Mariam's Reviews > Nightfall

Nightfall by Shannon Messenger
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bookshelves: 2017-pub, fantasy, middle-grade, love-triangles, best-cast, cover-love

Can we stop pretending this is a dinner party and get back to why you have a drawing of the Nightfall symbol?

Please do.


So many characters and alter-egos and talking and the love triangle/square that ultimately makes me hate Keefe (I'm sorry! I don't want to!) and all of this chaos. There's only so much you can put in a series, Shannon Messenger. I'm sorry, but this is too much.

A List of My Issues:

1. Too Many Characters

I miss the old crew. They were well-defined characters that I treasured. But now? They hardly show up in the book! Dex is shoved into the background where he makes random gadgets appear to advance the plot, Fitz has officially earned the title of "Sophie's Energy Booster" and nothing more (MY POOR BABY WHY.) The two newer characters, Linh and Tam, aren't too bad, but the bodyguards and Black Swan members keep throwing me off because there are so many of them! That may be my fault, though, because I didn't get the chance to reread the previous book before reading this book.

2. No One Knows What the Hell is Going On

“I know you’re still refusing to see me as anything more than a villain in this conflict, but like it or not, I’m the only one trying to build a solution.”
“To what?” Sophie asked.
“Problems you’re still not ready to face.

That's code for "IDK." Please remind me what the bad guys are being bad for because I honestly don't remember. And it doesn't seem anyone in the book remembers either.

3. The WORST Love Triangle/Square I Have Ever Faced

Twilight's love triangle was bad. Red Queen's love triangle was bad. Heck, The Hunger Games' love triangle was bad because ALL love triangles are bad. But what makes Nightfall's love triangle/square/thing the worst?

I love Keefe, Fitz, and Dex. Since book one, I have learned to love them, and when it comes to choosing one of them for Sophie, it's only natural I have to cringe when the other two have a "moment" with her. Dex didn't suffer too badly, but poor, poor Keefe did. Every time he even gets close to Sophie I find myself hating him which makes me want to cry.

4. The Plot

The series is going in circles. Repetition, repetition, repetition. Enough said. Specifically, though, Nightfall's plot was atrociously weak. There was a whole lot of sitting around a table and planning, and very little doing. And the lack of explanation really turned me off.

5. Fitz

Fitz has been my favorite character since book one so he deserves a category of his own. Not once in the entire book did he get to show off his skills and much of his personality was smothered by Sophie and Keefe. He is a delicate character, a character that I tucked under my wing and watched blossom from "Wonderboy" to a man that will stop at nothing to protect his friends. He deserves so much better and I adored every moment he made an appearance in Nightfall. Seriously, though, he's gotten so touchy-feely with Sophie. He's wearing cologne now. My little cinnamon roll is all grown up.

“Tell me about it,” Fitz said, fanning the front of his red bramble jersey. “I was halfway through my morning run when Blur showed up—so now I’m all sweaty.”
“And smelling awesome,” Keefe added with a choked cough.

God, I miss the Fitz/Keefe friendship. And the Sophie/Biana friendship.

But most of all, I miss the old, simplistic plot. I love Shannon Messenger's writing, I really do, but not this book. Try again next time?
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Reading Progress

January 2, 2017 – Shelved
January 2, 2017 – Shelved as: to-read
January 2, 2017 – Shelved as: 2017-pub
January 2, 2017 – Shelved as: fantasy
January 2, 2017 – Shelved as: middle-grade
November 22, 2017 – Started Reading
November 25, 2017 – Finished Reading
December 3, 2017 – Shelved as: love-triangles
March 11, 2019 – Shelved as: cover-love
March 11, 2019 – Shelved as: best-cast

Comments Showing 1-20 of 20 (20 new)

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Lillian Fonseca I agree. #SOPHITZ FOR LIFE!!!

Sarah aaaah ! i'm feeling so proud when someone recognize fitz's beautiful personality and potential. My baby deserves so much better !

Mariam Sarah wrote: "aaaah ! i'm feeling so proud when someone recognize fitz's beautiful personality and potential. My baby deserves so much better !"

I hope he gets in on more action in the next book!

message 4: by may (new) - rated it 2 stars

may I agree so much on this part, especially about Fitz oh my goodness. I totally miss him and Keefe together, and WHERE THE HECK WAS DEX HALF THE BOOK?

