Jilly's Reviews > One Fell Sweep

One Fell Sweep by Ilona Andrews
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really liked it
bookshelves: buddy-read-with-iaa, vampires, werewolves-and-other-furry-shifters, sci-fi, fantasy

There is a lot happening in this book. We start with a rescue and then move on to trying to save the last of a species that is being hunted by another species. And, the hunters are aggressive in their desire to kill off these suckers. They will kill anything or anyone in their way. Which leads to the question that is continually being asked in this book? Why? Why do you want to kill them so badly? Did they pull some sort of heist on you?

maybe involving a cumberbun? (ok, off topic (again)... I just looked up the correct spelling for cumberbun and it's cummerbund. W-The actual-F??)

So, these guys that Dina is trying to protect from like thousands of assassins are kind of gross and smelly. Plus, they are sort of Debbie Downers. So, I'm just wondering if that's the problem. I mean, I've thought about killing DD's. Who hasn't? You know the kind of person who is constantly wallowing in their problems and regularly seeks you out to wallow to? Haven't you thought of stabbing them? Or is that just me?

You know corn dogs aren't good unless they are hot enough to cauterize a wound. The army medics used them in the great war. Of course they get the medical grade corn dogs, but still, a fresh-from-the-microwave one will do in a pinch. Anyway, maybe I need to work on my compassion skills.

I really liked that Ilona Andrews was asking that question of "why". It is a question that I have a lot when I read but rarely gets addressed by authors. The Andrew's always have backgrounds, histories, and mythological reasons behind the things they write. I appreciate that. Recently I read a book where the author put the wrong name for who was talking and later had the person wearing a different outfit out of thin air. That kind of sloppiness never happens in an IA book, and it's awesome because you never get dragged out of a story by something that your mind snags on as wrong.

See? Sloppy writing. Her breasts weren't even a little on edge before. Now suddenly they're startled? That doesn't make sense. At least have them a little anxious beforehand, then the startled thing will feel completely believable.

So, with the good writing here, I am feeling pretty happy with this series. My breasts are super relaxed and comfortable and stuff. I'm off to read the next one.
Oh wait. This is a buddy-read and I suck because I read too fast and then my buddies get irritated with me. I might need to wait so I don't have to read it alone. Oh shit, breast-anxiety rising!!

Hit the deck!

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Reading Progress

June 20, 2020 – Started Reading
June 20, 2020 – Shelved
June 20, 2020 – Shelved as: buddy-read-with-iaa
June 20, 2020 – Shelved as: vampires
June 20, 2020 – Shelved as: werewolves-and-other-furry-shifters
June 20, 2020 – Shelved as: sci-fi
June 20, 2020 – Shelved as: fantasy
June 20, 2020 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-26 of 26 (26 new)

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Lorrie (Clockworkbookworm) Once again Jilly Mac your review is hysterically funny and you have great taste in books. Lol I love the duo of Ilona Andrews, they are incredible writers. 😘

✘✘ Sarah ✘✘ (former Nefarious Breeder of Murderous Crustaceans) Only you would manage to mention cummerbund, corn dogs and startled breasts in a review, Jilly 😂😂😂.

P.S. I don't get irritated with you, the others do. And since I'm the only one with murderous crustaceans at her command, I think you can put the anxiety-ridden breasts at rest for now.

Jilly Clockworkbookworm wrote: "Once again Jilly Mac your review is hysterically funny and you have great taste in books. Lol I love the duo of Ilona Andrews, they are incredible writers. 😘"

I agree with your IA love! They always come up with my favorite things. I think they are magic! :)

Jilly ✘✘ Sarah ✘✘ (former Nefarious Breeder of Murderous Crustaceans) wrote: "Only you would manage to mention cummerbund, corn dogs and startled breasts in a review, Jilly 😂😂😂.

P.S. I don't get irritated with you, the others do. And since I'm the only one with murderous cr..."

Hmm, this is coming from the lady who managed to include dancing Star Trek characters, Sir Francis Bacon, and a hamster in hers? I'm guessing this means you approve! :D

Also, did you tell me to calm my tits? I think you did. lol!!!

✘✘ Sarah ✘✘ (former Nefarious Breeder of Murderous Crustaceans) Jilly wrote: "Hmm, this is coming from the lady who managed to include dancing Star Trek characters, Sir Francis Bacon, and a hamster in hers? I'm guessing this means you approve! :D"

Of course! We of the improbable gifs must stand together and show a united front against the decorative picture-haters out there, for they are many and most viciously vindictive.

(view spoiler)

Payal As always, your reviews are hella awesome.

I wanted to tackle the cummberbund etymology for a sec. It is literally a sanskrit word (lifted from India). Cummer means waist, and bund means enclosure. So basically it is a word for belt. It was typically very ornate and often made of either embroidered silk, or gold with jewels. I guess cummberbund in US is still silk but not nearly as ornate.

Its weird that that word got adopted and used but not bajuband (baju = upper arm, bund - enclosure) which is a band worn on biceps. I wish it had because they are much more fun to wear for those of us who are enhanced in the waist due to their love of carbs.

