Loretta's Reviews > A Grief Observed

A Grief Observed by C.S. Lewis
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bookshelves: catholic, classic, my-2018-reading-challenge, religion

I bought this book about ten years ago for a reason. It sat on my bookshelf all that time. Recently a Goodreads friend of mine (Shirley) picked it for me to read for our group's challenge. So I couldn't hide from it anymore.

My mother died in January 2007 and my father died in June 2007. To say that I was overcome with grief is a colossal understatement. Losing one parent is hard enough but two? Bereavement counseling was my lifeline. In counseling they suggested I write in a journal to express my grief. It was a very hard process.

I was never angry with God (I'm Catholic) for taking them away from me. As a matter of fact my faith and love in God increased tremendously. Without God's love I don't know how I would have survived.

So, that's the reason why A Grief Observed by C.S. Lewis sat on my bookshelf for all these years. I just didn't want to bring my grief to the forefront again. I knew reading the book would bring back a lot of emotions and sadness (which, by the way, never really goes away. It's just a different kind sadness).

A Grief Observed was a painful read. I could feel C.S. Lewis's heartache, raw emotions. I felt a kindred spirit in reading his words and knowing that I wasn't alone in my grief.

Death is hard. The grieving period is hard. It takes time to regroup but in the end you do survive.

Thanks Shirley for picking this book for me. ☺️

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Reading Progress

March 9, 2017 – Shelved as: to-read
March 9, 2017 – Shelved
May 1, 2018 – Started Reading
May 5, 2018 – Shelved as: catholic
May 5, 2018 – Shelved as: classic
May 5, 2018 – Shelved as: my-2018-reading-challenge
May 5, 2018 – Shelved as: religion
May 5, 2018 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-34 of 34 (34 new)

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message 1: by Julie (new)

Julie Carpenter Great review Loretta. Death is hard and grieving brings so many emotions. I've had several deaths in my family over the last couple months. And over the last couple years. Many were easier because they were in their 90s and lived wonderful lives. One was a young cousin who was killed and left behind a very young family and absolutely heartbreaking for everyone. But the grieving and sorrow/sadness is still there no matter the age or how death comes.

I'm sorry to hear about both of your parents passing so close together. I hope you've found peace over the years.

message 2: by Sue (new)

Sue Loretta such a beautiful sentiment in yr review and I’m sorry for your loss. I too lost my parents a year apart from each last year and the ache every day is overwhelming sometimes. I may seek this book out when I’m ready to face those feelings as it’s a struggle some days to focus on normal.

message 3: by Skye (new)

Skye Wonderful review, Loretta; I love C.S. Lewis, and I understand your grief personally! Losing parents is one of the hardest losses.

Loretta Julie wrote: "Great review Loretta. Death is hard and grieving brings so many emotions. I've had several deaths in my family over the last couple months. And over the last couple years. Many were easier because ..."

Thank you Julie for your very kind words and please accept my heartfelt condolences for the loss of your cousin.

Death is hard. It is. Time is definitely our friend, although while I was grieving hearing people tell me that, it didn't resonate, at all.

I have found peace, solace but not a day goes by without me thinking about them and I still have a good cry every now and then. It's good for the soul!

Thanks for reading my review Julie. 😊

Loretta Sue wrote: "Loretta such a beautiful sentiment in yr review and I’m sorry for your loss. I too lost my parents a year apart from each last year and the ache every day is overwhelming sometimes. I may seek this..."

Sue I'm so sorry to hear about your parents passing a year apart from each other!

I wouldn't pick this book up anytime soon Sue! It took me ten years to have the courage to open it up! Give yourself some more time. The book will be there when you are mentally prepared to read it.

Thank you for reading my review Sue! 😊

Loretta Skye wrote: "Wonderful review, Loretta; I love C.S. Lewis, and I understand your grief personally! Losing parents is one of the hardest losses."

