Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - so very behind!'s Reviews > The Paris Apartment

The Paris Apartment by Lucy Foley
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Well, merde.

It really pains me to say that I read the majority of this book last month...let it sit for 3 WEEKS, with barely any pages left to read...and JUST NOW completed it.

Why, do you ask?

It all started for me when the book jumped the shark, not too far in...

Jess is in search of her brother Ben. He leaves her a message to meet him at his apartment, but when she arrives, he is introuvable. As she snoops around this gated community, she runs into an interesting cast of characters, from an old biddy concierge in an adjacent cottage, to a married couple with said marriage on the rocks, to a swoon-worthy hottie who used to be friends with Ben. As hours turn into days, Jess' suspicions rise, and it appears the building is more than stunning, historic Parisian architecture...and that this unique cast of characters may have more to do with Ben's mysterious disappearance than Jess could have even imagined. They ALL know him...but who was REALLY the last to see him...alive?

First off, Foley certainly did her research for this one...which I always appreciate. However, her research, aside from providing a fairly realistic dose of atmosphere, seemed to be focused on interjecting naughty French word after naughty French word, sort of like the kid giggling in the back of the classroom. I imagine this may have been far less annoying in an audio book, but constantly switching back and forth from French to English for the reader's sake when it didn't FEEL authentic just seemed like an opportunity to demonstrate Foley's 'research'. And I'll be honest, every time she used the word poutain all I could think about was poutine. Which is NOWHERE NEAR the same thing, but it certainly tripped me up plenty! 😂

And now, for the 'jump the shark' discussion for those who've already read this...

(view spoiler)

So yes, this is another Foley full of unlikable folks, although I had a lot more trouble getting into the POVs in this book than I did with Foley's Guest List, so who knows if the audio would have made that a more interesting experience. I mean, there's a character who wants to eat another character's body hair you've been warned. 🤢 As always, Foley's short chapters are appreciated, although in this one it was more of a "let's read 10 more pages because I know it won't take too long" rather than a "how fast can I finish this addictive page turner" type of feel, evidenced by the fact that I was so able to let this one sit and not really care when I got back to it. Something tells me that much like the other scenic reads I've had this year, an actual vacation to Paris would be a far more exciting use of my time. Or at the very least, I’ll take some French Fries...hold the poutine. 😉

3.5 stars
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July 10, 2021 – Shelved
July 10, 2021 – Shelved as: to-read
March 10, 2022 – Shelved as: botm
April 8, 2022 – Started Reading
April 12, 2022 –
May 15, 2022 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 54 (54 new)

Gabrielle Grosbety Will be curious to hear what you think of this as it's been on my radar for a while!

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - so very behind! Gabrielle wrote: "Will be curious to hear what you think of this as it's been on my radar for a while!"

Well sad to say I still haven’t finished it…and I put it down for over a week while I was moving and didn’t miss it too much ☹️ But I plan to finish tomorrow and get my review up ASAP! 💕

Gabrielle Grosbety Catherine (semi-hiatus while moving) wrote: "Gabrielle wrote: "Will be curious to hear what you think of this as it's been on my radar for a while!"

Well sad to say I still haven’t finished it…and I put it down for over a week while I was mo..."

Oh no, that's not a good sign, but I'll still look forward to reading your review! 😊 I'm sure it'll be great and I also hope moving went well as I know that can be stressful!

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - so very behind! Gabrielle wrote: "Catherine (semi-hiatus while moving) wrote: "Gabrielle wrote: "Will be curious to hear what you think of this as it's been on my radar for a while!"

Well sad to say I still haven’t finished it…and..."

I’m still holding out hope for the last little bit so we will see! Hope the review turns out well even if the book doesn’t! LOL move went well just lots of unpacking still to do, but our house is feeling like home now, thanks for the kind words!! ❤️❤️

message 5: by Kay (new) - rated it 3 stars

Kay I'd say the audiobook was good and added enjoyment for me (the story was just meh). Terrific review Catherine!😊

Jayme You need a winner ASAP! Great review!

preoccupiedbybooks The audio definitely bumped up my rating in an average story!

