Federico DN's Reviews > The Stepford Wives

The Stepford Wives by Ira Levin
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really liked it
bookshelves: almost-fav, thriller, adapted

Disparate Housewives.

In the midst of the women’s liberation movement, a little town in Connecticut seems to show an inexplicable regression. Independent women are turning into cleaning maniacs and dedicated housewives. What the hell is happening? Something in the air? The water? Is it a disease? Is it contagious? Walter, Joanna Eberhart and their kids are new in Stepford, but when she realizes something fishy going on, it all becomes a desperate quest for answers, before it’s too late.

For some reason this is marketed as a horror novel, but I found it to be much closer to a psychological thriller, and a very good one. Fast paced, and packing quite a punch. Very short, but extremely gripping. Everything moving so fast it’s over before you even know it. A somewhat too open ending for my taste, but a welcomed one overall. Joanna plays a wonderful heroine, and Bobbie a lovely and hilarious sidekick. Quite a bunch of feminist references too, which will be duly investigated at the appropriate time. Recommendable.

*** The movie (1975) is a great adaptation. Katharine Ross plays a convincing Joanna, but Paula Prentiss perfectly nails Bobbie and is the absolute best of the movie by far; so crazy, and utterly adorable. Not nearly as good as the book, but very faithful, several direct quotes can be found all through the film. An ending that goes a bit beyond the original work, and possibly gives a more satisfying answer to the mystery.

*** The remake (2004) is a terrible adaptation, and is critically panned for good reasons. Beside the protagonists and some general idea of the plot, everything else has been changed, and not really in a good way. No direct quotes, and lot of things added that doesn't make justice to Levin’s work. Not even a cast including stars like Kidman, Broderick, Midler, Close and Walken can save it. Points for some very funny moments, but very unfaithful to the book, and quite cheesy sometimes.

[1972] [144p] [Thriller] [“Sex, yes; sexism, no.”] [‘She’s marvellous,’ Charmaine said. ‘A German Virgo; if I told her to lick my shoes she’d do it. What are you, Joanna?’ ‘An American Taurus.’ ‘If you tell her to lick your shoes she spits in your eye,’ Bobbie said.]

★★★★☆ The Stepford Wives
★★★★☆ Rosemary's Baby [3.5]
★☆☆☆☆ Son of Rosemary [1.5]


Amas de Casa Dispares.

En el medio del movimiento de liberación de las mujeres, un pequeño pueblo en Connecticut parece mostrar una inexplicable regresión. Mujeres independientes se vuelven maniáticas de la limpieza y dedicadas amas de casa. ¿Qué demonios está pasando? ¿Es algo en el aire? ¿El agua? ¿Es una enfermedad? ¿Es contagiosa? Walter, Joanna Eberhart y sus hijos son nuevos en Stepford, pero cuando se da cuenta de que algo raro está sucediendo, todo se vuelve en una desesperada búsqueda por la verdad, antes de que sea demasiado tarde.

Por alguna razón esto está identificado como una novela de terror, pero yo lo encontré mucho más cercano a un thriller psicológico, y uno muy bueno. De ritmo muy rápido, y con un golpe directo y certero. Muy corto, pero extremadamente atrapante. Todo transcurre tan rápido que termina antes de que te des cuenta. Un final algo demasiado abierto para mi gusto, pero dentro de todo bienvenido. Joanna hace una estupenda heroína, y Bobbie una adorable e hilarante compañera. Un montón de referencias feministas también, que serán debidamente investigadas a su tiempo. Recomendable.

*** La película (1975) es una excelente adaptación. Katharine Ross hace una convincente Joanna, pero Paula Prentiss acierta perfectamente a Bobbie y es absolutamente lo mejor de toda la película; tan alocada, y terriblemente adorable. No tan buena como el libro, pero muy fiel, varias citas directas pueden ser encontradas a lo largo del film. Y un final que va un poco más allá de la obra original, y posiblemente brinda una respuesta más satisfactoria al misterio.

