Federico DN's Reviews > The Raven

The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe
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it was ok
bookshelves: classics, horror, poetry, best-short-stories, free-domain, shorts

Wes Craven.
by Federico DN

For the love of God, poetry please begone!
I loathe ye! Can’t thou see? Just let me be!
Obliterated my soul, poetry stands alone.
..................Curious I will be, “Nevermore.”

[1845] [6p] [Horror] [Poetry] [Conditional Recommendable]

[It’s public domain. You can find it HERE.]

One of the best poems ever written. Poe’s. Not mine!


★★★☆☆ The Essential Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe
★★☆☆☆ The Complete Stories and Poems
★★★☆☆ The Tell-Tale Heart and Other Writings
★★★☆☆ The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Tales
★☆☆☆☆ The Raven and Other Poems


San Lorenzo.
por Federico DN

Por el amor de Dios, ¡poesía adiós!
¡Ódiote! ¿Acaso no ves? ¡Déjame ser!
Obliterada mi alma, poesía vos ganás.
...............Curioso seré, “Nunca jamás.”

[1845] [6p] [Horror] [Poesía] [Recomendable Condicional]

[Es dominio público, lo pueden encontrar ACA.]

Uno de los mejores poemas jamás escritos. El de Poe. ¡No el mío!
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Reading Progress

April 23, 2023 – Started Reading
April 23, 2023 – Shelved
April 23, 2023 –
20.0% "Ugh! POETRY! The Horror!"
April 24, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 99 (99 new)

message 1: by inciminci (new)

inciminci 🤣🤣🤣🖤 This is awesome, Fede! It might not be your best poem, but it may be your best review yet!

message 2: by Federico (last edited Apr 24, 2023 01:58AM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Federico DN inciminci wrote: "🤣🤣🤣🖤 This is awesome, Fede! It might not be your best poem, but it may be your best review yet!"

Poetry inspires me so much lol. Thank you Inci :) !

message 3: by Diane (new)

Diane Wallace Entertaining n honest insight, Federico! :)

message 4: by Federico (last edited Apr 24, 2023 03:40AM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Federico DN Diane wrote: "Entertaining n honest insight, Federico! :)"

Thank you Diane xD !

Tara (Not Receiving Notifications 🔔 ) Enjoyed your candor, Federico 🌸

Federico DN Tara wrote: "Enjoyed your candor, Federico 🌸"

Thank you Tara :p !

message 7: by Nilguen (new) - added it

Nilguen Fair enough, Federico!! Noted 🙌

Federico DN Nilguen wrote: "Fair enough, Federico!! Noted 🙌"

Thank you Nilguen xD !

message 9: by Karen (new)

Karen This review is the first poem I ever understood. It inspires me to continue to avoid poetry. 🙂 Great one, Federico!

Federico DN Karen wrote: "This review is the first poem I ever understood. It inspires me to continue to avoid poetry. 🙂 Great one, Federico!"

Thank you Karen! Oh Gosh! Poetry is so insufferable lol, even as short as this one xD. The Simpsons parody is pretty good though :D

message 11: by CarolG (new)

CarolG I don't know, I kinda enjoyed your poem! I can only hear Edgar Allan Poe's poem read in the voice of Vincent Price (1963 movie) but you may be too young to remember him!

message 12: by Federico (last edited Apr 24, 2023 04:52AM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Federico DN Carol wrote: "I don't know, I kinda enjoyed your poem! I can only hear Edgar Allan Poe's poem read in the voice of Vincent Price (1963 movie) but you may be too young to remember him!"

Thank you Carol! I didn't know about that comedy adaptation. Didn't remember, but then again I wasn't even born yet lol. Looks very funny! Added it to my TBW. Thank you for the rec :D

message 13: by CarolG (new)

CarolG Federico wrote: "Carol wrote: "I don't know, I kinda enjoyed your poem! I can only hear Edgar Allan Poe's poem read in the voice of Vincent Price (1963 movie) but you may be too young to remember him!"

