PorshaJo's Reviews > Queenie

Queenie by Candice Carty-Williams
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bookshelves: audio, challengereads, challengereads-2019, favorites-2019

Rating 4.75

I loved this book. Such an unexpected gem of a read. I went into this one blind. I knew nothing about it, I read no reviews. I frequently check out my library for new audio books. I saw this bold orange cover of a book called Queenie. It drew me in. I listened to a sample of the audio. A heavy accent by the narrator. It drew me in. I grabbed a copy of the audio and jumped right in.

Queenie is a hot mess. She's a 26 year old Jamaican woman, living in London, and just completely a mess. We meet her as she is taking a 'break' from her live-in boyfriend, which HE wants, not her. He asks her to move out and by this point, she's already on a downward spiral. She can't face reality. She's out of control. She puts herself in a few dangerous situations (I think). She's got no money, living in a nasty flat with a few flatmates, she's not there for her job, she lets the WORST men abuse her, she has issues with how people see her as a black woman. She doesn't feel she's worth it, she really has had a hard life. It's an absolute train wreck but you can't help but watch. When she hits the lowest of lows, she must bring herself back up. And so you watch her bring herself out of the pit and show her strength.

To be honest, I almost stopped with this one. Initially, it was a bit sexually graphic for me. Just not what I tend to read. I actually started another book, but then I did read a few reviews. One said 'stick with it' (Thanks Esil!). So I pushed on and I'm so glad I did. The book gets off to a bit of a rocky start. But it immediately just jumps in to a life already out of control. All I can say is stick with it. When someone has issues, and is mentally struggling, it's never a pretty sight. But you must see everything in it's entirety to see where Queenie is at. I'm so glad I stuck with this one. It made me cringe, made me glad I'm married (oh the horrors of dating apps), made me laugh, but made me root for Queenie. Even though, a few times, I wanted to shake her....you knew she would just make the worst decisions.

I also must say, publishers - DON'T COMPARE THIS TO BRIDGET JONES. This is so not like Bridgette Jones, other than a young girl living in London and dating. Queenie is so much more. If you think you are going to find a Bridgette Jones here, skip this one. Romantic comedy this is NOT.

Anyway, I loved this book and just loved the audio narration. The narrator did a fabulous job. A highlight of a read for 2019 for me. I'll remember this one for some time. So why not 5 stars..... I'm stingy with 5 stars. But I had to knock it a bit for being quite sexually graphic (yes, made it hard to listen to the audio when husband is around saying 'what ARE you listening to') and the reading of emails and text back and forth initially drove me bonkers. So far, this is my top read of the year. And I'll just say, give this one a shot and just stick with it. It's such a reward in the end.
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Reading Progress

March 5, 2019 – Shelved
March 5, 2019 – Shelved as: to-read
April 10, 2019 – Started Reading
April 12, 2019 –
page 0
0.0% "My new audio....man, Queenie is a hot mess."
April 14, 2019 – Shelved as: audio
April 14, 2019 – Shelved as: challengereads
April 14, 2019 – Shelved as: challengereads-2019
April 14, 2019 – Shelved as: favorites-2019
April 14, 2019 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-47 of 47 (47 new)

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message 1: by Sonja (new)

Sonja Arlow Sounds fantastic, will give the audio sample a try

message 2: by Melanie (new) - added it

Melanie Great review PorshaJo! I will put it on the wish list 🙂

message 3: by Mischenko (new) - added it

Mischenko This sounds really good! Excellent review. 😉

PorshaJo Sonja wrote: "Sounds fantastic, will give the audio sample a try"

I really enjoyed this one Sonja! Took me by surprise. Hope you love it too! Will be looking for your review!

PorshaJo Melanie wrote: "Great review PorshaJo! I will put it on the wish list 🙂"

Thanks Melanie! I hope you get a chance to read it and love it.

PorshaJo Mischenko wrote: "This sounds really good! Excellent review. 😉"

Thanks Mischenko! I think going into this one blind helped as I no expectations. But it just drew me in and I wanted to hear more of Queenie. I hope you get a chance to try it out!