Holly  B (slower pace!) I decided to skip this one, hoping your next is ALL the stars!

Sujoya - theoverbookedbibliophile Great and thorough review, Catherine! I agree with everything you said! 💕

message 10: by JanB (new)

JanB I’ve been seeing mediocre reviews and had already adjusted expectations. Too bad I chose this as my BOTM 😕

Melissa (Sailing the Greek Isles) Fantastic review Catherine. I agree with your thoughts here!

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - so very behind! Kay wrote: "I'd say the audiobook was good and added enjoyment for me (the story was just meh). Terrific review Catherine!😊"

Absolutely Kay! 💗 that was a common thread it seemed for those who grabbed the audio, but since this was my BOTM it was sadly not to be. I haven’t listened to an audiobook in ages, but since I’m going to keep reading Foley, maybe I’ll give her next one a shot in that format! 👍

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - so very behind! Jayme wrote: "You need a winner ASAP! Great review!"

Oh I absolutely do Jayme, it’s getting ridiculous! 😂 my current reads are good though, so I’m hopeful a stunner will be right around the corner! ♥️

Rebecca I've found this one to be rather predictable just because it followed the same pattern so it was kinda easy to guess what happened.

Julie Terrific review, Catherine! Sorry you didn't enjoy it more. 💖

message 16: by Debra (new) - added it

Debra Great review, Catherine! Bummer it jumped the shark.

Greta Samuelson Great review. Out of all of the big cast of characters my favorite was the concierge!

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - so very behind! preoccupiedbybooks wrote: "The audio definitely bumped up my rating in an average story!"

I so wish I’d given that a shot Fran! 💗 I’m glad all of the characters were unique in the audio, that had to be fun to listen to!

message 19: by Ellie (new) - added it

Ellie Spencer (catching up from hiatus) I have this one reserved with the library, I am not sure how I will feel about it! That body hair thing makes me feel so sick 🤢 thank you for your great and honest review Catherine! 🧡

Margaret M - (too far behind to catch up although trying to spend more time on GR) Fabulous review Catherine. I have this but haven't rushed to read it 💖

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - so very behind! Holly wrote: "I decided to skip this one, hoping your next is ALL the stars!"

Such a wise move, wish I’d picked another book for my first BOTM, but you know what they say about hindsight! LOL thanks so much, Holly! Xo

message 22: by Lit with Leigh (new)

Lit with Leigh LMAOO NOT POUTINE!!! I flipped through this at Walmart and I was like nopity nope nope... the rando French words throughout to FORCE it to be French was a #fail. Don't let French people see this... they'll riot 😂 Great review Catherine. Always love your honesty 💖

message 23: by Anne (new) - rated it 1 star

Anne Dragovcic Lolol Poutain v Poutine !!!! Oh so NOT the same thing !! I didn’t get past the first couple of chapters when j put it down and never picked it up again. The three characters I met were unlikable & your review makes me happy I added it to the DNF pile !!

message 24: by Lucy (new) - rated it 3 stars

Lucy I would've put off the book for 3 weeks too if I hadn't listened to the audiobook. Even so, we both ended up with a 3-star story 😏.

message 25: by Kat (new)

Kat Awesome review, Catherine! I'm sorry this missed the mark in so many ways. After The Guest List and so many reviews talking about her thing for unlikable characters, I just don't think she's an author for me. Her apparently juvenile sense of humor about French words isn't helping! 😉💗

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - so very behind! Sujoya wrote: "Great and thorough review, Catherine! I agree with everything you said! 💕"

Thanks so much, Sujoya! 💖 I was almost glad I didn’t have an ARC so I could actually discuss the plot and not have to worry about spoilers, since I could just use those tags for once! LOL

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - so very behind! JanB wrote: "I’ve been seeing mediocre reviews and had already adjusted expectations. Too bad I chose this as my BOTM 😕"

Good call Jan! 👍 I think I had it so built up on my mind that I was hoping I’d love it even though I saw reviews all over the map too. If it makes you feel better, I chose it as mine too (and my very first BOTM actually!) hope you fare better with May’s pick…I have my fingers crossed for Yerba Buena!

message 28: by Michelle (new)

Michelle Um, they want to eat WHAT?!?!?! No thank you!!! Excellent review, Catherine! 💞

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - so very behind! Melissa (In Catch-Up Mode) wrote: "Fantastic review Catherine. I agree with your thoughts here!"