Jilly ✘✘ Sarah ✘✘ (former Nefarious Breeder of Murderous Crustaceans) wrote: "Of course! We of the improbable gifs must stand together and show a united front against the decorative picture-haters out there, for they are many and most viciously vindictive...."

Lol! Lord knows we have plenty of picture-haters out there! I like when they question my intelligence because I use them.Then I question the length of stick up their butts. Which, maybe doesn't help my intelligence argument much, but I can live with that.

Jilly Payal wrote: "As always, your reviews are hella awesome.

I wanted to tackle the cummberbund etymology for a sec."

O.M.G. Are you Captain Holt disguising yourself as a non-robot?

Payal Jilly wrote: "
O.M.G. Are you Captain Holt disguising yourself as a non-robot?

Mayhaps I am... and mayhaps I'm not. Either way, my tits are plenty calm. :)

message 10: by [deleted user] (new)

This review is awesome!

✘✘ Sarah ✘✘ (former Nefarious Breeder of Murderous Crustaceans) Jilly wrote: "Lol! Lord knows we have plenty of picture-haters out there! I like when they question my intelligence because I use them.Then I question the length of stick up their butts. Which, maybe doesn't help my intelligence argument much, but I can live with that."

We can't really blame the stick up their butts them. I mean, it is a scientifically proven that the more gifs there are in a review, the lower the IQ of the reviewer is. You and I are living proof of that. And they can all go fish themselves, if you ask me.

Jilly Payal wrote: "Mayhaps I am... and mayhaps I'm not. Either way, my tits are plenty calm. :)"

lol! I'm impressed. My tits are way too high strung for my liking. They need some Titty-Xanax.

Jilly ✘✘ Sarah ✘✘ (former Nefarious Breeder of Murderous Crustaceans) wrote: "it is a scientifically proven that the more gifs there are in a review, the lower the IQ of the reviewer is"

Well, we can't fight science. Science knows everything.

Jilly Dita wrote: "This review is awesome!"

Thanks, Dita! :)

carol. I hope your breasts aren't anxious any more, and I mean that in a friendly, non-stalker kind of way.

Payal Jilly wrote: "My tits are way too high strung for my liking. They need some Titty-Xanax."

High strung is the best way to wear tank tops, no? Especially in this non-bra wearing quarantine lifestyle year.

message 17: by May (new) - added it

May Grider I also hate getting dragged out of a potentially interesting situation by bad writing! I read some IA a while ago. Maybe time to try some more.

message 18: by Kristy (new)

Kristy Moore I'm so glad I'm not the only person that mispronounces cummerbund, and also thanks for mentioning corn dogs, because now I'm calling my husband to pick up some so that's dinner all sorted out. Good news for my depressed breasts - they just do not feel up to cooking today.

Jilly carol. wrote: "I hope your breasts aren't anxious any more, and I mean that in a friendly, non-stalker kind of way."

The girls are ready for bed. They had a long, anxious day of remembering their youth when they were at greater attention. I think they are wondering if their arch-enemy, gravity, may start to win the war soon. Poor things. They might as well give it up and think about being useful to hold things under.

Jilly Payal wrote: "High strung is the best way to wear tank tops, no? Especially in this non-bra wearing quarantine lifestyle..."

True. Maybe "depressed" is the right word instead. But, they aren't going back to the pre-quarantine lifestyle without a fight. They will not be caged again!!

Jilly May wrote: "I also hate getting dragged out of a potentially interesting situation by bad writing! I read some IA a while ago. Maybe time to try some more."

You should, May! You can always count on IA to write competently and to bring in some mythology that you have never heard of. :)

Jilly Kristy wrote: "I'm so glad I'm not the only person that mispronounces cummerbund, and also thanks for mentioning corn dogs, because now I'm calling my husband to pick up some so that's dinner all sorted out. Good..."

I like everything you said, Kristy! lol!
Does anyone pronounce it like it's spelled? I would think someone was a psycho if they said cummer bun to me. It's like the people who suddenly decided to pronounce the R in February or the D in Wednesday. Just stop it, freaks. We've all agreed to ignore those letters as a group. Don't ruin it.

Payal IDK, my boobs have been happiest for not suffering through daily imprisonment in a bra. I don't think I'd use 'depressed' to describe them. They are more 'Netflix and chill' wherein any other actions aren't implied.

Also I (being a secret non-robot) pronounce Cummerbund as it was intended in Sanskrit. However, in my defense, that was how I learned it.

P.S. I really need to learn your ways of gifs and memes. Alas if I was not a lazy non-robot.

Renegade ♥ See? Sloppy writing. Her breasts weren't even a little on edge before. Now suddenly they're startled? That doesn't make sense. At least have them a little anxious beforehand, then the startled thing will feel completely believable.


Oh shit, breast-anxiety rising!! Hit the deck!


The power of boobs. It can be dangerous, and even in some cases ...

Dangerous stuff! 😉😏

Jilly Scruffy likes the point that Lela was making. ;-)

Jilly Payal wrote: "IDK, my boobs have been happiest for not suffering through daily imprisonment in a bra. I don't think I'd use 'depressed' to describe them. They are more 'Netflix and chill' wherein any other actio..."

True. My boobs love this pandemic. They are so selfish! They don't want to be masked. What jerks!

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