Maureen ( NOT RECEIVING NOTIFICATIONS) Sounds great PorshaJo, glad you enjoyed it 🤗

Jenna Great review! Agreed that the Bridget Jones comparison is a disservice, or at least misleading!

PorshaJo Maureen wrote: "Sounds great PorshaJo, glad you enjoyed it 🤗"

Thanks Maureen! A top read, so far, for me this year.

PorshaJo Jenna wrote: "Great review! Agreed that the Bridget Jones comparison is a disservice, or at least misleading!"

Thanks Jenna! Glad you liked this one too. I can't believe this is compared to Bridget Jones. Nothing against that one as I did like the book and movie, but it's a bit fluffy of a read. Queenie is so much more in-depth and real and agree....the comparison is a disservice.

message 11: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer Masterson I’m glad you likes the book, Jen! Great review! If I read it I won’t compare think about Bridget Jones! Lol! Why do publishers do that? 🤔

message 12: by Dianne (new) - added it

Dianne Terrific review, PorshaJo!

Meredith (Trying to catch up!) Wonderful review, PorshaJo! I have been curious about this one--glad to see it is worth the read!

message 14: by Julie (new)

Julie Wonderful review, PorshaJo! I hate it when publishers make comparisons that are way off the mark. I may have to check this one out. 🤗

message 15: by Susanne (new) - added it

Susanne Fantastic review PorshaJo!! I need to read this one!!

Your comment about this book making you glad you’re married made me laugh.. I read a book yesterday (Dear Wife) and had a comment in it (that I edited out because it sounded cynical) that said books like this made me glad I’m not married...). All I can say is, funny how that works!! :).

Anyhow, Love this review and your thoughts on the book.. definitely sounds like a must read! :)

PorshaJo Jennifer wrote: "I’m glad you likes the book, Jen! Great review! If I read it I won’t compare think about Bridget Jones! Lol! Why do publishers do that? 🤔"

Thanks Jennifer! Ha, believe me, when you start reading this, you will not think of Bridget Jones. Yeah, I don't like when publishers do this but it's very common....compare it to some other big read. :-(

PorshaJo Dianne wrote: "Terrific review, PorshaJo!"

Thanks Dianne!

PorshaJo Meredith wrote: "Wonderful review, PorshaJo! I have been curious about this one--glad to see it is worth the read!"

Thanks Meredith! Oh it was such a good book. I hope that you give it a shot and you enjoy it as much as I did.

PorshaJo Julie wrote: "Wonderful review, PorshaJo! I hate it when publishers make comparisons that are way off the mark. I may have to check this one out. 🤗"

Thanks Julie! Yeah, and they must be reading GR and see that many always complain about this practice....but it still persists. Oh well. Hope you get a chance to check this one out and you love it!

PorshaJo Susanne wrote: "Fantastic review PorshaJo!! I need to read this one!!

Your comment about this book making you glad you’re married made me laugh.. I read a book yesterday (Dear Wife) and had a comment in it (that..."

Thanks Susanne! Ha! That is funny. Now I'm obviously on the other hand when my husband keeps talking to me when I'm trying to listen to my audio books. :-)

I hope you get a chance to read this one and love it. Interested in your thoughts on it. I found it very different from many of the things I've read lately. So a standout for sure.

PorshaJo leslie hamod wrote: "Wonderful review! I read this several years ago and need to revisit it following your review!🌹"

Thanks leslie! Hope you do get a chance to check this out.

message 22: by Dana (new) - added it

Dana Fantastic review, PorshaJo! I just added it. Sounds good.

PorshaJo Dana wrote: "Fantastic review, PorshaJo! I just added it. Sounds good."

Thanks Dana! I hope you love it. The audio is very good on this one.

message 24: by Holly (new)

Holly  B (slower pace!) Excellent review PorshaJo!

PorshaJo Holly wrote: "Excellent review PorshaJo!"

