Elle (ellexamines)'s Reviews > Gideon the Ninth

Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
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“One flesh, one end, bitch.”

I genuinely think about this book all the time, and I just need to say that this is the most upset I’ve been by an ending to a book in several years. When I completed it I started yelling audibly and my roommate, who was also awake, I believe may have become genuinely concerned for my sanity. Gideon the Ninth looked at me and said I could make her worse, and then it did, and it’s incurable. The gay people at my college own four collective copies of this and we pass it around to first years like a mini cult indoctrination and you now the worst part? It works.

I cannot talk about the things about this book that make me genuinely crazy without getting into spoilers, so here is my short pitch: Lesbian necromancers in space, except the space part isn’t that relevant. In reality, it’s a And-Then-There-Were-None-esque murder mystery in which the two main characters are a buff lesbian with a sword and the most fucked up woman you have ever seen in your life. You will not solve the murder mystery. Gideon, the main character, makes the worst puns I have ever heard and it’s fantastic. I cannot even begin to explain how compelled I am by Harrow. No one in this book can be normal for more than ten seconds at a time. At least one meme will be quoted per book. I have never read anything more homoerotic in my life than the pool scene. I laughed. I also cried a lot. You should read it.

Here are a few more detailed thoughts that I can give: Tamsyn Muir is genuinely fantastic at crafting a building narrative. You do not know how invested you are in Gideon the Ninth until the hits start coming, and by then Muir is ready to hit you with a punch. The first half is solid and interesting, but the last hundred pages are fully the best hundred pages of any book I have read in my life. (And it helps that her action writing is fantastic.)

The main characters and side characters alike are so interesting. Harrow has the single most compelling backstory of any character I have had the delight of reading about. She has so many problems and I love her. Some highlights of the wider cast include Judith of the Second House; Ianthe and Coronabeth, incredibly abnormal twin heirs to the Third House; Palamedes and Camilla of the Sixth House, the latter of whom is honestly the most normal person in this book; and Dulcinea and Protesilaus, also normal people of the Seventh House. I am also obsessed with Gideon because she has just… the funniest narrative voice. Some examples?
“I need to be inside you,” Harrowhark bellowed over the din.
“Okay, you’re not even trying,” said Gideon.
“Did you know that if you put the first three letters of your last name with the first three letters of your first name, you get ‘Sex Pal’?”

Speaking of which I am. Embarrassingly invested. In the dynamic between Gideon and Harrowhark. I think about them all the time, by which I mean I’ve spent several days of my life consumed by thinking about them. I cannot say anything else at this time for legal reasons but just now that as if we are ever speaking I am pretending to be invested in our conversation but I am actually thinking about Gideon and Harrow.

gay people: (view spoiler)

about harrow: (view spoiler)

the twists: (view spoiler)

spoilers for harrow the ninth: (view spoiler)

In conclusion. I think about this book all the time. I have been getting all of my friends to obsess over it and I think you should hop on this train, personally.

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Quotes Elle Liked

Tamsyn Muir
“I have tried to dismantle you, Gideon Nav! The Ninth House poisoned you, we trod you underfoot—I took you to this killing field as my slave—you refuse to die, and you pity me! Strike me down. You’ve won. I’ve lived my whole wretched life at your mercy, yours alone, and God knows I deserve to die at your hand. You are my only friend. I am undone without you.”
Tamsyn Muir, Gideon the Ninth

Tamsyn Muir
“One flesh, one end, bitch.”
Tamsyn Muir, Gideon the Ninth

Tamsyn Muir
“Why was I born so attractive?” “Because everyone would have throttled you within the first five minutes otherwise,”
Tamsyn Muir, Gideon the Ninth

Tamsyn Muir
“He urged again, “Thoughts?” Gideon said, “Did you know that if you put the first three letters of your last name with the first three letters of your first name, you get ‘Sex Pal’?”
Tamsyn Muir, Gideon the Ninth

Tamsyn Muir
“What do Marta the Second, Naberius the Third, Jeannemary the Fourth, Magnus the Fifth, Camilla the Sixth, Protesilaus the Seventh, Colum the Eighth, and Gideon the Ninth all have in common?” You could have heard a hair flutter to the floor. Everyone stared, poker-faced, in the thick ensuing silence. Magnus looked pleased with himself. “The same middle name,” he said.”
Tamsyn Muir, Gideon the Ninth

Tamsyn Muir
“Harrow laughed. It was the first time she had ever heard Harrow really laugh. It was a rather weak and tired sound.