Mariam M wrote: "I agree so much on this part, especially about Fitz oh my goodness. I totally miss him and Keefe together, and WHERE THE HECK WAS DEX HALF THE BOOK?"

I know!! The poor boy is literally a background character now! :'(

message 6: by may (new) - rated it 2 stars

may I miss them all so much, it's kind of depressing what happened to every character except Keefe and Sophie after Neverseen

Brianna Yeah, I totally understand. Its gotten sooo... complicated. It's like, too confuzzling. Too many names and too many people and sometimes, I will be like, wait, who is that, in the middle of an important event. Its really distracting. Lodestar was WAY better, along with all the other books in Keeper. I feel like all my lovely characters were too busy in this book. Dex was gone. Keefe was sick in bed... and Fitz, don'T GET ME STARTED IT WAS LIKE HE WAS DECORATION OR SOMETHING.

message 8: by may (new) - rated it 2 stars




Creative.Landfill Agh!!! I agree with all of your points, especially about the love triangle! I feel like the love triangle was taking center stage in this book, which led to the weaker plot. Fitz was definitely very useless in this book, and I feel like I would like both Keefe and Fitz much more if they weren't presented as love interests.

Ethence PREACH. I, for one, would LOVE IT if Shannon gives Sophie more time with Lin h, Biana, Dex and tone down on all the romance. AND PLEASE GIVE FITZ MORE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT AND MORE LOVE FOR DEX AND BIANA PLEASE. I feel like all Nightfall really did was to give us more questions, not answers.

message 11: by Eli (new) - rated it 5 stars

Eli Markman I know what’s going on.

EmmaVictoria2000 A long story is a complex story just deal with it.

That's the interesting and great thing with keeper ... We still don't know if the vilans are real vilans! That's like the whole point of it ! Vilans are everywhere! We can all become the vilan of our storie and every nice character has done something wrong that helped the neverseen since the beginning of the first book !

Dex is MEANT to be a background character ! He is shy and is creating gadgets that's just in his
nature !

Mariam EmmaVictoria2000 wrote: "A long story is a complex story just deal with it.

That's the interesting and great thing with keeper ... We still don't know if the vilans are real vilans! That's like the whole point of it ! Vil..."

There is a difference between complex stories and stories where the plot is wayward. I agree, the uncertainty of the villain's true motives are exhilaration- as a matter of fact, that is one of my favorite aspects of the Keeper series. Also, just because someone is a background character does not mean they need to remain absent. And no, he's not absent because he's shy, it's because the author didn't include him in majority of the scenes.

Faith Yes!! Somebody who notices Fitz! He deserves so much better. I honestly feel like Fitz is kind of being thrown aside. He's supposed to be one of the strongest telepaths ever, even better than his father but then Sophie comes along and she's not only stronger, but she also has twenty other abilities. I wish the love triangle would be toned down too.

Creative.Landfill "A long story is a complex story just deal with it."

The plot isn't complex- it's become downright convoluted. And it seems most people are irritated that Dex isn't included because he WAS a main character in the first two books. His absence in the later books (which is explained away as that he's working for the Council) would be bearable IF his weapons for the Council were more relevant to the plot more often.

And yeah, I'd love for Fitz to get some proper development. His character needs it.

Mariam C wrote: ""A long story is a complex story just deal with it."

The plot isn't complex- it's become downright convoluted. And it seems most people are irritated that Dex isn't included because he WAS a main ..."

Well said!! There's a big difference between complex and chaotic. That's what bothered me the most with this book.

Rocketdog I definitely agree that the plot is repetitive. The books that come later in the series are literally just the black swan and Sophie and her friends running in circles trying to fight something they don't even fully understand. Lodestar completely proved this(when Gethen destroyed Lumenaria), Sophie is so so SO powerful yet she tries to save everyone and that sets her back. I wish this series would grow up a little, I feel like if there wasn't the whole idea that "guilt is an elves worst flaw" we'd get a whole lot more action on what it's actually like to fight an order of villains and murderers.

KEEPER OF THE LOST CITIES IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

message 19: by Lar (new) - rated it 4 stars

Lar Justice 4 Fitz

Sophie Rigby Yeh, I miss Dex

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