*** El remake (2004) es una terrible adaptación, y duramente criticada por buenas razones. Más allá de las protagonistas y una idea general de la trama, todo lo demás fue cambiado, y no realmente de una buena forma. No hay citas directas, y muchas cosas fueron agregadas que no le hacen justicia a la obra de Levin. Ni siquiera un elenco incluyendo estrellas como Kidman, Broderick, Midler, Close y Walken lo puede salvar. Puntos por algunos momentos muy graciosos, pero muy desleal al libro, y bastante artificial a veces.

[1972] [144p] [Thriller] [Recomendable] [‘Es maravillosa,’ dijo Charmaine. ‘Una Virgo alemana; si le digo que lama mis zapatos lo hace. ¿Qué sos vos, Joanna?’ ‘Una Tauro americana.’ ‘Si le decís que lama tus zapatos te escupe a los ojos,’ dijo Bobbie.]
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Comments Showing 1-50 of 76 (76 new)

message 1: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer Welsh I loved the 70s film, Frederico, I always wondered about the book. Great review!

Federico DN Jennifer wrote: "I loved the 70s film, Frederico, I always wondered about the book. Great review!"

Thank you Jennifer! Glad to hear you liked it! As nearly always the book was better, but if you have already watched the movie I doubt reading the book would add much :p

message 3: by Shey (new)

Shey Love your review, Federico, and your thoughts about the movies. Thanks for sharing! I wish you a wonderful new year! 🥳

message 4: by Sarah Beth (new)

Sarah Beth Fantastic review! Never read it or seen the movies, but it sounds really compelling. I love that you included brief reviews of the two movie adaptations, really insightful.

Federico DN Shey wrote: "Love your review, Federico, and your thoughts about the movies. Thanks for sharing! I wish you a wonderful new year! 🥳"

Thank you Shay! It's a good one. Have a merry new year 🥳!

Federico DN Sarah wrote: "Fantastic review! Never read it or seen the movies, but it sounds really compelling. I love that you included brief reviews of the two movie adaptations, really insightful."

Thank you Sarah! It was a neat surprise for a so called horror novel lol xD

message 7: by Imme (new)

Imme van Gorp Oh that sounds interesting. Is it a feminist novel? Or does it only have the themes but not really the message?
Maybe I’ll check out the 1975 movie sometime!
Great review xx

message 8: by Federico (last edited Dec 29, 2022 05:13AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Federico DN Imme wrote: "Oh that sounds interesting. Is it a feminist novel? Or does it only have the themes but not really the message?
Maybe I’ll check out the 1975 movie sometime!
Great review xx"

Thank you Imme! Hard question. Feminist context with subtle or implied message would say, but not really sure. I'm more of a superficial reader; in depth analysis, reading between the lines, symbolism and all that stuff is foreign language to me. In books as much as in IRL xD

message 9: by Paige ♠ (last edited Dec 29, 2022 05:28AM) (new)

Paige ♠ I feel like it’s classified as horror because at the time of its originally publication it probably leaned more that way 🤷‍♀️ I do love the original movie though so maybe I’ll read this one day too!

inciminci Splendid review, Federico, totally on the point! And I 100% agree with your opinions on the movies too, if you didn't like the 2004 movie (which I didn't either) wait until you see "Revenge of the Stepford Wives", by far the worst. Though I would totally understand if you want some Stepford-free time now 😄

Federico DN Paige ♠ wrote: "I feel like it’s classified as horror because at the time of its originally publication it probably leaned more that way 🤷‍♀️ I do love the original movie though so maybe I’ll read this one day too!"

Yes possibly, or maybe because it's Ira Levin everyone thinks anything he writes must be horror lol. Still a very good one, although if you have already watched the movie I doubt if reading the book would add much.

message 12: by Srivalli (new)

Srivalli Rekha That's a comprehensive review of the book and its movie adaptations. Glad that at least one movie was closer to the original.

Federico DN inciminci wrote: "Splendid review, Federico, totally on the point! And I 100% agree with your opinions on the movies too, if you didn't like the 2004 movie (which I didn't either) wait until you see "Revenge of the ..."

Thank you Inci! Ugh "Revenge of the Stepford Wives" sounds so cheesy I bet it's even worse than a bad B movie lol. Will prolly skip that one xD.

Federico DN Srivalli wrote: "That's a comprehensive review of the book and its movie adaptations. Glad that at least one movie was closer to the original."

Yup. It's an oldie but fairly good one all things considered :) . Thank you Srivalli!

