Trish's Reviews > Dogs of War

Dogs of War by Adrian Tchaikovsky
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's review

it was amazing

I finished this late last night (has been a while since I stayed up so late to finish a book) but had to seriously ponder how to write this review.

Only recently I read Adrian Tchaikovsky's Children of Time and it is clear from these two books that the author has a wonderful sense of bringing the thoughts and feelings of animals (sorry, bioforms) to life. It is also clear that the author doesn't consider animals to be "just animals" but sees them on the same level as humans if not even one above. A notion with which I completely agree.

This book, then, is about Rex, a dog-like bioform engineered for war. He combines canine senses with sentience, human DNA and then also got cybernetically integrated weapons systems. He is the leader of one of the first few multi-form squads, meaning teams that consist of more than one kind of animal/bioform. It is also about what the engineers designed him to be and be capable of and what he actually is and is capable of. The same goes for the rest of his team.

The book uses multiple POVs from doctors to lawyers to all kinds of bioforms in order to explore topics such as the role of artificial intelligence in society (there is a history of robotics too), responsibility and guilt, what exactly we humans define as humanity, the ethics of conflict resolution and the manufacturing of sentient biological life. The different angles allow the author to give the reader many different perspectives with which to identify or not and allow for an objective as well as emotional exploration.
And he shows that there are never easy answers, easy solutions, and we often revert back to the old ways just because their familiarity offers comfort while new ways are often scary.
making choices is the price of being free
Nevertheless, at some point I was wondering where the author will take this because I had thought we had reached the end of the narrative. However, the author had a lot of threads that he weaved into a complex web of a lot of other important questions. Thanks to the fact that the entire book was interspersed with all kinds of wars and conflicts, it never got boring or too preachy / theoretical.

What I loved about this book was in what detail the author described each individual bioform and therefore gave them actual life and personality. We have the typical mammals but also marine bioforms, reptiles and even hive-minds (a very intriguing concept).
Rex has a lot of canine traits, while Dragon is a typical reptile, Bees' consciousness is literally buzzing all over the place, and the felines are ... well, cats (there was an enormously funny moment in the book when a character actually said
Even chipped to the eyeballs you can't get cats to do what you want them to do.
and it definitely nails their best-known character trait).
However, this realistic portrayal of the bioforms' characters was also what was very difficult to read and especially after / because of their development I cried more than once.

Last but not least, I like how thorough the author is with his exploration of a topic. It would have been easy to end this book after the events in Campeche / Retorna but we went much further because the topic is and would be complex and winning one battle does in no way mean you'll win the war.
Moreover, as far as I can tell from conversations with veterans, he's really done a great job in realistically portraying what it means to be part of something bigger, wanting to protect and having a purpose - and being stripped of it later. He teaches the reader about integrity and sacrifice.

A true gem in this book was his criticism of current social and political problems in the world:
Perhaps the idealism of the Anarchistas had decayed into the sort of backbiting rabies that such popular movements so often devolved into, not fighting for, just fighting against.

flavour-of-the-month outrage

Technology is not Good Tech or Bad Tech. It is the Master who is guilty for what it does.
Sounds like comments to very current topics to me.

To me, this is one of the most important books when it comes to considering the future of bio-tech, human engineering and the ethics that should not be forgotten but go with the territory and the author has quickly become one of my favourites simply for having a fantastic way of making the reader THINK.

Now, does anyone have the author's address so I can send him the bill for all the tissues I needed? :P

Thanks go to Netgalley and the publisher / author for giving me the opportunity to read this early.
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Reading Progress

October 2, 2017 – Shelved
October 3, 2017 –
5.0% "Very distinct writing style but that was to be expected as large parts of the book are from the perspective of Rex, the dog(-like creature)."
October 7, 2017 –
10.0% "It's not always easy reading the parts from Rex's point of view but those are definitely the most interesting ones. We already got foreshadowing of where this will lead but not about what the resolution will look like (if there is one).
Been reading up on war dogs that the Romans traines for their legions (they even marched in formation) so this is a very intriguing modern version of that concept."
October 9, 2017 – Started Reading
October 13, 2017 –
19.0% "Bees can use emoticons. *has just died from laughing too hard*"
October 13, 2017 –
25.0% "The end of Part 1 is definitely confusing but I'm very curious about where this is going because everything is definitely not as it seemed."
October 13, 2017 –
50.0% "Even chipped to the eyeballs you can't get cats to do what you want them to do.

