Emily May's Reviews > The Silent Patient

The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides
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bookshelves: 2019, mystery-thriller

As you will see, it’s an incredible story—of that there is no doubt.
Whether you believe it or not is up to you.

Ohhhh, I see why this book is getting so much buzz: it is virtually unputdownable.

I didn't actually have any plans to read The Silent Patient. I just happened to see it hanging around in the new releases, took a quick peek, and thought-- why not? Well, I'll tell you why not. You absolutely definitely should NOT read this book if you want to go to sleep and get up for real life stuff in the morning. I read this until my eyes were like "nope" and closed on their own.

It's very compelling. A psychotherapist called Theo Faber narrates the story and he announces early on that he's pretty "fucked up". He worms his way into a new job at the Grove mental health facility because of his fascination with the artist Alicia Berenson, who murdered her husband in an open-and-shut case and hasn't spoken a word since.
But let us not forget that while Alicia Berenson may be a murderer, she was also an artist.

Theo finds himself connecting with Alicia and feeling a desperate need to figure out why she did it. And, what's more, he wants to figure out why she is silent. What can't she say? What won't she say? The more he digs into her life, her family, and her past, the deeper in he gets.

It's a fast-paced ride with short punchy chapters (oh, how easy it is to think "just one more chapter"). The story has so many threads and little surprises to uncover. More questions arise at every turn. And even those who work out the main aspect of the mystery will probably still enjoy the journey of finding out why, and all the little shocking discoveries made along the way.

It is true that those who have read a number of twisty mysteries will likely guess the truth, but I think there's enough goodness here to make it enjoyable anyway. Or it was for me at least.

Full of thrills, artistic metaphor, twists and Greek tragedy.

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February 6, 2019 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 132 (132 new)

Rosi massyel Abreu vargas Wow os amazing

❤Amy and Sofie❤ Great review Emily May! Im interested...;) :) :) ;)

Adrienne Very good review

Emily May Lissie wrote: "Noooooo you making me want to read a book I don't have on my TBR, oh how it grows 💙💙💙💙"

DO IT. 😁

Emily May Adrienne wrote: "Very good review"

Thank you!

message 6: by Leeya (new)

Leeya Great review! I saw the book and it reminded me of Alias Grace but from what you say, I can tell it is very different. However, my mommy hormones won't let me read anything creepy. Is it creepy?

Bhawna Balchandani I love mysteries <3 Thank You.
Where did you see it in new releases? Library? ARC?

Sarah Great review, Emily! I felt the same about this one.

Emily May Leeya wrote: "Great review! I saw the book and it reminded me of Alias Grace but from what you say, I can tell it is very different. However, my mommy hormones won't let me read anything creepy. Is it creepy?"

Thanks, Leeya! You're right - it's a very different book from Alias Grace. More fast-paced thrills than literary historical. And it is a little creepy, I must admit. There's some "man in the shadows" elements that are especially creepy.

Emily May Bhawna wrote: "I love mysteries <3 Thank You.
Where did you see it in new releases? Library? ARC?"

Library :)

Emily May Sarah wrote: "Great review, Emily! I felt the same about this one."

Thanks, Sarah! :)

message 12: by Katin (new)

Katin This sounds so fascinating! Do you think this is a good book for someone who doesn't ever read these kinds of novel, or do you think it might be too intense?

Emily May Katin wrote: "This sounds so fascinating! Do you think this is a good book for someone who doesn't ever read these kinds of novel, or do you think it might be too intense?"

I'd say it's not a bad intro to the genre. Not too demanding and, though it's dark, it's not as dark as some thrillers :)

Rosi massyel Abreu vargas Good 😎

PinkAmy loves books, cats and naps Your review moved this book from my radar to the near top of my TBR list!

message 16: by Katin (new)

Katin Emily May wrote: "Katin wrote: "This sounds so fascinating! Do you think this is a good book for someone who doesn't ever read these kinds of novel, or do you think it might be too intense?"

