Torie's Reviews > Beautiful Disaster

Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire
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Because you feel like such shit for reading it, but you can't stop yourself from reading it anyway. There were more typos than I could count, the dialogue is just so cheesy it's cringe-worthy, the boy is such a Gary-Sue, BUT...oh my Lord I could NOT stop myself. I was so grossed out by myself for liking it, my boyfriend was grossed out by me liking it, but I couldn't pull myself away!

The Issues
The boy is a character OBVIOUSLY conjured by a woman and a HUGE Gary Sue! He's a bad-boy that's superb at fighting, but he's still a genius that doesn't have to work towards school. How convenient! No one can beat him at a fight and no girl can pass him without shamelessly throwing herself at him. The only flaw he really seems to have is his inability to control his anger and his violent tendencies (which apparently make him all the more appealing), but other than that, he's pretty peachy keen. He has a sob story, which isn't really all that sad, but McGuire was trying to fault him somewhere--anywhere--and his lack of a mother seemed good enough. He says all the right things, that are so incredibly cheesy, and it makes me wince every time I read them.

The girl is a special little snowflake. I didn't really hate her, and I didn't quite love her, but since I was saddled with her, I chose to quietly accept her as a narrator. Her decisions were so stupid sometimes and so ridiculous, that it was unbelievable. Like, I wanted to hit her and say, "Really? Why are you such a wuss? Why are you so weak? Why do you keep running?" Her sob story wasn't really that sad either, but I guess EVERYONE has to have a sad backstory in this tale. Ugggh. I did not sympathize with her at all. It was such an absurd sob story that I like really could care less.

The cliches run so rampant throughout the book! The only girl who refuses the sexy bad boy is the one he wants the most. Why? I don't know! Nothing really stands out about her other than she wears short dresses and gets drunk a lot. I guess that's hot for boys. I'll take note! If a boy hits on you, try to repel him by being bitchy, ugly, and distant and he will LOVE YOU even if he denies everyone else!

The foil to the boy was horribly developed. He did not prove a strong antagonist because all Abby would describe him as is "rich, cute and charming," so we don't really learn much about him other than that. Like, what are we going to do with the fact that he's going to go to Harvard?? It's too obvious that he's supposed to be the polar opposite of Travis' "wrong side of the tracks" lifestyle (and supposedly the right choice for Abby), and therefore makes it too obvious who she's going to choose.

Why I loved it anyway

The narrator was annoying, but she wasn't THAT bad. Sometimes I enjoyed her quips, and I sure as hell enjoyed the smutty scenes (Mcguire, you sure can write some good smut!), but what I really loved were the supporting characters. Loved America! Though, to be completely honest, I've never heard of a blonde girl named America before. I love when girls actually have supportive girl friends rather than destructive ones. It's a refreshing change and I loved it. Shep was really minor and off to the side, so I can't really talk about him since he just pops in when it's convenient. I like the whole fighting idea and some of the plot turns were really fun to read. Travis may have been a Gary Sue, but aside from all the CHEESINESS he oozed, you get to like some of the stuff he says and does. But seriously, SO MUCH CHEESE. THE DIALOGUE MADE ME WANT TO CLAW MY EYES OUT. UGH.

Still, I enjoyed it and I absolutely hate myself for it.
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Reading Progress

July 3, 2011 – Started Reading
July 3, 2011 – Shelved
July 3, 2011 –
24.0% "Ugh. Fuck. I feel so guilty reading this book because it is so formulaic and the "bad-boy" character Travis is just too ridiculous. The perfect man, yes, but unrealistically so! Some of the stuff he says makes him sound like a woman. That's like writing about a guy that's actually INTERESTED in hearing how your day was! Impossible! HA. They put a male foil to Travis that's supposed to be an opposing love..(cont)"
July 3, 2011 –
24.0% "interest, but this "Parker" guy just sounds gay. And not in the offensive sense, but in the "I like other boys" sense. He's supposed to play the "perfect man" as opposed to Travis' bad boy persona. Puh-leeze! This is just so bad, but I can't stop reading it. Dear lawd. It makes me feel so fucking guilty reading this. HAHA. UGH. SOMEONE STOP ME."
July 3, 2011 –
July 5, 2011 – Finished Reading
August 16, 2011 – Shelved as: reviewed
January 11, 2015 – Shelved as: books-i-own

Comments Showing 1-43 of 43 (43 new)

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message 1: by delane (new) - added it

delane That's exactly how I felt whe my daughter forced me to watch "Napaoleon Dynamite".....100 times (maybe not 100, but I felt like my head was gonna explode every time so I'm rounding up for trauma!)
I hated that I laughed...but damn...just couldn't help it!