October 13, 2017 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 91 (91 new)

message 1: by Paul (new) - added it

Paul Great review, Trish.

message 2: by Veronique (new)

Veronique Indeed! Definitely adding

Trish Paul wrote: "Great review, Trish."

He's read my review! HE'S READ MY REVIEW!

Veronique wrote: "Indeed! Definitely adding"

It's a BR in the group - in January I think. But I was lucky to get a copy via Netgalley (the one time living in Europe has actually been an advantage) so I had to have it early.

message 4: by Paul (new) - added it

Paul Just because I don’t comment doesn’t mean I haven’t read something... :-)

Trish Paul wrote: "Just because I don’t comment doesn’t mean I haven’t read something... :-)"

*gasps in terror*
You read but not like reviews??? SHAME ON YOU, MISTER!
*points finger accusingly*

message 6: by Paul (new) - added it

Paul Sometimes... I’m eeeevil like that.

Bradley Glad you finished and liked the book, Trish! I had very similar reactions, of course, but I was a bit more focused on Honey as not only a character but also as a focus for my nerdgasm. :)

Trish Paul wrote: "Sometimes... I’m eeeevil like that."

Trish Brad wrote: "Glad you finished and liked the book, Trish! I had very similar reactions, of course, but I was a bit more focused on Honey as not only a character but also as a focus for my nerdgasm. :)"

*lol* She was seriously cool. Almost a bit too much ((view spoiler)).

Bradley I thought most of her added benes were in the differences in the extra tech, an accident, but now I'm not so sure. :)

message 11: by Lata (new) - rated it 4 stars

Lata Definitely want to read this!

Trish Brad wrote: "I thought most of her added benes were in the differences in the extra tech, an accident, but now I'm not so sure. :)"

That would have made sense but it was described differently. So she became (view spoiler).

Trish Lata wrote: "Definitely want to read this!"

I can only recommend it. I was flabberghasted, emotionally distraught, psychotically happy ... all of that last night (though not at once).

message 14: by Anne (new)

Anne I couldn't read this b/c of the dog. Animals in books (even a bulletproof one) just KILL me. You know 99% of the time the author is going to kill them off for the FEELS. I'm too tender...can't do it! lol

Bradley Anne. You so need to stay away from this. And John Wick. Avoid at all costs. For your life.


message 16: by Anne (new)

Anne Hahaha! Unbelievably, I love John Wick. I knew about the dog going into it, and it (thankfully) happened off camera. But the REST of the movie is so badass! That's one of the few that I can watch over and over...

Bradley But Old Yeller would drive you to drink? lol

Okay. Granted. We all love John Wick because it's all about getting revenge for the dog. I see that. :) Who cares about the people, right? :)

message 18: by Anne (new)

Anne I've never seen or read Old Yeller (or where The Red Fern Grows, or Charlotte's Web) for that very reason. Will. Not. Happen.
Marley and Me? <--go fuck yourself, I say!

Bradley LOL

I bet you were really upset when that goldfish died at the beginning of Poltergeist, too. :) (the original, not that pos that came out recently)

message 20: by L. (new)

L. McCoy I can't stand sad things or deaths of dogs in entertainment.
I read s*** like Berserk, no problem but can't watch All Dogs Go To Heaven. I'm not sure if its disturbing or not but the only 2 things where the dog dies that I'd give 5 stars to, the person who killed the dog also dies.
BTW, if you like John Wick, you should watch The Man From Nowhere. Bad-a** South Korean action film that's very similar but more violent and iirc, no dogs die! Highly recommend that movie!

message 21: by Sud666 (new) - added it

Sud666 Animals are cool. People are not. Never had an issue shooting people when I was in the Marines. But I will not harm an animal. With so many damn people to kill I never understood the point in hurting animals. As the saying goes: "Help nature, promote the environment, and save animals- have you killed a human today?"

message 22: by L. (last edited Oct 14, 2017 10:12AM) (new)

L. McCoy I hunt deer and stuff so I get killing an animal for meat as long as you make sure it's a quick death (and as long as someone isn't doing it because they enjoy killing, people who hunt because they enjoy killing are freaking sadists) but couldn't imagine killing something like a dog or kitty or purposefully hurting any animal.