Thank you C..."

Ha ha ... I didn't even realize it was a "comedy". It was a long time ago that I saw it.

message 14: by Srivalli (new)

Srivalli Rekha Oh, you are a poet yourself, Federico. :D

message 15: by Federico (last edited Apr 24, 2023 07:07AM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Federico DN Srivalli wrote: "Oh, you are a poet yourself, Federico. :D"

Poetry! Yuck!!! I feel filthy.

message 16: by Srivalli (new)

Srivalli Rekha Federico wrote: "Poetry! Yuck!!! I feel filthy."

Oh, come on! You are natural at it. ;P

Federico DN Srivalli wrote: "Oh, come on! You are natural at it. ;P"

That's exactly the WORST of all !!

message 18: by Srivalli (new)

Srivalli Rekha Federico wrote: "That's exactly the WORST of all !!"


message 19: by Jan (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jan Lol seems poetry is your hidden talent, Frederico! I never acquired a taste for poetry either, but for some reason I have a fondness for The Raven. I can't even begin to explain myself....

message 20: by Han (new)

Han HAHAHA! This review is gold (however I am a fan of this by EAP lol)!!

message 21: by Pedro (new)

Pedro Reseña breve y genial! 😄👏🏻

message 22: by Federico (last edited Apr 24, 2023 08:36AM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Federico DN Jan wrote: "Lol seems poetry is your hidden talent, Frederico! I never acquired a taste for poetry either, but for some reason I have a fondness for The Raven. I can't even begin to explain myself...."

Thank you Jan! My hidden superpower sucks! That's the only poem I'll read from Poe, and only because it's one of the most famed in literature, but that's it I'm DONE xD

message 23: by Federico (last edited Apr 24, 2023 08:35AM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Federico DN Hanna wrote: "HAHAHA! This review is gold (however I am a fan of this by EAP lol)!!"

Thank you Hanna! Poe is the man. I bet all his poems are excellent. Too bad I'll never, EVER read them xD

Federico DN Pedro wrote: "Reseña breve y genial! 😄👏🏻"

Gracias Pedro :D !

message 25: by Jackie (new)

Jackie Book addict not recovered Omg that is a funny review 🤣! Plus you added the Simpson clip 🤣! Not on my tbr because not a fan of Edgar .

message 26: by Alexandra (new)

Alexandra 😂😂😂This was hilarious, thank you! I enjoy poetry myself😉😉😉, that’s what readers are - different.

Federico DN Jackie wrote: "Omg that is a funny review 🤣! Plus you added the Simpson clip 🤣! Not on my tbr because not a fan of Edgar ."

Thank you Jackie! I love that Simpsons gif. It says everything I can't, and better xD

Federico DN Alexandra wrote: "😂😂😂This was hilarious, thank you! I enjoy poetry myself😉😉😉, that’s what readers are - different."

Absolutely, we all have our preferences, and that's what makes GR so beautifully varied <3. Thank you Alexandra :D

message 29: by Christian (new)

Christian Savin For someone who doesn't like poetry, you definitely do a better job than most poets out there! xD

Federico DN Christian wrote: "For someone who doesn't like poetry, you definitely do a better job than most poets out there! xD"

Thank you Christian! Short, simple and near non existent. That's my secret xD

Amina (ⴰⵎⵉⵏⴰ) You're sure you loath poetry? You did an awesome job above!

Thibault Busschots I have to admit, I liked this one a bit more than you. But poetry is not for everyone.

amyhardlyreads ✨ Ahahaha pure gold 🤣 even tho I love E. A. Poe very much

message 34: by Marcos (new)

Marcos GM 5 ⭐ to it! (your poem, not Poe's)
I only know about it for The Simpsons, I haven't read it yet, but kinda wanting it now. I think I'll read it after The fall of the house of Usher, I really want to read that.

message 35: by Federico (last edited Apr 24, 2023 10:55AM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Federico DN Amina wrote: "You're sure you loath poetry? You did an awesome job above!"