Thanks so much, Melissa!!

message 30: by Colleen (new) - added it

Colleen Scidmore What a wonderful and hilarious review Catherine! I definitely get when an author throws in certain things for atmosphere that doesn’t really feel like atmosphere but overkill. And omg someone wants to eat somebody else’s body hair trimmings!! I didn’t read the spoiler because I haven’t picked this up yet, but I enjoyed the rest of the review immensely. 💜

message 31: by Catherine (last edited May 18, 2022 09:57AM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - so very behind! Rebecca wrote: "I've found this one to be rather predictable just because it followed the same pattern so it was kinda easy to guess what happened."

Very fair Rebecca! I can’t say I predicted what happened so you are more of a sleuth than I am, but I am a little worried once I read the Hunting Party I might feel the same way. Definitely not as excited as I once was to get to that one!

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - so very behind! Julie wrote: "Terrific review, Catherine! Sorry you didn't enjoy it more. 💖"

Thanks so much, Julie! 💕 I had fun at the beginning but once it jumped the shark, I never really regained interest. I’ll probably still check out her next though, so hopefully I’ll like that one better!

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - so very behind! Debra (semi-hiatus) wrote: "Great review, Catherine! Bummer it jumped the shark."

Thanks Debra! I was disappointed, so hoping Foley would make it make sense by the end…but nope!

message 34: by Catherine (last edited May 18, 2022 05:18PM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - so very behind! Greta wrote: "Great review. Out of all of the big cast of characters my favorite was the concierge!"

Thank you Greta! 🌺 I agree, if I had to pick a favorite she would have been mine too! Certainly one of the less crazy/creepy people! LOL

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - so very behind! Ellie wrote: "I have this one reserved with the library, I am not sure how I will feel about it! That body hair thing makes me feel so sick 🤢 thank you for your great and honest review Catherine! 🧡"

Well if you know about that part ahead of time maybe you can skip it? I wish I knew the page number, I would have put it in my review! I think I saw someone else mention it in their review before I read this but it still creeped me out! 🤢 I hope you will love this one Ellie, it has been a 5 star for others so hope you’ll be one of them! 💕

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - so very behind! Margaret M wrote: "Fabulous review Catherine. I have this but haven't rushed to read it 💖"

Thanks very much, Margaret! 💗 I can understand bumping this one down the pile a bit!

message 37: by Catherine (last edited May 20, 2022 05:22AM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - so very behind! GirlWithThePinkSkiMask wrote: "LMAOO NOT POUTINE!!! I flipped through this at Walmart and I was like nopity nope nope... the rando French words throughout to FORCE it to be French was a #fail. Don't let French people see this......"

Hahaha I know I’m humiliated I admitted that but come on!! 😂😂😂 she tried way too hard IMO! I mean you can tell I clearly did not take French in high school/college, but then again, maybe Foley didn’t either? LOL I loved the Guest List, but I really just could not handle this one. Thanks very much Pink, my honesty is not quite at your fabulous level! 😂💕💕

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - so very behind! Anne wrote: "Lolol Poutain v Poutine !!!! Oh so NOT the same thing !! I didn’t get past the first couple of chapters when j put it down and never picked it up again. The three characters I met were unlikable & ..."

