Candi's Reviews > Tremor

Tremor by Teju Cole
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bookshelves: contemporary-literary, abandoned

At page 146, I’ve completely lost the thread of this fragmentary “novel” and am throwing in the towel. I admired Cole’s Open City and I can’t wait to look at his book of photography I have on the end table, but this work is for someone more grounded than I am at the moment, apparently!
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Reading Progress

September 9, 2023 – Shelved
September 9, 2023 – Shelved as: to-read
September 9, 2023 – Shelved as: contemporary-literary
Started Reading
December 8, 2023 – Shelved as: abandoned
December 8, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-43 of 43 (43 new)

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message 1: by Lisa (new) - added it

Lisa Looking forward to hearing if this is as good as his first!

message 2: by Candi (new) - added it

Candi Lisa wrote: "Looking forward to hearing if this is as good as his first!"

So far I'd say yes it is, Lisa! It's very introspective and smart and covers a lot of different ground :)

message 3: by Barbara K. (new)

Barbara K. Knowing “when to fold ‘em” is what keeps the reading experience from bogging down.

message 4: by Lisa (new) - added it

Lisa Okay, you tried. On to Absolution? (No pressure 😜)

Terence M - [Quot libros, quam breve tempus!] Barbara K wrote: "Knowing “when to fold ‘em” is what keeps the reading experience from bogging down."
How very true, Barbara! I am an inveterate Dnf'er😃

message 6: by Bonnie G. (last edited Dec 08, 2023 05:33PM) (new)

Bonnie G. I started this last weekend, read about 30 pages, and decided to return later because I just found I had to talk myself into turning each page. Then a couple of days later I got Covid and thought, THAT must have been the problem. But your insightful observations really track with my brief reading experience. Thank you so much, Candi, for pulling together and expressing feelings I had that I could not seem to turn into thoughts. Fragmentary and weightless (not in that they have no heft, but that they would fly away if not tied down) are the right words for my experience. (I also had the misfortune of seeing him speak a few years back when Open City came out and I did not love him personally. I usually don't have a major issue separating the writer from the work, but it seemed from what I read that I had to put a lot of faith in Cole's lens for this book, and I don't really have that faith.) I am going to keep it on the TBR to return to for now. We shall see.

message 7: by Candi (new) - added it

Candi Barbara K. wrote: "Knowing “when to fold ‘em” is what keeps the reading experience from bogging down."

It sure does, Barbara! At first I thought, well, after nearly 150 pages, I should keep going. But why?? It started to feel like torture :D

message 8: by Candi (new) - added it

Candi Lisa wrote: "Okay, you tried. On to Absolution? (No pressure 😜)"

Lisa, I really liked the beginning of the book. Then I reached a point when I lost a little focus. Then a new section started up with new characters, constant change in point of view (including second person, which is confusing enough without having no clue which character is talking to "you", much less who the "you" is directed at :D )

Yes! Started Absolution!!

message 9: by Candi (new) - added it

Candi Bonnie G. wrote: "I started this last weekend, read about 30 pages, and decided to return later because I just found I had to talk myself into turning each page. Then a couple of days later I got Covid and thought, ..."

Bonnie, I have to say that it might not be you, and it might not be Covid - it could very well be the style of Cole's writing in this book! :D The thing is, I was hooked at the start. Then it got tough. Then it got completely incomprehensible to me! This is the sort of story that would be served better in a motion picture format. Then I could *perhaps* keep the characters straight in that hard to follow last part that I bailed on!

message 10: by Bonnie G. (new)

Bonnie G. Thanks for sharing your process Candi. Since I started out unenthisiastiic you experience encourages me to blame the virus for at least part of the failure to connect and to give it another try.

message 11: by Candi (new) - added it

Candi Bonnie G. wrote: "Thanks for sharing your process Candi. Since I started out unenthisiastiic you experience encourages me to blame the virus for at least part of the failure to connect and to give it another try."

Of course, Bonnie! I hope that when you return to it you will have a lot better luck with it :)

message 12: by Joseph (new)

Joseph Sciuto I understand totally. Thanks for the honesty.

message 13: by Antoinette (new)

Antoinette It happens. Sorry it was a miss!

message 14: by Candi (new) - added it

Candi Joseph wrote: "I understand totally. Thanks for the honesty."

Nothing but the truth, Joseph! :)

message 15: by Candi (new) - added it

Candi Antoinette wrote: "It happens. Sorry it was a miss!"

I'm sorry it was too, Antoinette, as I was super excited to be the first one to check it out at the library!

message 16: by Antoinette (new)

Antoinette Don’t you love that feeling of being the first to open that book. I had that experience recently with Mistletoe Malice and then it was a DNF. That’s book life!

message 17: by Laysee (new)

Laysee Knowing the astute reader you are, Candy, I’m sure the fault lies elsewhere. Good to move on. Time is precious.

message 18: by Sara (new)

Sara I hate when this happens, but you are smart enough to know when to move on. I hope Absolution is proving to be what you needed.

message 19: by Candi (new) - added it

Candi Antoinette wrote: "Don’t you love that feeling of being the first to open that book. I had that experience recently with Mistletoe Malice and then it was a DNF. That’s book life!"