I'd say it's not a bad ..."

Ah, thank you! I'm going to put it on my tbr now :)

Kamali I had slight interest in reading this book but after reading your review I'm all in thank you!

message 18: by Kate (new) - rated it 5 stars

Kate Yay! I’m next on library book for this audiobook. I’m so excited to smell the fresh newness of this read!

message 19: by Tai (new) - added it

Tai Jackson Same, I started it before bed and finished it the next day reading like crazy on my lunch break. I am a psychologist and still found it riveting!

message 20: by Callaway (new)

Callaway I cant wait to read this :) (:

none of your business wwwwwhhhhyyyyy

message 22: by Stefani (new) - added it

Stefani Thanks for writing a review. It’s compelled me to add to my TBR list

Haley Kingsley Have you read The Sinner by Petra Hammesfahr or Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood? When I read the description of the Silent Patient, I immediately thought of these two books. Although the premise is different, it felt very similar to these and I didn’t want to waste my time on something if I had already read two books that were along those same lines. If you have read them, how would you compare/contrast these two with the Silent Patient?

Emily May Haley wrote: "Have you read The Sinner by Petra Hammesfahr or Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood? When I read the description of the Silent Patient, I immediately thought of these two books. Although the premise is ..."

I haven't read The Sinner so can't comment on that. I have read Alias Grace, though, and this book is nothing like it. It's completely different in style and plot. I would describe Alias Grace as literary fiction, whereas this is more of a fast-paced pulpy thriller.

message 25: by Suzanne (new)

Suzanne Robertson Moutis It sounds a bit like The Dark Room by Minette Walters. Minette is amazing, so if this is anywhere near as good I'll give it a try!

Emily May Elyse wrote: "Love your reviews - spirit and your many followers. I think your great -
Often agree with you too...
I wasn’t impressed with this one yet I - too - understand the buzz around it.

In reality-thou..."

Sorry you didn't enjoy it as much, Elyse. I loved the addition of the Greek myth as another little puzzle to solve. (view spoiler)

I don't disagree about the ending. I think anyone who readies themselves for a twist will see it coming a mile away, but I still enjoyed reading up to it anyway. I thought the smaller reveals about the painting and (view spoiler) also worked well.

message 27: by The Nashville Wife Reads (last edited Feb 23, 2019 12:39PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

The Nashville Wife Reads I would love to know what gave it away for you? I was looking for those twists and it wasn't till the very end that it all came together and I was blown away! And I'm someone that usually picks up on stuff pretty quickly. What did I miss? I even went back and scanned the first half of the book again and couldn't see it. I'd love to know! Thanks! :)

PS:(view spoiler)

Emily May Sarah wrote: "I would love to know what gave it away for you? I was looking for those twists and it wasn't till the very end that it all came together and I was blown away! And I'm someone that usually picks up ..."

I think I've just read a number of books that have done this. I don't want to spoil the twists of other thrillers, but a popular book of last year used the same (view spoiler) twist. I've read so many mystery/thrillers that I've become more aware of what the author doesn't tell us, and I did pick up on the lack of (view spoiler).

message 29: by The Nashville Wife Reads (last edited Feb 23, 2019 01:21PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

The Nashville Wife Reads Emily May wrote: "Sarah wrote: "I would love to know what gave it away for you? I was looking for those twists and it wasn't till the very end that it all came together and I was blown away! And I'm someone that usu..."

Oh very good point!! I missed that one... (view spoiler) Well then I guess I'm glad that I'm still enough of a mystery-thriller newb that I completely missed it and got a great twisted ending! haha Thanks for explaining :-) I love reading your reviews!

Emily May Sarah wrote: "Emily May wrote: "Sarah wrote: "I would love to know what gave it away for you? I was looking for those twists and it wasn't till the very end that it all came together and I was blown away! And I'..."

Thank you! :)

Christopher Berry I just finished this and loved it!!!!

Sunny I really enjoyed this one. Not sure if you read it or listened to the audiobook, but I swear the audiobook was wonderful. Both narrators did a great job to the point it made the story more emotional.