I know, I know, but I was sooo tired of that word! 😂 I got the gist, but I had to look it up because it was bugging me so much!! You were not the only one to DNF that I’ve seen, and the fact that I basically stopped caring what happened means I probably should have done the same! Don’t know that I’ve ever just lost interest like that in recent memory, but at least it’s finally over! Thank you Anne!!💙

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - so very behind! Lucy wrote: "I would've put off the book for 3 weeks too if I hadn't listened to the audiobook. Even so, we both ended up with a 3-star story 😏."

Fair enough Lucy! 💖 I almost never listen to audio, but I think that would have helped in many respects…except with the ending! 😣

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - so very behind! Kat wrote: "Awesome review, Catherine! I'm sorry this missed the mark in so many ways. After The Guest List and so many reviews talking about her thing for unlikable characters, I just don't think she's an aut..."

Thank you Kat! 💞 your review for Guest List was amazing! Even though I really enjoyed that book, it was so articulate and I completely understood why it didn’t work for you. Based on that and the context you have from this one so far, these characters are not only unlikable but the plot is just so-so at best and the giant plot hole I felt ruined it for me was not resolved by the time it was (finally) over. Luckily I’ve forgotten most of the naughty words already! 😉

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - so very behind! Michelle wrote: "Um, they want to eat WHAT?!?!?! No thank you!!! Excellent review, Catherine! 💞"

Oh I know. I have no idea what inspired her to write that, but I’m glad I wasn’t eating when I got to that part! 😱 LOL thanks so much, Michelle! 💗

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - so very behind! Colleen wrote: "What a wonderful and hilarious review Catherine! I definitely get when an author throws in certain things for atmosphere that doesn’t really feel like atmosphere but overkill. And omg someone wants..."

Aw thanks Colleen! 💖 I liked the atmosphere of Paris overall, but I don’t think the plethora of French words really added anything to that. Yep, make sure you skip that gross part if you can! I wish I had thought to put the page number down. I’ll be curious to see what you think once you get to this and would love to discuss the ending too, so I’ll keep an eye out for your review!!

Brandice Great review, Catherine though sorry it was more of a miss! I enjoyed the story but wouldn’t have minded a little more of Paris/ Parisian elements and it was definitely a slow burn!

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - so very behind! Brandice wrote: "Great review, Catherine though sorry it was more of a miss! I enjoyed the story but wouldn’t have minded a little more of Paris/ Parisian elements and it was definitely a slow burn!"

Thank you Brandice!! 💖 I agree, I was hoping for a little more of the Paris experience and probably a little less of the naughty French words! 😂 it was a slower burn than I expected with those short chapters, but I’m still a Foley fan so I am looking forward to checking out her other books!

message 45: by Rosh (new)

Rosh Wonderful review, Catherine! 💕 I learnt something new today - "jumped the shark". Hadn't heard this idiom before. But it will be very useful in many reviews. 😄

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - so very behind! RoshReviews wrote: "Wonderful review, Catherine! 💕 I learnt something new today - "jumped the shark". Hadn't heard this idiom before. But it will be very useful in many reviews. 😄"

Aw that’s exciting Rosh! 💕 I love learning new expressions too! I agree, it’s one I could probably be using pretty often lately…😣

Dutchie(on hiatus…medical) That naughty French word is stuck in my head! It was on every page it seemed 😂 and I thought the same thing about poutine and I love it lol

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - so very behind! Dutchie wrote: "That naughty French word is stuck in my head! It was on every page it seemed 😂 and I thought the same thing about poutine and I love it lol"

Hahahaha isn’t it awful?! I knew it was wrong and yet my brain kept saying it! 🤣 it’s such a relief to know I’m not the only one plagued and haunted by that! I’ve never actually had poutine but I’m not a gravy fan so I tend to think it wouldn’t be up my alley…but maybe I’ll try it someday, who knows!

Holly  B (slower pace!) Now that I've read it, your review made me LOL! and I have to agree 💞

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - so very behind! Holly wrote: "Now that I've read it, your review made me LOL! and I have to agree 💞"

😂 I’m glad to hear it Holly! ❤️ (Well not glad you also didn’t love it…but at least I have company out here on outlier island! 🏝️)

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