Thank you Skye! Not much of a review, really, as it was almost a cleansing. Still miss my parents terribly and I guess I always will. 😕

message 7: by Julie (new)

Julie Carpenter 💖 yes crying is definitely good and cathartic. I find myself doing the same at very unexpected moments. A memory will surface, a birthday comes again, a favorite song, a silly phrase, anything that brings back thoughts of a loved one. I'm so grateful though for all those moments. I think it's harder when I think of the what ifs, why didn't I, I should have...I have to shut those out and remember to live now in a way that I soak up all the moments and memories and create them with my family and loved ones.

Thanks for the condolences. I truly appreciate that.

message 8: by Leila (new) - added it

Leila Such a sad and genuine review Loretta. Losing your parents all in a few months must have been devastating. This loss is so final. I'm glad this little classic book helped a little and I fully understand it was a book for the time. Grief of this kind never goes away, it just changes a little. The only relief perhaps is the collection of memories in your heart. No one can take those away. Keep your chin up.

Shirley (stampartiste) Oh, I'm so very sorry that this book brought back so much pain, Loretta. Now I understand why this book was such a hard read for you. I am amazed that you were able to finish it. I hope Lewis helped you in some small measure. Hugs, my friend!

message 10: by Skye (new)

Skye Loretta wrote: "Skye wrote: "Wonderful review, Loretta; I love C.S. Lewis, and I understand your grief personally! Losing parents is one of the hardest losses."

Thank you Skye! Not much of a review, really, as it..."

I miss mine, and all the many people I lost that one year.

Laura I am so sorry for your loss.

Loretta Laura wrote: "I am so sorry for your loss."

Thank you Laura! 🙂

message 13: by Kathy (new)

Kathy Thank you Loretta for a fabulous review. I am truly sorry for your loss. I recently lost my Mom but your words give me hope. I' d like to read this book at some point, maybe not just yet.

Loretta Kathy wrote: "Thank you Loretta for a fabulous review. I am truly sorry for your loss. I recently lost my Mom but your words give me hope. I' d like to read this book at some point, maybe not just yet."

Kathy, I'm so sorry about your mom.

Thank you for your kind words about my review. I never thought my words would have a profound effect on anyone, since the words came from my heart through the love that I have for my parents.

I'd wait in reading the book Kathy. Look at me, it took me ten years to crack it open and it still brought back painful memories. But as I said in my review, the sadness is always there but you do survive. And trust me, I know my parents and your mom too, would want us to move forward and live our lives and to think of the happy memories about them when they were here.

It will get better.

message 15: by Kathy (new)

Kathy Thanks Loretta.

Loretta Kathy wrote: "Thanks Loretta."


Loretta Christina wrote: "I'm sorry for your loss and thanks for sharing. I read this after my brother passed away from a accidental overdose. I was hoping for answers and hope that he's at peace. I believe it's OK to take ..."

I'm sorry about your brother Christina. It is definitely a process, one that just takes time.

Sarah Clawson Why 3 stars though

Loretta Sarah wrote: "Why 3 stars though"

Have you read the book Sarah?

message 20: by Dierregi (new)

Dierregi Still too early for me to read this... my father died last July, my mum in February... but thanks for your review. One day I'll manage to read the actual thing.

Loretta Dierregi wrote: "Still too early for me to read this... my father died last July, my mum in February... but thanks for your review. One day I'll manage to read the actual thing."

Your situation sounds very similar to mine dierregi. My deepest sympathies. No need to read this book now or never for that matter. So many other cheery books out there to read! 🤗

message 22: by Dierregi (new)

Dierregi Loretta wrote: "Dierregi wrote: "Still too early for me to read this... my father died last July, my mum in February... but thanks for your review. One day I'll manage to read the actual thing."

Your situation so..."

Thanks and wish you strength, courage and serenity

Loretta Dierregi wrote: "Loretta wrote: "Dierregi wrote: "Still too early for me to read this... my father died last July, my mum in February... but thanks for your review. One day I'll manage to read the actual thing."