Stephanie ((Strazzybooks)) Great review! I enjoyed this book as well.

message 16: by Federico (last edited Dec 29, 2022 07:07AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Federico DN Stephanie ((Strazzybooks)) wrote: "Great review! I enjoyed this book as well."

Thank you Stephanie! Glad to see you really liked it too :D

message 17: by Alexandra (new)

Alexandra Nice to see that you’ve finally had a 4-star read! Thank you for sharing :) Happy New Year!

Federico DN Alexandra wrote: "Nice to see that you’ve finally had a 4-star read! Thank you for sharing :) Happy New Year!"

A solid 4 star. Thank you Alexandra! Have a Merry New Year!

message 19: by A. (new) - added it

A. Salió redondita la reseña, noble Fede. Me gustó mucho. Me estaría faltando la data del nombre de "Las Películas", pero bueno, no seamos más papistas que el Papa (¡Oh! Otra frase que spoilea la edad, jaja)
Me alegra que te gustara, Fede. Me pareció muy interesante y tu reseña ayudó mucho, así que va para la lista de deseos.
Mis saludos, noble Fede 🙃

message 20: by Federico (last edited Dec 29, 2022 08:35AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Federico DN A. wrote: "Salió redondita la reseña, noble Fede. Me gustó mucho. Me estaría faltando la data del nombre de "Las Películas", pero bueno, no seamos más papistas que el Papa (¡Oh! Otra frase que spoilea la edad..."

Gracias Lady A.! Siempre digo película porque a no ser de contadas excepciones siempre se llaman igual que el título del libro. Y me enseñaron que la repetición al escribir es mala jajja. Creo que en Argentina la de 2004 la titularon "Las mujeres perfectas", o eso según el sabelotodo IMDB. La otra de 1975 no debe estar doblada al castellano ni a palos, y ya bastante difícil fue encontrarla en inglés. Espero que le guste si alguna vez le toca el turno. Saludos y felicidades estimada A.!

ꕥ Ange_Lives_To_Read ꕥ Great review! (I'm always glad to find someone who shares my hatred of the 2004 movie adaptation.)

message 22: by Karen (new)

Karen Love the book + multiple-movies review! 🙂 This is one thorough review. I don’t think I ever read this, but I should add it to my Ira Levin collection.

Federico DN ❄️AngeLivesToRead❄️ wrote: "Great review! (I'm always glad to find someone who shares my hatred of the 2004 movie adaptation.)"

Thank you Ange! Ugh, the 2004 remake ending was so cheesy! (view spoiler)

message 24: by Tina (new)

Tina I'm glad you enjoyed it! I've heard of the book and movie but have never read it myself. The book sounds good!

Federico DN Karen wrote: "Love the book + multiple-movies review! 🙂 This is one thorough review. I don’t think I ever read this, but I should add it to my Ira Levin collection."

Thank you Karen! It's a short great one! I see you read 'A Kiss Before Dying'. Hoping to read that one too someday :)

Federico DN Tina wrote: "I'm glad you enjoyed it! I've heard of the book and movie but have never read it myself. The book sounds good!"

Thank you Tina! It's a very good thriller for such a short story :)

message 27: by aly (new)

aly ☆彡 why movie adaptation can be so disappointing somehow. glad ure enjoying the book tho!

message 28: by Federico (last edited Dec 29, 2022 11:38AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Federico DN aly wrote: "why movie adaptation can be so disappointing somehow. glad ure enjoying the book tho!"

Thank you Aly! Hollywood right? Sometimes it's safer to stick just with the book. But as a double bibliophile/cinephile I'm obliged to read/watch both xD.

message 29: by Rosh (new)

Rosh Excellent review, Federico! I had begun watching the Nicole Kidman movie years ago but gave up after about the halfway mark. It was so boring! If the book is much better, I'd definitely try it out.

Federico DN Rosh wrote: "Excellent review, Federico! I had begun watching the Nicole Kidman movie years ago but gave up after about the halfway mark. It was so boring! If the book is much better, I'd definitely try it out."

