love was more like an education: it was deep and subtle and never complete.”
Josiah Bancroft, Senlin Ascends

Reading Progress

November 11, 2016 – Shelved
June 26, 2017 – Started Reading
June 29, 2017 – Finished Reading
September 18, 2021 – Started Reading
September 22, 2021 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 83 (83 new)

Orient Enjoy! It's really a peculiar book :)

Petrik Orient wrote: "Enjoy! It's really a peculiar book :)"

Thank you Orient! oh you read this book already?? I'm kinda late to the party I guess xD

Orient Petrik wrote: "Orient wrote: "Enjoy! It's really a peculiar book :)"

Thank you Orient! oh you read this book already?? I'm kinda late to the party I guess xD"

Yes, a while ago :) Better late than never! :) Can't wait to see what you'll think about Senlin :)

Melissa ♥ Dog/Wolf Lover ♥ Martin I hope you guys enjoy. I want to read this some day. I'm still looking for friends I have known forever to buddy read with but no one wants to. And then some of my groups are starting books I can't read at the moment. Sigh, maybe it will all get sorted out. Lol

Mili Cool, I think its a fun series! Hope you like it :D

Petrik Orient wrote: "Petrik wrote: "Orient wrote: "Enjoy! It's really a peculiar book :)"

Thank you Orient! oh you read this book already?? I'm kinda late to the party I guess xD"

Yes, a while ago :) Better late than..."

I'll let you know when I'm done with it Orient! :)

message 7: by Nimrod (new) - added it

Nimrod Daniel I look forward your review :)

Petrik Melissa ♥ Dog Lover ♥ wrote: "I hope you guys enjoy. I want to read this some day. I'm still looking for friends I have known forever to buddy read with but no one wants to. And then some of my groups are starting books I can't..."

Thank you hon! ahh that's really too bad Mel! I hope it will get sorted out soon, also if you ever want to do a BR just message me, we'll work things out! :)

Petrik Mili wrote: "Cool, I think its a fun series! Hope you like it :D"

Thank you Mili!! glad to know you enjoyed it! :D

message 10: by Ceki (new) - added it

Ceki This sounds so interesting plus it's steampunk! Just put it on my tbr list~

Petrik Nimrod wrote: "I look forward your review :)"

Thanks Nim! My review should be up in 3 days at the latest! :)

Petrik Ceki wrote: "This sounds so interesting plus it's steampunk! Just put it on my tbr list~"

I heard only great things about this one Ceki! Plus, I love steampunk manga and video games! haven't read any novels based on the genre though so this will be my first dive into steampunk novel! :)

William E. Hope you have fun with it!

Alissa Hope you'll love it. It's one of my favorite reads of the last year.

ChopinFC I loved this book Petrik.. So creative and entertaining. It's a wild goose chase that will leave your head spinning..

message 16: by Haïfa (new)

Haïfa Oh these covers are sooo so gorgeous ! <3
How are you liking it so far dear ?!

Petrik William wrote: "Hope you have fun with it!"

thank you William! It's great so far! :)

Petrik Alissa wrote: "Hope you'll love it. It's one of my favorite reads of the last year."

That's so good to hear Alissa! From what I read so far, it's really great, can't believe this is an indie work!

Petrik Melika wrote: "Ooo, lovely! :D"

I know right!?

Petrik ChopinFC wrote: "I loved this book Petrik.. So creative and entertaining. It's a wild goose chase that will leave your head spinning.."

That's awesome Chopin! I agree with how creative it is, I'm about to reach The Bath! :D

Petrik Haïfoun wrote: "Oh these covers are sooo so gorgeous ! <3
How are you liking it so far dear ?!"

Very gorgeous, especially for an indie work! I'm liking it so far, around 100 pages in dear :)

Petrik Craig wrote: "Wow have fun Petrik!! It is a little strange and quirky but overall a very decent read, especially the final part, enjoy😂"

Thanks Craig! It's certainly bizarre but I thoroughly enjoyed it! :)

Petrik Craig wrote: "Wonderful review Petrik and you hit the nail on the head with many of your points!! Agreed the cover art is excellent😁"

Thank you Craig!!! I appreciate it! Glad to know you agree with me! :D

shanghao Wahh this seems so good! Maybe it's a similar concept with Tower of God manhwa (a webtoon and a tad cliche but exciting nonetheless lol). I hope they have this in ebook as I have no booksheld space ^^;

Oh and your review sold me! Great job Petrik!

Petrik sanny wrote: "Wahh this seems so good! Maybe it's a similar concept with Tower of God manhwa (a webtoon and a tad cliche but exciting nonetheless lol). I hope they have this in ebook as I have no booksheld space..."

