Noah's Reviews > Howl's Moving Castle

Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones
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bookshelves: fantasy, romance, pretty-cover, middle-grade

Lo~ovin' you, is easy 'cause you're beautiful (Loving You – Minnie Riperton).

I’ll admit that a lot more decision making went into starting this book than most of the stuff I read. I was doing some serious research, watching the movie, a bunch of “behind-the-scenes” stuff on YouTube, and I even had the soundtrack on repeat for several days. Then I decided… yeah, I should probably read the book. It is the original after all. Though, it’s kind of scary, you know? Reading a book from so long ago. I mean, I’m aware that 1986 isn’t that long ago, but I’ve had bad experiences with reading older fiction before. Dated language, dated sentiments, the usual. But I know this version is rather beloved, so I figured I have to at least give it a fair chance. In fact, I went into this being so sure that something from above would smite me if I hated it, that I was seriously prepared to pretend to love it the same way I did with Lorde’s “Solar Power.” Well, color me surprised at how much I actually liked this. I was blindsided, really. The thing is, this book had an uphill battle from the jump simply because of how fully enticed I was by the movie. And it’s not just the bigger romantic focus and the powerful anti-war message, I think I’m just really easily moved by pretty animation and beautiful music. It’s a hard feeling to capture on a page. Thankfully, after a couple chapters getting used to it, I came to appreciate and really enjoy this book for what it is. It doesn't sound like it, but I swear I did! It was surprisingly easy to fall into step with the narrative and the characters were as charming as their movie counterparts (albeit with a few key differences)! It’s a little funny, because when I was watching the Studio Ghibli version, I found it so abstract that I kind of chalked it up to cultural differences, but after reading the source material it’s like… no, the story is just like that. It’s quirky! Is it obvious that I love, love, love Ghibli movies? Because I really do. I love Studio Ghibli movies! And not just for the aesthetic! Whenever things feel like they’re happening too much, every movie of theirs feels like an exaltation of a breath I didn’t know I was holding.

Now that I’ve consumed all available Howl’s Moving Castle media (to the point where I’m probably Howl’s Moving Castle’d out), I think I can safely say that I slightly prefer the movie adaption. Big surprise, I know. I like both, but I think I just like Howl’s portrayal more in the animated adaption. He’s still vain and afraid, but he’s a bit more dashing, a bit more mature, and a bit… more. He doesn’t really undergo too much character development in this book and you could pretty much open it up to any page and he’d be doing the same shtick he’s been doing the entire story. Even after the big “I love you” reveal, he might as well have looked at the camera and said, “Don’t worry guys, I’m the same old Howl!” Sorry, but… maybe I don’t want the same old Howl! I want movie Howl! Ahhh, I know what it is. Book Howl is that one guy. The sitcom husband, the dude who you can tell doesn’t actually want a girlfriend or a partner, not really. At the end of the day, what they really want is a mommy. And while there’s no doubt that the book certainly has more world-building and goes more into the details of the “who-what-when-where and why,” I think that this tale is more than sufficiently told through the movie adaption. To the point where I’d argue that it’s sometimes improved upon. For example, through visual cues, we see how Sophie’s old woman curse seems fluid, constantly changing rapidly throughout the film, implying that it was more of a metaphor for her resignation in life, and we get to see the curse break every time she feels passion and love for Howl, showing that she had the power to break it within herself the whole time. Or how, on the flip-side, after falling in love with Sophie, Howl’s appearance loses its extravagant and flashy nature, showing that he’s more comfortable being “his true self” around Sophie, without all the glam and glamour. I'm more than happy with metaphors, I don't need literal, in-universe, explanations for the these things. Anyway, woah, lots of comparison talk, huh? I feel like I have to keep saying it... but don’t worry, like I said, I liked this book. Quite a bit actually, it's different but still good! Even if I’m more partial to the movie adaption, the book version managed to muster up more than enough magic and whimsy to keep me enraptured.