My thanks to you Dierregi! 😊

message 24: by Linda (new)

Linda My sentiments to you Loretta....I have list both parents also, just not so close together as you....when both are gone, you are truly an orphan, excepting our memories....God bless you ♥️

Loretta Linda wrote: "My sentiments to you Loretta....I have list both parents also, just not so close together as you....when both are gone, you are truly an orphan, excepting our memories....God bless you ♥️"

Thank you Linda. I really appreciate your kindness. Yes. I thank God everyday for my many beautiful memories. God bless you too Linda (Linda was my mom's name ☺️).

message 26: by Leah (new) - rated it 3 stars

Leah McEvoy I just finished reading “Becoming Mrs. Lewis”. I was captivated with the love of Jack and Joy. On February 15th of this year, my 2nd of 4 sons died in a construction accident
Daniel was 30 years old and leaves behind a 4 year old son. Reading has become my therapy. It helps me get through the long sleepless and painful nights. Takes me away to another place for a few hours each day. It has been my lifeline. “A Grief Observed” is now on my to be read list.
Peace and love to all stumbling along this devastating journey ❤️

Loretta Leah wrote: "I just finished reading “Becoming Mrs. Lewis”. I was captivated with the love of Jack and Joy. On February 15th of this year, my 2nd of 4 sons died in a construction accident
Daniel was 30 years o..."

I'm so sorry for your loss Leah. I know it sounds really cliché and pretty unbelievable now but truly, your grief and sadness will ease. I never thought it would but time does heal. I will tell you this though, not a day goes by that I don't think of my parents with love and somedays it's happy memories and other days the memories bring tears but they do pass. With my faith in God I know that they're in a better place. Not knowing your religious beliefs take care because God will bring you through.

Peace to you Leah...☺️

message 28: by Ruth (new) - added it

Ruth Hi Loretta,
Your review was compelling and beautiful.
I am sorry for your profound loss.
Thankfully, Shirley was there for you at the right time.

Loretta Ruth wrote: "Hi Loretta,
Your review was compelling and beautiful.
I am sorry for your profound loss.
Thankfully, Shirley was there for you at the right time."

Thanks Ruth. I really appreciate your kind words...🤗

message 30: by Leona (new)

Leona I am sorry for your loss.

Parmida R. A. I am so sorry for your loss. It must have been so hard for you. May God bless their noble souls. I, too, love God most than ever when I am in the middle of trenches. In fact, I can see God more clear when I am facing a great suffering. After all “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” :)

Tom LA Hello, thank you for this great review. I am catholic, too, and I'm not sure I undertstand your comment where you say: "I was never angry with God (I'm catholic), since both scriptures and doctrine teach us that expressing anger towards God is, in fact, a valid kind of prayer.

Loretta Tom LA wrote: "Hello, thank you for this great review. I am catholic, too, and I'm not sure I undertstand your comment where you say: "I was never angry with God (I'm catholic), since both scriptures and doctrine..."

Well Tom, growing Catholic, I was taught never to be angry with God for God is good. After losing my parents I could have taken the low road, if you will, but instead, as I said, my relationship with God increased, which was my salvation.

I’d be curious where in the Bible it says that it’s okay to be angry with God. Can you offer some scripture readings?

Tom LA Of course, and thanks for asking — as a couple of examples, in the Bible, Jonah was angry with God after feeling that he was mistreated (Jonah 4:1-11). Job expressed similar feelings (Job 3:1-26). In a few Psalms, we also feel the frustration and anger of the author towards God. In a way, it takes faith to be angry with God. If we didn’t think he existed, or if we thought he wasn’t in control of things, we wouldn’t have any reason to be angry. It is because we believe these things that we struggle with God. There are no easy answers, of course. For thousands of years, people of faith have struggled with the question of evil in the world, and it’s perfectly human to feel anger at the existence of evil, mainly because we do not see God’s plan for what it is, in our limited minds.

I suggest two brief YouTube videos on this topic. Here are their titles, because Goodreads doesn’t allow me to share the links:

1). “Being angry with God isn’t a sin”

2). “Faith when you’re frustrated with God”

God bless you,


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