Torie HAHA. It's like a guilty pleasure!

message 3: by delane (new) - added it

delane Gotta admit....MY guilty pleasure is those damn Black Dagger Brotherhood books...I can't explain it...I THINK that I'm a some what intelligent gal (my kids and dogs would disagree most of the time...) and I know that the stinkin thangs are silly but sighhhhh I get the 'oh my goodnesssses' (that's my southern seeping through) over those brothers....
I'm mad at myself every single time I spend money on one of the things, but I will have it pre-ordered next year too.

Torie I heard those were good, actually! Haha. Or is it Twilight-esque?

message 5: by delane (new) - added it

delane It's Twilight-esque only if Larry Flint wrote them....
Edward's bastard cousins, that are always excluded from the family reunions...that's what it is!

Melissa I just have to agree with you and say that this book IS like crack!!! I started reading it and couldn't stop. When I did stop, sitting at work, all I could do was think of Travis...I think I was beginning to obsess over him myself!! I loved the ending and I'm happy they had the HEA =)

Torie HAHA! I imagined Travis Barker when I pictured Travis. I wish that McGuire gave us more to go on other than his ripped body, tattoos and his shaved head, so I could form a better picture in my mind.

NList You are so right with this book being cracktastic! I don't think I am supposed to like this book...but I couldn't put it down. It is a Lifetime Movie waiting to happen.

Torie HAHA. It's very bittersweet reading this book, I think. You like it, but you hate it, and yourself, at the same time. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a Lifetime Movie. It would make womens' hormones go craaaazyyy.

Gehwane hahaha

message 11: by Brit (new) - rated it 5 stars

Brit I feel the EXACT same way!

Wiznee hahaha. Touche!

message 13: by Ruby (new) - added it

Ruby  Tombstone Lives! Okay - I NEED to know what a Gary-Sue is!

Torie A Gary-Sue or a Gary-Stu is a male character lacking flaws (E.G. Edward Cullen).

message 15: by Angela (new)

Angela S haha, I love it that you hate yourself for loving it. We're doing a Grudge match over this book on the YA curator. Would love for you to come post your thoughts.

JoJo - JJJ (Jo Anna) Janesko Awesome review. You are a stitch!!!

Basirat Atif Oh yes the typos. Loved the book but it seriously needed some proof reading.

Debbie  **loves spring** Schirmann I agree with everything you noted - and yes, I liked it anyway. LOL!

message 19: by Tiny (new) - rated it 5 stars

Tiny Mendoza I couldn't agree more. =))

Virginia @Torie Oh my god! I COMPLETELY agree with your review!!! I felt so bad for giving this book 4 stars that I was actually contemplating the idea of writing a review to explain myself (I've nerver written a review in my life), but your review is so dead on! I can't believe I couldn't put this book down when it was so, so wrong! Codependency is not ok and anger management issues should be dealt with, not just quietly accepted..... Still... I loved it :S Damn it!
I guess we all have that silly fantasy of taming the wild bad boy :S

Torie @Virginia: Riiiight? I totally agree with everything everyone has said about it being a completely abusive relationship, Travis being a terrible boyfriend and so on and so on, but there was something in me that wanted me to keep reading! The ending totally ruined it for me though. The Vegas wedding and tattoo scene just read tacky to me.

Thanks everyone else for your comments! :)

message 22: by Virginia (last edited Jan 30, 2012 07:11PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Virginia @Torie Yes, sadly, I think tackiness was a key ingredient in several parts of this book. I kept thinking: Wow, this is a perfect example of what NOT to do when you're a 19 year old freshman in college, like don't elope to Vegas and get married, do not get a tattoo of your husband's name, especially when you've been married for less than a day! oh and the having sex for the first time without any kind of birth control!!! even if you're sure you're not ovulating, it's not ok!. *Sighs* Again, despite all of this I really loved Beautiful Disaster, it's like my common sense just takes a leave of absent when it comes to this book!

