Optimist ♰King's Wench♰'s Reviews > Mr. Winterbourne's Christmas

Mr. Winterbourne's Christmas by Joanna Chambers
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it was ok
bookshelves: historical, lgbtq, boys-who-like-boys, santa-jizz, shorties, unicorns

BR with Adam!


I wanted this to put me into a fluff coma, a Regency, peppermint scented fluffgasmic coma the likes of which would make even Kris Kringle take notice.

I'm not sure I have the words to express how disappointed I am that I didn't have that experience.

Lysander and Adam continue to have my attention as do their respective best friends, Perry and Jonny. I will be there with bells on if there are more stories in this universe.

Unfortunately, I couldn't get my bells to jingle for "Mr. Winterbourne's Christmas", mostly because they kept getting silenced by family drama and other secondary romance narratives.

I just wanted them to be together! To have a fluffy holiday time, maybe drink some wassail and sing carols in a bucolic and snow covered pastoral setting. Maybe they'd be snowed in and have to get creative in keeping each other warm and it would involve mistletoe and maybe ice skating on a pond or a sleigh ride even!

I don't ask for much. Well, maybe I do.

Instead they travel to the dilapidated Winterbourne Abbey and spend most of their time apart and angsting about how the other feels about them all while everyone and their cousin (literally) is feeling the holiday lurve.

I appreciate the inclusion and all but I guess my expectations differed so vastly from what was on the page that I was never able to right the ship.

I did like the kooky and plainspoken Mrs. Winterbourne though. She was the comic relief highlight. I also enjoyed the fluffy ending. It just wanted enough fluff to sate me. Sadly.

Obviously, my opinions are my own and YMMV.


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Reading Progress

December 4, 2018 – Started Reading
December 4, 2018 – Shelved
December 6, 2018 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-12 of 12 (12 new)

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message 1: by Lost in a Book (new)

Lost in a Book At least the first was good??? lol

Optimist ♰King's Wench♰ IT WAS! I think that made it worse. Maybe I went in with too high expectations.

♣ Irish Smurfétté ♣ Lol @ bellyachin. Fiddlesticks that this didn't mull yer cider.

Hey, I'm just carrying on the theme. :D

I think this particular experience for our co-leading men deserves and would benefit from a full length novel. Some aspects were dealt with in ways that'd make Speedy Gonzalez proud. As significant an event as this - first times galore: away from their haven, holiday with fam, etc - I think it's worthy of more than a short.

Optimist ♰King's Wench♰ Agree! If it were longer I'm sure all of the other things could've fit in nicely AND given me the peppermint scented fluffgasm I was looking for. Ah well, maybe next time, eh?

message 5: by Annery (new)

Annery Oh no! I have this and the first book queued up because JC made me a fan with the Enlightenment series but now ... ugh. I dunno if I want to be disappointed at Christmas. Maybe I'll push them back to later. Sorry for your sorry.

Optimist ♰King's Wench♰ Annery wrote: "Oh no! I have this and the first book queued up because JC made me a fan with the Enlightenment series but now ... ugh. I dunno if I want to be disappointed at Christmas. Maybe I'll push them back ..."

The first one is GRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAATTTTTT! And, to be fair, this one has a bunch of favorable reviews so... it could work for you! You never know. I can be *kinda* fussy, y'know. :-*

message 7: by Annery (last edited Dec 18, 2018 01:30PM) (new)

Annery Optimist ♰King's Wench♰ & MANTIES Champion wrote: "Annery wrote: "Oh no! I have this and the first book queued up because JC made me a fan with the Enlightenment series but now ... ugh. I dunno if I want to be disappointed at Christmas. Maybe I'll ..."

Hmmm ... I can always read Christmas books in spring. I'll save them for later. Plus your fusses are always warranted.

Optimist ♰King's Wench♰ It's Christmas all year at Casa de Annery, eh? You & Ann have much in common. She'll read the stuff in June! I, on the other hand, am kinda of a Scroogerton who can only deal with the Tinseltime Spirit in small doses.

message 9: by Lost in a Book (new)

Lost in a Book Optimist ♰King's Wench♰ & MANTIES Champion wrote: "It's Christmas all year at Casa de Annery, eh? You & Ann have much in common. She'll read the stuff in June! I, on the other hand, am kinda of a Scroogerton who can only deal with the Tinseltime Sp..."

Preach it girl!! I can only handle 1 or 2 holiday books per year. *maybe* 1 or 2

Optimist ♰King's Wench♰ I really am trying to get on the Jingletime train. It would prolly help the cause if I could figure out what my ideal Jingletime romance algorithm is. One day I will figure it out. 🤞🏼

h o l l i s peppermint scented fluffgasmic coma the likes of which would make even Kris Kringle take notice

I'm dying. I love it. omg. hope your next experience with this series is better than this one!!

Optimist ♰King's Wench♰ Hollis wrote: "peppermint scented fluffgasmic coma the likes of which would make even Kris Kringle take notice

I'm dying. I love it. omg. hope your next experience with this series is better than this one!!"

Seriously, though. I felt like I *needed* some Starbucks afterward just to even out the peppermint deficiency. Sad.

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