Emily May Sunny ✨wordslikefury✨ wrote: "I really enjoyed this one. Not sure if you read it or listened to the audiobook, but I swear the audiobook was wonderful. Both narrators did a great job to the point it made the story more emotional."

I read it but my husband listened to the audiobook and said it was really good. I wish I could do audio, but I find it really difficult to follow the story 99% of the time.

Carolyn Mitchell I really enjoyed this book, but I have a tiny continuity itch that bothering me.
It seems the Theo discovered his wife’s affair AFTER taking the position at the Grove. Of course I must be mistaken because he was compelled to take the job because of his guilt.
Did anyone else consider this?

Sunny Carolyn wrote: "I really enjoyed this book, but I have a tiny continuity itch that bothering me.
It seems the Theo discovered his wife’s affair AFTER taking the position at the Grove. Of course I must b..."

(view spoiler)

Carolyn Mitchell Sunny ✨wordslikefury✨ wrote: "Carolyn wrote: "I really enjoyed this book, but I have a tiny continuity itch that bothering me.
It seems the Theo discovered his wife’s affair AFTER taking the position at the Grove. Of..."

ok - I see. I knew that I had to be incorrect because that piece of timing would have comprised the while structure of the novel, but it did bother me.

message 37: by Rosa (new) - rated it 4 stars

Rosa Not creepy...

Ebaouen Just finished readin French's In the Woods and I'm left with crippling trust issues, please tell me the mystery is actually solved at the end

Emily May Chaima wrote: "Just finished readin French's In the Woods and I'm left with crippling trust issues, please tell me the mystery is actually solved at the end"

Haha, French is too evil. Yes it is :)

Ebaouen Emily May wrote: "Chaima wrote: "Just finished readin French's In the Woods and I'm left with crippling trust issues, please tell me the mystery is actually solved at the end"

Haha, French is too evil. Yes it is :)"

Yeah mystery definitely solved, didn't see this one coming

Scarlett Steuart I can’t read Sunny’s spoiler. It seemed like Theo discovered the affair after taking the position at the Grove. What did I miss?

Carla I just finished the book last night and I got the twist way to earlier (view spoiler) which is kind of a bummer so it wasn’t a solid 5 star. But it was still a really good book.. However I was confused towards the ending. Was Theo (view spoiler)

JoPhYmei The continuity itch didn’t occur to me while reading, but since it is mentioned...I don’t know how to explain it either...

Tandie I had so much fun reading this! I found both Theo and Alicia to be likable and relatable characters; behavior just kept crossing lines until neither could go back. I’ve been eyeing Sometimes I Lie for some similar plot twists and surprises. My dilemma is that I’ve read some reviews saying SIL has no likable characters. I avoided Girl on a Train for the same reason. As a reader, I need to find something about a character that makes me care. I’m fine with moral ambiguity and dirty deeds, but all around awful characters make a novel feel bleak.
Do you have any suggestions? Am I in the minority feeling like there were no villains in The Silent Patient?

Emily May Tandie wrote: "I had so much fun reading this! I found both Theo and Alicia to be likable and relatable characters; behavior just kept crossing lines until neither could go back. I’ve been eyeing Sometimes I Lie ..."

I know what you mean. I think in The Silent Patient the author showed empathy towards all the characters, even the supposed "villains". Especially as it is essentially (view spoiler) Have you tried Verity? I'm not usually a Colleen Hoover fan, but I think her foray into the thriller genre was excellent. I couldn't put it down.

message 46: by Emilie (new)

Emilie What level of disturbing/psychotic would you call this? I love scary books but I have my limits.

Renata Emilie...truly not scary at all.

Larry Kamin well written story, compicated main character.

Bhawna Balchandani I finished reading TSP day before yesterday. It was such a experience <3

Rachel I loved this book. I’m in a book club and probably would have never read it otherwise. So glad I did. Never saw the ending coming. Wow

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