Reading_ Tamishly's Reviews > To Kill a Mockingbird

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
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's review

it was amazing

First of all, let's forget it's a 'classic' that we all 'must' read for the sake of reading a classic.

Second of all, let's have no inhuman high expectations from this book.

Third of all, it's enough to know that this has been written from the perspective of a six year old girl.

And that's how we should pick up this one and go for it like we are picking up a newly released book and seriously that's the way it should be for everyone I would like to again!

I won't go into details regarding what the book is about.

*Why the 5 🌟 though:
The language is pretty simple and will stick with all kinds of reader till the end.
The flow is neat, clear and fast paced as a few characters are pretty mysterious and then there's some mystery element to the plot.
The characters are amazingly well-developed. Each and every character introduced has a clear role and has been given importance.
Subtle hints and sudden plot twists keep the pace rolling!
The character dynamics are the main highlights of this book.
Themes tackled are hugely impactful. It talks about race discrimination, child upbringing, justice, family and in general how one human should see another human as.
I cannot point out all the things I loved about this book at the moment but yes, this book is much, much more than the things I have mentioned above.
The warmth in the story narration is something I did not expect at all. I am genuinely surprised still.

Atticus will remain as one of my most loved, unforgettable characters. His character is so wholesome and someone to look up to.

The different emotions in between the lines are deep and I just couldn't ignore them. The humour is just incomparable. And yes, I gasped a lot in between regarding the unexpected turns in the story sequence.

The bond between the siblings, the kids and their father, the friendship and the neighborhood, kinship relationship have been so well depicted. And yes, the court room scenes are just dealt with amazingly. I would say almost perfectly but yes, even though the lines have been perfect and great, I somehow felt that a real courtroom would never have perfect dialogues like that. And not everyone would just nod their heads even though everything spoken was right.

Some scenes broke my heart. Some scenes made me really helpless. Some scenes made me want to save some of the characters so bad that I had to hold the book for minutes before continuing on.

The ending was perfect. There's closure. There's victory.

My reader soul has found another of its missing pieces!
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Reading Progress

October 15, 2019 – Shelved
October 15, 2019 – Shelved as: to-read
December 15, 2019 – Started Reading
December 16, 2019 –
page 56
17.34% "A little slow to get into...but I can feel the vibes already 😳"
December 16, 2019 –
page 56
17.34% "Atticus appears and I am like 'you are going to be one of my forever favourite characters'! I just love his straightforward, simple ways of explaining things to his six year old daughter...every child should have a parent like this"
December 17, 2019 –
page 106
32.82% "The characters are so damn interesting 🤯"
December 17, 2019 –
page 236
73.07% "This book is so damn amazing....I won't stop reading till the last matter what happens😭"
December 17, 2019 –
page 272
84.21% "Definitely going to reread this next year. It's going to end.....calm down...calm down.....🤫"
December 17, 2019 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-15 of 15 (15 new)

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Saurabh (सौरभ) Great review. I can never bring myself to review this one. I'm like "it's not the time to worry about the review yet" lol

Reading_ Tamishly Haha thank you, Saurabh. just try next time

Reading_ Tamishly Will watch. Thank you @Antonia 💯✨

message 5: by Charles (new)

Charles Great review! Quite possibly my favorite book. I've read To Kill A Mockingbird several times and it never disappoints. This novel is proof that not all books need to be as complex as Faulkner, Hemingway, or Dickens. Sometimes, all you need is a good story.

message 6: by SaRa (new) - added it

SaRa Hajj Nice Review :) Looking forward to read it

Black Snake If you like Audiobooks then please check out and subscribe to my audiobook youtube channel The Audiobook Library. You will find some great Audiobooks there to listen.. Thanks a lot!😊

Reading_ Tamishly Thank you @Charles and @SaRa 😊

Ian M. Pyatt Great review. When I read this in 2019, it was the very first time I read the book and I can't recall watching the movie either. I read the follow up as well, but was not as impressed.

Reading_ Tamishly The book is the best! I have the sequel but I still do not want to pick it up 🥲

message 11: by ❃A.J❃ (new) - added it

❃A.J❃ Great review!

Reading_ Tamishly Thanks @A.J 💌

Firefly Wow! This is a great review. And a welcoming one. This review might make readers who are apprehensive about picking up a book labelled as a 'classic' give it a go. To kill a Mockingbird will always have a piece of my soul, maybe because of the time in my life I read it at, and the memories associated with it.

message 14: by Prashant (new) - added it

Prashant Engrossing review

Reading_ Tamishly Thank you @Firefly and @Prashant

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