BTW, love that saying, we need that on a shirt!

message 23: by Sud666 (new) - added it

Sud666 L. wrote: "I hunt deer and stuff so I get killing an animal for meat as long as you make sure it's a quick death (and as long as someone isn't doing it because they enjoy killing, people who hunt because they..."

I can understand hunters..not my thing..but ok...still my suggestion? (like in "Most Dangerous Game") hunt humans instead..way more exciting and you can be cruel..since um they deserve it. BTW it's called "Long Pig"-ask a cannibal..good meat. Probably makes good jerky.
Now I had a few hunters in my unit..but they hunted "fair". So grizzly bears with composite bow or wild boars with spears. That is FAIR-screw die. Blowing away deer with firearms? I'll pass. Without the danger it is not a hunt.

message 24: by Sud666 (new) - added it

Sud666 L. wrote: "I hunt deer and stuff so I get killing an animal for meat as long as you make sure it's a quick death (and as long as someone isn't doing it because they enjoy killing, people who hunt because they..."

Plus ask Trish..she probably has a good method for cooking humans...

message 25: by L. (new)

L. McCoy Out of all the people I communicate with, I think Trish is probably the most likely to be a psychopath! XD

message 26: by Sud666 (new) - added it

Sud666 L. wrote: "Out of all the people I communicate with, I think Trish is probably the most likely to be a psychopath! XD"

aw she's actually kinda sweet :) completely harmless... Germans USED to be

Better to be a cannibal

message 27: by Sud666 (new) - added it

Sud666 L. wrote: "Out of all the people I communicate with, I think Trish is probably the most likely to be a psychopath! XD"

if you're wondering-Trish has a thing for Merkel..she's always asking me to dress up like Merkel :(*

message 28: by L. (new)

L. McCoy Sud666 wrote: "L. wrote: "Out of all the people I communicate with, I think Trish is probably the most likely to be a psychopath! XD"

if you're wondering-Trish has a thing for Merkel..she's always asking me to d..."

Wait... are you and Trish together?

message 29: by Paul (new) - added it

Paul I could never kill anything for the fun of it.

Wait... rigging children up with explosive collars and making them fight to the death on my private island doesn’t count, does it? Naaah...

message 30: by Trish (last edited Oct 14, 2017 11:15AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Trish Anne wrote: "I couldn't read this b/c of the dog. Animals in books (even a bulletproof one) just KILL me. You know 99% of the time the author is going to kill them off for the FEELS. I'm too tender...can't do i..."

DO NOT READ THIS BOOK! I cried so many times. I still consider it worth it but I'm weird.

Sud666 wrote: "Plus ask Trish..she probably has a good method for cooking humans..."

Lemme get my recipe box.

L. wrote: "Out of all the people I communicate with, I think Trish is probably the most likely to be a psychopath! XD"

Ha! Thank you for the compliment!

Sud666 wrote: "aw she's actually kinda sweet "

Hey! You take that back, you meanie!

L. wrote: "Wait... are you and Trish together?"

*lol* I wish!
And I'd pay to see him in a Merkel costume (though no, I'm not a fan of hers).

Paul wrote: "Wait... rigging children up with explosive collars and making them fight to the death on my private island doesn’t count, does it?"

Of course not! What are we? Barabrians denying you entertainment? You take all the kids you like (just not Anne's, they belong to me).

message 31: by Anne (new)

Anne I'm ok with killing animals for food, and the hunters I know personally are some the biggest environmentalists I know, too. They take care of the land, hunt the animals, and eat the meat. Which is far healthier than what you're getting from a package in the grocery store.
But. I don't believe in killing for the sake of killing. I mean, if I can toss a spider outside instead of squishing it, I will. On the flip side, if one of those eight-legged bastards sneaks up and gets in my hair? All bets are off!