I don't often take the opportunity to be first in line for a book, Antoinette. But if I do, that means I'm super excited about reading it. So the DNF is serious business for me in that case!

message 20: by Candi (new) - added it

Candi Laysee wrote: "Knowing the astute reader you are, Candy, I’m sure the fault lies elsewhere. Good to move on. Time is precious."

It's very kind of you to say so, Laysee! I suspect Teju Cole is just a bit too clever for the likes of me though :D The good news is, I have about 4000 more books on my list to choose from! :D :D

message 21: by Candi (new) - added it

Candi Sara wrote: "I hate when this happens, but you are smart enough to know when to move on. I hope Absolution is proving to be what you needed."

I hate it even more when I've invested more than 100 pages in a book, Sara. I keep thinking, I could have read a few stellar short stories in its place. I am happy with Absolution :)

message 22: by Mark (new)

Mark Porton Oh dear, Canders - but hey, at 146 pages you gave this a jolly good shake!!

message 23: by Candi (new) - added it

Candi Mark wrote: "Oh dear, Canders - but hey, at 146 pages you gave this a jolly good shake!!"

Ha, Markus! Kinda like the guy in the big red suit! :D :D

message 24: by Kathleen (new) - added it

Kathleen If it's any consolation, maybe you took one for the team? I too loved Open City, but not sure if/when I'll be ready for this one. Thanks!

message 25: by Candi (new) - added it

Candi Kathleen wrote: "If it's any consolation, maybe you took one for the team? I too loved Open City, but not sure if/when I'll be ready for this one. Thanks!"

Haha! Yes, it helps to know that my time wasn't wasted, Kathleen :D If you do read this, I'd be super interested to read your thoughts on it!

message 26: by Mark (new)

Mark Porton Candi wrote: "Mark wrote: "Oh dear, Canders - but hey, at 146 pages you gave this a jolly good shake!!"

Ha, Markus! Kinda like the guy in the big red suit! :D :D"

Rami Malek, Canders? 😉🎈


message 27: by Candi (new) - added it

Candi Ha! That's a red suit alright, Markus!! :D Works for me :)

message 28: by RJ (new) - rated it 1 star

RJ Deeds You’re not wrong. This is the type of book a certain band of cognoscenti adore & who look down their noses at us that don’t “get it” - how can we be so stupid? Awful book - ramblings uncontrolled. I wish I had your discipline to abandon it; well done!

message 29: by Candi (new) - added it

Candi RJ wrote: "You’re not wrong. This is the type of book a certain band of cognoscenti adore & who look down their noses at us that don’t “get it” - how can we be so stupid? Awful book - ramblings uncontrolled. ..."

I'm glad to hear we're in agreement but sorry you suffered through this, RJ! I don't like it when books confuse me and make me feel like an amateur reader! :D

message 30: by Lorna (new)

Lorna Good for you, Candi. In all of these years I don’t remember you ever throwing in the towel! But I agree that this sounds dreadful.

message 31: by Terrie (new)

Terrie  Robinson (short break) Onward to one that’s a better fit for you right now, Candi…

message 32: by Pedro (new)

Pedro When it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work.

message 33: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer Welsh I feel like a lot of contemporary fiction reflects a new fragmentation of mind that can be the very last thing we need when we’re already there. Respect, Candi. I’m hoping to get to Open City this year…

message 34: by Candi (new) - added it

Candi Lorna wrote: "Good for you, Candi. In all of these years I don’t remember you ever throwing in the towel! But I agree that this sounds dreadful."

I've given up on a few rare occasions, Lorna. I've actually done it a few times without even bothering to leave a rating or a sentence at all, actually. Why let good books go unread while reading one that makes you grumpy?!! :D

message 35: by Candi (new) - added it

Candi Terrie wrote: "Onward to one that’s a better fit for you right now, Candi…"

Thanks, Terrie! That's exactly what I'm doing :)

message 36: by Candi (new) - added it

Candi Pedro wrote: "When it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work."

Yes, Pedro! And why not choose one of the other 3,999 books on the list instead?! ;D :D

message 37: by Pedro (new)

Pedro 😂😂😂

message 38: by Candi (new) - added it

Candi Jennifer wrote: "I feel like a lot of contemporary fiction reflects a new fragmentation of mind that can be the very last thing we need when we’re already there. Respect, Candi. I’m hoping to get to Open City this ..."

That's an excellent way of putting it, Jennifer! That fragmentation is something that most definitely doesn't work for me right now. Open City, however, was a bit success with me! :)

message 39: by Candi (new) - added it

Candi Pedro wrote: "😂😂😂"

Naturally, you know I'm understating that number of books, too! :D :D

message 40: by Pedro (new)

Pedro Totally saw what you did there with all those number nines!! 🤣🤣

message 41: by Candi (new) - added it

Candi Pedro wrote: "Totally saw what you did there with all those number nines!! 🤣🤣"


Darcie Furlan I stuck it out. Some great passages, but overall a confusing mess. Good on you for bailing at page 146. I wish I had!

message 43: by Candi (new) - added it

Candi Darcie wrote: "I stuck it out. Some great passages, but overall a confusing mess. Good on you for bailing at page 146. I wish I had!"

Sorry I'm only seeing your comment now, Darcie! I'm glad I'm not the only one that was confused by this, but sorry you had to wade your way through the whole thing!

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