Thank you Amina! Three times I've read poetry, three times I've hated it. And whenever I find some in my novels (thankfully not often), I always skim it xD

message 36: by Federico (last edited Apr 24, 2023 11:08AM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Federico DN Thibault wrote: "I have to admit, I liked this one a bit more than you. But poetry is not for everyone."

Thank you Thibault! It's certainly not for me. I have this book with all Poe's short stories and poems, I'm not touching any of the poems, except this one xD

message 37: by Federico (last edited Apr 24, 2023 10:59AM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Federico DN andreicareads wrote: "Ahahaha pure gold 🤣 even tho I love E. A. Poe very much"

I do love EAP's short stories Andreica! But I'm not touching ANY of his poems, except this one xD

message 38: by Federico (last edited Apr 24, 2023 11:09AM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Federico DN Marcos wrote: "5 ⭐ to it! (your poem, not Poe's)
I only know about it for The Simpsons, I haven't read it yet, but kinda wanting it now. I think I'll read it after The fall of the house of Usher, I really want t..."

Thank you very much Marcos! The Simpsons parody made an excellent job with this one! I didn't exactly checked word for word, but give or take a few things, most of it was there. It's really short too, twenty minutes at most. I only read it because it was SO short and because it's considered one of Poe's finest works. The House of Usher is very good too :D

message 39: by Marcos (new)

Marcos GM Federico wrote: "Marcos wrote: "5 ⭐ to it! (your poem, not Poe's)
I only know about it for The Simpsons, I haven't read it yet, but kinda wanting it now. I think I'll read it after The fall of the house of Usher, ..."

I know it's short but I have a book with The fall... among other stories, and it includes this I think. If not, now I know where to find it thanks to you.

Federico DN Marcos wrote: "I know it's short but I have a book with The fall... among other stories, and it includes this I think. If not, now I know where to find it thanks to you. ..."

Awesome! Always happy to help :D

message 41: by Yun (new)

Yun Haha! I'm always afraid that will be my reaction to poetry too. Sorry this didn't work out.

Federico DN Yun wrote: "Haha! I'm always afraid that will be my reaction to poetry too. Sorry this didn't work out."

I can't stand it Yun. Not even when I happen to find it within novels, I just instantly skim it xD

Debra lol, you poem was perfection, Federico!

Federico DN Debra wrote: "lol, you poem was perfection, Federico!"

Thank you Debra! Poetry. Yuck! I hate it, even if it's mine. I just birthed a monster xD

message 45: by Fiza (new)

Fiza Pathan This was really humorous & witty Federico! Amazing-amazing! Hope your next read of Poe will be better! I'm really enjoying your well crafted reviews. Cheers to you! :)

Federico DN Fiza wrote: "This was really humorous & witty Federico! Amazing-amazing! Hope your next read of Poe will be better! I'm really enjoying your well crafted reviews. Cheers to you! :)"

Thank you so much Fiza! I really enjoy his short stories, they are excellent! I just hate poetry, no matter the author xD.

message 47: by Rosh (new) - rated it 4 stars

Rosh OMG, 'Feddie' read and WROTE and reviewed poetry!!! 😮😮😮😮😮
Who are you and what have you done with my poetry-phobic friend? 😛

message 48: by Federico (last edited Apr 24, 2023 01:46PM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Federico DN Rosh [busy month; will catch up soon!] wrote: "OMG, 'Feddie' read and WROTE and reviewed poetry!!! 😮😮😮😮😮
Who are you and what have you done with my poetry-phobic friend? 😛"

Lol. I'm reading this book with all of Poe's short stories and the first thing I wanted to do was remove the nastiest horriblest thorn of all, his Raven poem. There's a whole bibliography with his abundant poems too which I am never, EVER going to touch xD

message 49: by Rosh (new) - rated it 4 stars

Rosh 😂😂
I hope you love his stories better. Happy reading with the rest of the anthology, Feddie! 🤗

Alejandro Poetry isn't my thing either ;)

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