Thank you Sanny!! Yes, this book is highly similar to the manhwa Tower of God (excluding the actions and 'games' of course) but the concept is more or less the same! I exclude it from my review cause well.. I don't think anyone here will know about that manhwa xD

Mary ~Ravager of Tomes~ Great review Petrik! I can't wait to read this one! It's gotten so much praise so I understand your con, it had a lot to live up to!

message 27: by Jokoloyo (new)

Jokoloyo Maybe Goodreads should start enhance the entries for web novels and web comics as Tower of God. :P

message 28: by Paul (new) - rated it 5 stars

Paul O’Neill Awesome review, great book.

message 29: by Mili (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mili Yeahh beautiful :D ( your review and the book itself! ). Very immersive and atmospheric indeed, wish I could be so descriptive of my experience of this book it deff deserves its attention :)

Petrik Mary ~Ravager of Tomes~ wrote: "Great review Petrik! I can't wait to read this one! It's gotten so much praise so I understand your con, it had a lot to live up to!"

Thank you Mary! I know it's crazy! Especially considering the fact this is an indie book, the hype it got was huge! :D

Petrik Jokoloyo wrote: "Maybe Goodreads should start enhance the entries for web novels and web comics as Tower of God. :P"

Well you can search for them on GR but they're not popular despite the ratings Joko, it's too bad really. So many amazing manhwa and manga that people missed!

Petrik Paul wrote: "Awesome review, great book."

Thank you Paul and I completely agree!

Petrik Mili wrote: "Yeahh beautiful :D ( your review and the book itself! ). Very immersive and atmospheric indeed, wish I could be so descriptive of my experience of this book it deff deserves its attention :)"

Aww thank you Mili!! The worldbuilding is definitely one of the highlight of the book! Glad to see Orbit picked this up! :D

Melanie Amazing review, love. And thank you so much again for sending me that picture! Haha! I can't wait to start book two with you tonight! 💗xx

message 35: by Colleen (new)

Colleen Great review! This definitely sounds cool!

Petrik Melanie wrote: "Amazing review, love. And thank you so much again for sending me that picture! Haha! I can't wait to start book two with you tonight! 💗xx"

Thank you love!! You're welcome! You shuld check the authors blog his drawings are beautiful!! He drew a picture of Iren, Marya and Red Hand too there! And yeay for another BR! 😁

Petrik Colleen wrote: "Great review! This definitely sounds cool!"

Thanks Colleen! It is! There isnt much action but the unique setting and prose really made the book shine!

message 38: by TS (new) - rated it 4 stars

TS Chan Awesome review, my friend!!

Now you made me want to get the trade paperback instead. Argggh... No I have a plan when it comes to my limited space for books and I'll stick to it :P

message 39: by Ginger (new) - added it

Ginger Great review my friend!! I bought the book the other day and hoping to read it this year. Are you reading the 2nd book now?

Celeste Yay!!! I'm so glad you loved this!! The philosophy was by far my favorite part of the book, mixed with the fantastic prose. Wonderful review, my love!

Luna. ✨ Great review precious! So glad you loved it! I agree with everything you said. I also found it to lose some appeal around the middle but that ending was incredible!

Petrik TS wrote: "Awesome review, my friend!!

Now you made me want to get the trade paperback instead. Argggh... No I have a plan when it comes to my limited space for books and I'll stick to it :P"

Thank you my friend!! hahaha that's too bad!! but yeah, your limited space is something to worry about! :D

Petrik Ginger wrote: "Great review my friend!! I bought the book the other day and hoping to read it this year. Are you reading the 2nd book now?"

Thank you Ginger!! oh nice! did you buy the physical version too? Yes I'm going to start the 2nd book now! :D

Petrik Celeste wrote: "Yay!!! I'm so glad you loved this!! The philosophy was by far my favorite part of the book, mixed with the fantastic prose. Wonderful review, my love!"

Thanks my love! I agree, I can't believe I forgot to mention that in my review *shame shame shame* but yeah, I loved it so much when Senlin and the narrative get philosophical! :)

Petrik ☽Luna☾ wrote: "Great review precious! So glad you loved it! I agree with everything you said. I also found it to lose some appeal around the middle but that ending was incredible!"

Thanks preciouss! yeah, there were some parts I think was supposed to be thrilling but it doesn't somehow, that's clearly due to my expectation but yeah, overall a fantastic book! :)

Jordan And now I'm trying it again because of this review :)

I gave up after the baths before he had to do something with a painting

Petrik Jordan wrote: "And now I'm trying it again because of this review :)

I gave up after the baths before he had to do something with a painting"

awesome! I hope the rest of the book will be better for you! :)

LittleBookDruid Great review. Kind of got me sad for purchasing this in ebook, lol.
But this is a book I was already really looking forward to diving into, you just made me more excited. :D

message 49: by Ginger (new) - added it

Ginger Petrik wrote: "Thank you Ginger!! oh nice! did you buy the physical version too? Yes I'm going to start the 2nd book now! :D "

Nope, I bought the Kindle version because I'm cheap like that. ;) hahaha
Enjoy the second book my dear and looking forward to seeing what you think about that!!

Petrik LittleBookDruid wrote: "Great review. Kind of got me sad for purchasing this in ebook, lol.
But this is a book I was already really looking forward to diving into, you just made me more excited. :D"

Thank you Druid! hahaha well some of the words had me looking up for dictionary so there's an upside in reading from ebook! hope you enjoy it :)

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