Thank you Rosh! It's a great quick read. And yes that remake kinda sucks lol.

message 31: by Sarah (new)

Sarah Thank you for this review, Federico, which has prompted my movie choice for the evening (after I'm done with the day's adulting 🤮): I'm going to watch the 1994 movie Serial Mom, which is a John Waters directed, Kathleen Turner fronted film about the "perfect suburban mom" who is actually a serial killer. It's a black comedy... and I haven't seen it in AGES (actually don't know if I've ever watched it all the way through).

Wish me luck!
Have a great night!!

message 32: by Paul (new) - rated it 4 stars

Paul Ataua Great review Frederico! I totally agree that it is more psychological thriller than horror, and it IS a good one.

Federico DN Sarah wrote: "Thank you for this review, Federico, which has prompted my movie choice for the evening (after I'm done with the day's adulting 🤮): I'm going to watch the 1994 movie Serial Mom, which is a John Wat..."

Interesting pick. IMDB says it's good. I'm gonna add it to my watchlist, but mixed within the 2000+ I already have pending, it will prolly remain unwatched for years, if not forever.

Have fun Sarah!

Federico DN Paul wrote: "Great review Frederico! I totally agree that it is more psychological thriller than horror, and it IS a good one."

Thank you Paul! Glad you enjoyed it as well :)

message 35: by Sarah (new)

Sarah I'll let you know how it goes (fingers crossed for greatness)!!

message 36: by Debra (new)

Debra Terrific review, Federico! I enjoyed your insight into the book and movies.

Federico DN Debra wrote: "Terrific review, Federico! I enjoyed your insight into the book and movies."

Thank you Debra :D !

• Lindsey Dahling • THIS BOOK. I remember seeing the 2004 remake in theaters and thinking a) I bet the book is better and b) holy shit Nicole Kidman is stunning. A big hell yes to the feminist references and funny sidekicks! Also interested in this German Virgo and American Taurus. 🤣

message 39: by Sarah (new)

Sarah Serial Mom was sooooooooo good!!
*It’s a lot - but really well done and fantastically camped out*

message 40: by Nilguen (new)

Nilguen Fantastic review, Federico!!

Federico DN • Lindsey Dahling • wrote: "THIS BOOK. I remember seeing the 2004 remake in theaters and thinking a) I bet the book is better and b) holy shit Nicole Kidman is stunning. A big hell yes to the feminist references and funny sid..."

Lol. The book is MUCH better Lindsey, especially compared to the 2004 remake. It has a bit of feminism and astrology definitions like that :)

message 42: by Federico (last edited Dec 30, 2022 12:42AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Federico DN Sarah wrote: "Serial Mom was sooooooooo good!!
*It’s a lot - but really well done and fantastically camped out*"

Glad to hear that Sarah! Crossing fingers always works. I was going to watch a movie too but fell asleep like a rock before even trying xD

Federico DN Nilguen wrote: "Fantastic review, Federico!!"

Thank you Nilguen!

message 44: by Tara (new)

Tara Great review! And that was such a clever pun you started it off with, loved that :D

Federico DN Tara wrote: "Great review! And that was such a clever pun you started it off with, loved that :D"

Thank you Tara! Every now and then I get just the right title lol.

message 46: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer Welsh Oh, that’s good to know! Thank you. Hope you enjoy bringing in the new year, and wishing you a happy, healthy :)

message 47: by A (new) - rated it 4 stars

A Mac Fantastic review, Federico! Sounds like an awesome read that I'll have to add to my list. I'll admit, I only ever heard about the 2004 movie, so I never even gave this book a second glance.

Federico DN Jennifer wrote: "Oh, that’s good to know! Thank you. Hope you enjoy bringing in the new year, and wishing you a happy, healthy :)"

You are welcome! U2. Have a Merry New Year Jennifer :D

message 49: by Federico (last edited Dec 30, 2022 05:52AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Federico DN A wrote: "Fantastic review, Federico! Sounds like an awesome read that I'll have to add to my list. I'll admit, I only ever heard about the 2004 movie, so I never even gave this book a second glance."

That remake is a disgrace to Levin's work lol. Hope you like it if you ever get to read it. Thank you Mac!

message 50: by Chantel (new)

Chantel Fantastic review! Might have to see about watching the original film adaptation sometime soon, it sounds like a good little rainy sunday movie. Glad the book was such a good experience xx

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