Thanks Holly!

message 26: by Suzy (new)

Suzy Just put myself on the hold list for the audio - I'll come back and read your review in more detail after I've listened! Glad I saw your enthusiastic review, even with the reservations you stated at the end.

message 27: by Paula (new)

Paula K Wonderful review, PorshaJo!

PorshaJo Suzy wrote: "Just put myself on the hold list for the audio - I'll come back and read your review in more detail after I've listened! Glad I saw your enthusiastic review, even with the reservations you stated a..."

Hope you love it Suzy! It's one of the better audios I've listened to this year. But I enjoy a heavy accent in an audio. Looking forward to your thoughts on this one when you get to it!

PorshaJo Paula wrote: "Wonderful review, PorshaJo!"

Thank you Paula!

message 30: by Jaline (new)

Jaline Excellent review, PorshaJo!

PorshaJo Jaline wrote: "Excellent review, PorshaJo!"

Thank you Jaline!

message 32: by Cheri (new)

Cheri Wonderful review, PorshaJo, I wasn't even contemplating this one, but now....

PorshaJo Cheri wrote: "Wonderful review, PorshaJo, I wasn't even contemplating this one, but now...."

Thanks Cheri! I love those books that are an in-depth character study and this one suits the bill. If you like that, this one could be up your alley. Hope you give it a shot and you love it.

message 34: by Vanessa (new) - added it

Vanessa Excellent review! You’ve really sparked my interest now!

PorshaJo Vanessa wrote: "Excellent review! You’ve really sparked my interest now!"

Thanks Vanessa! This is one of those books that take you by surprise which is what I love about reading. I hope you get a chance to check this one out and love it.

message 36: by Victoria (new)

Victoria What a wonderful review of a book I hadn't even considered! When you said it was sexually graphic I remembered that you sometimes listen 'out loud' and I kept wondering if your husband was nearby? 🤣

PorshaJo Victoria wrote: "What a wonderful review of a book I hadn't even considered! When you said it was sexually graphic I remembered that you sometimes listen 'out loud' and I kept wondering if your husband was nearby? 🤣"

Thank you Victoria! I had not considered it much either and think it helped going into like that. I do hope you give this one a shot and love it.

Ha! I do listen 'out loud' as I generally listen while working in my kitchen. My husband makes comments here and there, But the one that drives him bonkers is when I listen to a Harry Potter audio. Hehe.

message 38: by Deanna (new)

Deanna Excellent review!!!

Kathryn in FL So, I read the first para and half of the second. I don't want to know anymore because I just started it.

message 40: by JanB (new)

JanB haha....I've had my husband ask me the same thing so now I use my AirPods 😂 I have been interested in this one ever since BOTM chose it last month but I was waiting to see reviews from friends. So glad to see how much you enjoyed it. Terrific review! Adding

PorshaJo Deanna wrote: "Excellent review!!!"

Thanks Deanna!

PorshaJo Kathryn wrote: "So, I read the first para and half of the second. I don't want to know anymore because I just started it."

Good to go into this one blind Kathryn! I hope you love this one. Looking forward to your thoughts on it after to get a chance to read it.

PorshaJo JanB wrote: "haha....I've had my husband ask me the same thing so now I use my AirPods 😂 I have been interested in this one ever since BOTM chose it last month but I was waiting to see reviews from friends. So ..."

When I do use eaar buds, he always talks to me so I'm constantly taking them out. Ha! He's not a reader so he doesn't get it. :-)

If you love character driven novels, then I think you will like this one Jan. I went into it blind and so glad I did. Hope you do check this one out. I'll be interested in your thoughts on it.

message 44: by Laura (new) - added it

Laura Adding it to my list... Thank you for a great review!

PorshaJo Laura wrote: "Adding it to my list... Thank you for a great review!"

Thanks Laura! I hope you love it as much as I did when you get a chance to read it.

Nicholl McIntyre The audio WAS fantastic! And Queenie's story really is too. Great review!

PorshaJo Nicholl wrote: "The audio WAS fantastic! And Queenie's story really is too. Great review!"

Thanks Nicholl! So glad you really liked this one too...and the audio!

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