Torie ^ HAHA! Too funny. Yeah, seriously. McGuire should have just named the book "A Life You Should Stay Away From." I swear to G. I bet she's going to write a sequel to the book and they're going to have a baby as soon as they get back from Vegas and they're going to name it "Pidgeon," or "Parrot," or "Ringworm." Uggggh.

Virginia LOL! Maybe they'll try to get a little fancier and name it "Dove" hahaha. I read here on goodreads that there are going to be two more books, one will be about Trent's story and the other one will be Beautiful disaster from Travis's POV. Can't wait to find out what he was thinking when he was having that threesome, how romantic! LMAO!(I should really stop trashing this book, since I'm sure I'll be reading it in the future. Damn it, I am hopless! :S

message 25: by Tara (new) - rated it 3 stars

Tara Bilbao I love your review of this book. Perfect analogy to crack. I hate myself for loving it and reading the whole thing. There is no substance and every single lame chick fantasy here. Great review!

Torie @Tara, glad you liked it! Haha! Thank you for your kind words. We need to set up a "Beautiful Disaster Anonymous" club or something because the shame I feel for liking this book is overwhelming.

Applebee Don't Worry. You're not the only one. I Hate Myself too for liking this BIG SHIT of Book. :)

Michelle What smutty scenes?

Torie The sex scenes and the scenes where she vividly describes her grindin' on Travis. Haha!

message 30: by Kara (new) - rated it 1 star

Kara I did hate myself for not hating this book nearly as much as I should have, and crack is the perfect analogy, but in the end the typos and the general bad writing and the complete-ignoring-of-reality-to-make-a-plot-twist got on my nerves more than any secret shameful enjoyment I got out of it.

Torie The typos drove me nuts! Some of them so were glaring, it made me question whether or not she revised it at all. So sloppy!

message 32: by Kara (new) - rated it 1 star

Kara The little things irked me to no end. Like seriously, the timeline made no sense - America & Shep must have been together like 2 seconds after they met. And wasn't Travis' dad an alcoholic? Why was he drinking beer? And WTF was the deal with Parker buying her diamonds?!?! And don't even get me started on Vegas.
But something tells me I will be reading the Travis POV when it comes out. I totally hate myself.

Torie ^ Ugh. Me, too. I hated the convenience of everything. How she was like, "Oh. Boilers are down. The next logical thing for me to do is sleep in the same bed with that guy and stay with him." Uh. What?

message 34: by Kara (new) - rated it 1 star

Kara The timing was the worst for me. When exactly did America and Shep have time to become the perfect couple since school had just started? Travis and Abby technically dated like a week and a half before they broke up in Vegas.... W! T! F!?!?!?!? This whole book was based off a 2 week relationship?! I'm still angry about that. Jaime has some explaining to do. grrrrrrrr

Torie Honestly, it's relationships like these that make the American divorce rate so high!

message 36: by Kara (new) - rated it 1 star

Kara Yeah I couldn't handle it. It let me know that she was just writing scenes and had given no thought to the overall story/structure. Ugh. I really wish I could get my 2.99 back.

Michelle Totally agree. It was a boring, stupid story.

Louise Kemp Just reading your review and I need to ask what's a Gary-Sue type bloke ?? Lost in translation, never heard that before :o)

Torie ^Oops! Sorry, Louise, I didn't see this comment until now. A Gary Sue, or a Gary Stu, is an overly perfect male character with little to no flaws. He's the male equivalent of a Mary Sue, who is a female character with no flaws.

Louise Kemp Torie wrote: "^Oops! Sorry, Louise, I didn't see this comment until now. A Gary Sue, or a Gary Stu, is an overly perfect male character with little to no flaws. He's the male equivalent of a Mary Sue, who is ..."

He he thanks Torie :o)

Ashley Claudy Exactly on point! but I too still loved it all while wondering why!?! I blame my inner teen..

Torie My inner teen makes me ashamed of myself. HAHA

Belle LMAO at "The girl is a special little snowflake." Great review!

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