Trish As a matter of fact, I know a couple of hunters too and, like Anne's acquaintances, they are big environmentalists but kill either for food or population control (in a country as small as ours it's necessary, sadly). I'm also in favour of people knowing what they are buying/eating and the venison we get for Christmas is always delicious. But of course that is not the same as killing animals for fun or - as is the case in this book - mistreat them by declaring them "things", punishing them mentally and physically and turning them into killing machines so you can use them as excuses / scapegoats.

Only two days ago I read an article that was linked to on FB about some bastard who had shot a pony with two arrows. The pony had to be put down because the internal damage was too great. A pony. She had taught hundred of kids (if not more) how to ride and was very sweet (so it couldn't have been self-defense either). It's moments like that that I want to organize a literal man hunt with L.

message 33: by Sud666 (new) - added it

Sud666 Paul wrote: "I could never kill anything for the fun of it.

Wait... rigging children up with explosive collars and making them fight to the death on my private island doesn’t count, does it? Naaah..."

*waiting patiently for an invitation* is it in the Orkney Islands? I wanna come!

message 34: by Sud666 (new) - added it

Sud666 L. wrote: "Sud666 wrote: "L. wrote: "Out of all the people I communicate with, I think Trish is probably the most likely to be a psychopath! XD"

if you're wondering-Trish has a thing for Merkel..she's always..."

*lmao* together? Dude I'm like 90....and now that I am a civilian again and have been one for awhile..i doubt my pecker even works anymore. *points to all the ED commercials* why it seems as if civilian males can barely keep an erection for more than 20 seconds..nice..really nice...

message 35: by Trish (last edited Oct 14, 2017 11:48AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Trish Sud666 wrote: "*waiting patiently for an invitation* is it in the Orkney Islands? I wanna come!"

Hey! Get in line!

Sud666 wrote: "*lmao* together?"

You know, you didn't have to laugh quite so hard. I'm not that bad a pick.

Sud666 wrote: "i doubt my pecker even works anymore."

*snorts* Uh-huh, sure.
Besides, you do know that sex isn't everything? Just saying (because you're a civilian now and that is what civilian women are supposed to tell afflicted civilian males).

message 36: by Sud666 (new) - added it

Sud666 Trish wrote: "As a matter of fact, I know a couple of hunters too and, like Anne's acquaintances, they are big environmentalists but kill either for food or population control (in a country as small as ours it's..."

wait..what?!! who shoots a PONY? really? Humanity is the most arrogant virus I've ever encountered.....the do awful things and when you kill them-then they and their idiot apologists start screaming "Oh my god! You killed a person!" waaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!! Of COURSE I killed someone...I kill because it is necessary and I kill ONLY humans. Never the innocent. Um that'd be animals.

message 37: by Anne (new)

Anne I saw that pony thing, Trish! What an asshole! Grrrrrrrrr

Sud, how old are you?!

message 38: by Sud666 (new) - added it

Sud666 um actually in the civlian world- sex is EVERYTHING. It is the basis for relationships. It is mistaken for love (it's lust). It is the great balm for any ills. Your BF beats you? Oh but he's good in bed. Your GF is cheating on you? Oh but she's good in bed. You are getting married?? you've known each other for 3 months!!! Yeah but the sex is great. So no I'm not buying that one..also the new trend is to dress up little girls (12 or 13) as if they were grown adults- thongs, skin tight shit, etc. So no I am not buying that sex isn't "everything" in the civilian world.

message 39: by Sud666 (new) - added it

Sud666 Anne wrote: "I saw that pony thing, Trish! What an asshole! Grrrrrrrrr

Sud, how old are you?!"

*shrug* After 7 or 8 decades one loses track.

message 40: by Sud666 (new) - added it

Sud666 Sud, how old are you?!"

message 41: by Paul (new) - added it

Paul As if I'd start my murder island shenanigans without you guys!

(What size explosive collar do you wear? I'm asking for a friend...)

message 42: by Anne (last edited Oct 14, 2017 12:01PM) (new)

Anne Sud666 wrote: "um actually in the civlian world- sex is EVERYTHING. It is the basis for relationships. It is mistaken for love (it's lust). It is the great balm for any ills. Your BF beats you? Oh but he's good i..."