“Don’t you think I did any of me myself, then?” Howl asked. “Put in just a few touches of my own?”
“A few, and those not altogether to my liking.”
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Reading Progress

February 19, 2024 – Started Reading
February 19, 2024 – Shelved
February 19, 2024 – Shelved as: fantasy
February 19, 2024 – Shelved as: romance
February 19, 2024 – Shelved as: pretty-cover
February 19, 2024 – Shelved as: middle-grade
February 20, 2024 –
page 23
February 22, 2024 –
page 64
February 26, 2024 –
page 81
26.82% "oh no, he plays the guitar"
March 1, 2024 –
page 147
48.68% ""She had had enough of Howl."

you and me both"
March 3, 2024 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-16 of 16 (16 new)

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message 1: by Evie (new) - added it

Evie The movie is one of my favourites so I’ve always been hesitant to read the book honestly. This review was so interesting and gives me some hope to give it a crack sometime

Noah Evie wrote: "The movie is one of my favourites so I’ve always been hesitant to read the book honestly. This review was so interesting and gives me some hope to give it a crack sometime"

I hope you like it Evie!! it took some getting used to for me, but it was still charming in its own way :)

Reem Phew😅 I was afresh you wouldn’t like it after I talked it up lol. Only reason I liked it more than the movie, is because it has more details of what happened and Sophie becoming a witch too 😍😍.

I read somewhere that the difference was like giving the author and script writer a Prompt and each went with it lol.

Noah Reem wrote: "Phew😅 I was afresh you wouldn’t like it after I talked it up lol. Only reason I liked it more than the movie, is because it has more details of what happened and Sophie becoming a witch too 😍😍.


ahh yeah the extra details of the world were really nice!! Sophie's awesome in both stories!!!

That's an interesting thought!! I like how different the two versions are because every adaption that's too similar to the source material I've seen has been a bit of a flop for me lmao

mehta (a little inactive atm) I watched the movie after reading the book and I was completely gobsmacked at how much of a heartthrob studio ghibli made movie howl; book howl felt almost... comical? not in a bad way per say, it was just different

I also loved how there was something so nostalgic about reading a book so whimsical. great review as always!

Noah Mehta wrote: "I watched the movie after reading the book and I was completely gobsmacked at how much of a heartthrob studio ghibli made movie howl; book howl felt almost... comical? not in a bad way per say, it ..."

I did the reverse!! where I was gobsmacked by how much of a manchild he was in the book lmaoo I agree though, not bad, just different!!

Thanks Mehta!! love me some whimsy :)

message 7: by Imme (new)

Imme van Gorp Lovely reviews, as always🩷

Noah Imme wrote: "Lovely reviews, as always🩷"

thanks a million Imme!! :)

message 9: by Krysta ꕤ (new)

Krysta ꕤ I’m in the minority of not loving the movie (i like it, but it’s never been a fav) so your review has me curious to see how I’d feel about the book🧐. great review though and it’s so nice that you still enjoyed the book despite it being so different from the version you know & love! 🥰

message 10: by Noah (new) - rated it 4 stars

Noah Krysta ꕤ wrote: "I’m in the minority of not loving the movie (i like it, but it’s never been a fav) so your review has me curious to see how I’d feel about the book🧐. great review though and it’s so nice that you s..."

Thanks Krysta!! yeah the movie def has some odd bits, but I loved Howl and Sophie and the music and the art and... anyway, if you do give the book a try, I hope you like it!!!!

message 11: by Meagan✨ (new)

Meagan✨ Love the review Noah! Also love that cover ☺️

message 12: by Courtney ✩ (new)

Courtney ✩ (Hiatus) Amazing review Noah!! The movie (and all Studio Ghibli) has such a special place in my heart too so I completely agree with you. Really, animation in general! I can FEEL your love for the movie in your review so much, and I’m so glad the book somewhat delivered for you! There are so many ways that a book or a visual format can better portray a theme or metaphor, just depending on the medium. I was super looking forward to this review, and it’s so beyond beautiful in its entirety! 👏🏼

message 13: by Earl KC (new) - added it

Earl KC I’ll have to give this a read sometime, especially since I'm a huge fan of the movie. Fantastic review, Noah!

message 14: by Noah (last edited Mar 07, 2024 09:40AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Noah Meagan✨ wrote: "Love the review Noah! Also love that cover ☺️"

Thanks Meagan!! I actually read the normal paperback version but changed it because i think this one's nicer lmaoo

message 15: by Noah (new) - rated it 4 stars

Noah Courtney ✩ wrote: "Amazing review Noah!! The movie (and all Studio Ghibli) has such a special place in my heart too so I completely agree with you. Really, animation in general! I can FEEL your love for the movie in ..."

Wow!! thank you Courtney :) totally agreed!! the best way to adapt something is to capture the spirit of the original, not just translate it directly. Also, I've been working my way through all the Ghibli films I haven't seen, and I just watched The Cat Returns last night!!! really cute!!

message 16: by Noah (new) - rated it 4 stars

Noah Earl wrote: "I’ll have to give this a read sometime, especially since I'm a huge fan of the movie. Fantastic review, Noah!"

thanks Earl, It's really good!! I didn't know it was based on a novel, so I was actually pretty excited to get into it!!!

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