"Gideon the Ninth, first flower of my House," she said hoarsely, "you are the greatest cavalier we have ever produced. You are our triumph, The best of all of us. It has been my privilege to be your necromancer.”
Tamsyn Muir, Gideon the Ninth

Tamsyn Muir
“You apologise to me?” she bellowed. “You apologise to me now? You say that you’re sorry when I have spent my life destroying you? You are my whipping girl! I hurt you because it was a relief! I exist because my parents killed everyone and relegated you to a life of abject misery, and they would have killed you too and not given it a second’s goddamned thought! I have spent your life trying to make you regret that you weren’t dead, all because—I regretted I wasn’t! I ate you alive, and you have the temerity to tell me that you’re sorry?”
Tamsyn Muir, Gideon the Ninth

Reading Progress

March 19, 2018 – Shelved
March 19, 2018 – Shelved as: to-read
March 19, 2018 – Shelved as: releases-2019
January 15, 2020 – Shelved as: tbr
August 7, 2020 – Started Reading
September 12, 2020 –
page 106
23.66% "really loving this so far!"
June 8, 2021 – Shelved as: z-read2021
June 8, 2021 – Shelved as: z-favs2021
June 8, 2021 – Shelved as: favorite-characters
June 8, 2021 – Shelved as: elle-recs-list
June 8, 2021 – Shelved as: 5-star
June 8, 2021 – Shelved as: scifi-dystopias
June 8, 2021 – Shelved as: wonderful-plot-twists
June 8, 2021 – Shelved as: lgbtq
June 8, 2021 – Shelved as: favorite-relationships
June 8, 2021 – Finished Reading
January 2, 2022 – Shelved as: sapphic-books-shelf

Comments Showing 1-16 of 16 (16 new)

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message 1: by jessy (new) - added it

jessy big fat mood

preraphaelitesiren Why is this book not in my hands yet?!

Elle (ellexamines) preraphaelitesiren wrote: "Why is this book not in my hands yet?!"

oh HUGE mood

Elle (ellexamines) Maren wrote: "I just blew through 150 pages of it and can say, with full confidence, that you are going to LOVE it."

And now I'm officially very excited (you know I always trust your opinions)!

message 5: by MN (new)

MN very butiful lady

message 6: by MN (new)

MN visit in india i wait

Liz Mackey that is why I pieked up. it says "lesbian necromancers " on the front cover. that more do i need?!!

julianna ➹ are you- are you still reading this

Lurva That was legitimately my exact reaction when I finished the book two month ago

message 10: by Elle (new) - rated it 5 stars

Elle (ellexamines) @Julianna okay so I didn’t read for like . six months is the thing

message 11: by Elle (new) - rated it 5 stars

Elle (ellexamines) @Acheron why is it. the most upset I’ve been by an ending in . legitimately years. hello?? I hate it here

Helena (helinabooks) this is a big mood

message 13: by [deleted user] (new)

This is a great review of a great book. Thanks for sharing. This jumped out at me; you're absolutely right:

Palamedes and Camilla of the Sixth House, the latter of whom is honestly the most normal person in this book;

One of my favorites is when Gideon describes Harrow as "an evil stick." A book has not made me laugh that hard in a while.

Janis I'm not gay and I loved this book too! Have now read the first three books in the series and am not very patiently waiting for Alecto the Ninth this fall.

Toney Baus Yes, excellent speculative fiction, regardless of any sexual orientation issues. Muir wrote all three books without orientation being a separate issue. Alecto can’t publish soon enough.

message 16: by Bebo (new) - rated it 4 stars

Bebo Saucier Carrick Genuinely one of my favorite reviews I've ever read. Also the ending of this book absolutely killed me and I'll truly never be over it. :'(

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