Dude, you're not wrong about the idiots and sex. You've gotta be attracted to someone to be in a relationship (initially), otherwise, you're just friends. But staying in a bad relationship for the sex is stupid. Sex is still a lot of fun, but there are other things that are just as important in long term relationships.
And I have a 12 year old, so I know exactly the kind of pervy shit that happens to girls that age. We've already had to report some stuff that happened to a (younger!) friend of hers.

message 43: by Anne (new)

Anne Sud666 wrote: "Sud, how old are you?!"

OMG! 11-06-75

message 44: by Trish (last edited Oct 14, 2017 12:04PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Trish *rolls eyes* He's 42. And let me rephrase that: sex isn't everything to me and other people with a brain and heart. We might be rare, but we exist. I can clean up the vomit of Anne's kids so I can also look after you, old man. ;)

Here's the story I meant:

This horrible sight greeted one of our young members today when she went to catch her own horse from the paddock at 4pm. Pearl, a gentle and well loved pony who has taught many children to ride and brought happiness to many visitors during her time at FBEC, was found with TWO arrows imbedded in her side. The members are shocked and horrified that someone could be so cruel, evil and stupid. Pearl has been taken to the Vets for surgery and we are awaiting news. The police have been alerted and will be investigating. The arrows may help identify the shooter. However, if you see any unusual behaviour or know anyone in the Bow hunters clubs you might spread the word. This idiot is dangerous!!!!
Edit. Pearl crossed over the 🌈 bridge tonight. The arrows were too long and internal damage too vast. RIP Pearly you brought joy to many You didn’t deserve this. Condolences to your people

Made me cry. And this was definitely not an accident as there were two of the things embedded in her body.

message 45: by Anne (new)

Anne Paul wrote: "As if I'd start my murder island shenanigans without you guys!

(What size explosive collar do you wear? I'm asking for a friend...)"

Do you have something that slims down a double chin?

Trish Paul wrote: "As if I'd start my murder island shenanigans without you guys!

(What size explosive collar do you wear? I'm asking for a friend...)"

*gasps* You would do that to your fake-adoptive daughter?!
*wails for Anne*

message 47: by Paul (new) - added it

Paul Yeah, it slims it waaaaaaayyyy down.

message 48: by Anne (new)

Anne Paul wrote: "Yeah, it slims it waaaaaaayyyy down."

*signs up for murder island*

message 49: by Anne (new)

Anne Sud, stop saying you're old. I'm turning 42 in less than a month and I'm DEFINITELY not old. I'm young and hawt!
Or...ok. I'm not old, at least.
*heads to gym to work off weird arm flab*

message 50: by Sud666 (new) - added it

Sud666 Anne wrote: "Sud666 wrote: "um actually in the civlian world- sex is EVERYTHING. It is the basis for relationships. It is mistaken for love (it's lust). It is the great balm for any ills. Your BF beats you? Oh ..."

actually it starts earlier than that..9 or 10..and yes the pervs are the same people we all to virtue signal on our behalf. The same people talking about "respecting" women are the ones dressing up children in thongs, bikinis, lingirie, etc. and it's perfectly "fine" to oversexualize kids....since um that liberal idiot said it was a good idea and it's so very "modern". So it is hard for me to respect people who think so much by what's between their legs (men and women both)- they act like they don't care about sex-when it's ALL they seem to care about. Hence the pervasive aspects of sex-it's everywhere- tv, movies, books, tell me do you think it's bright for 9-12 year old to digest all this sex stuff? and then all of a sudden after defining themselves by sex all these years-they get an epiphany that they need to be "respected" and they find it hard to balance...not only is sex everything it is to be encouraged...hence the virtue signalling idiots that get mad about "slut shaming"..because, of course, one should admire and respct all promiscuous behavior. Why..if I had a daughter I'm sure I'm sure she'd be out there in skin tight jeans with her thong hanging out while I clap and say "Sluts are awesome!"..oh wait..many Marines already DO say that...but not for the reasons people think.

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