AnHeC the Paperback Obliterator's Reviews > Ascension

Ascension by Jacqueline Koyanagi
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's review

it was ok
bookshelves: gallimaufry, rommance, si-fi, arc, drama-llama

Word count: about 98 000
Rating: By all means, do move at a glacial pace; you know how that thrills me

Book-ie provided by NetGalley

First of all BLURB is a lie!

The main problem with this book is it doesn’t know what it wants to be. A si-fi? A romance? An adventure? A philosophical story? Should we identify with/like the MC or just witness the events? If you try to be everything at once, you fail, like that flying fish with legs. (Wait, what? What fish? Well, exactly my point.) Reading this book was like inviting a Spanish lover to find out he’s gay and Russian. Nothing against gays and Russians but I had expectations here! This is not a science fiction adventure. If these are the droids you’re looking for, move along.

Si-fi aspect is neglected (THE WHOLE WORLD BUILDING IS NEGLECTED), for example space travel. How it works? What about Einstein’s theory? How fast do spaceships travel? How many inhabited systems are there? How many intelligent races? Any workings of the world and technology, quite frankly, would be nice. We’re told so little it’s pathetic. Ok, there’s this ship, what does it do? I mean when you have a crew you don’t just fly around without purpose. So what is their job description? NOTHING. They’re just a bunch of friends/lovers merrily drifting through the Big Quiet .

The book starts with a bang, Alana is quickly thrown into an adventure, but then it gets very slow and introspective. At first I loved it, getting to know the heroine, the crew, reading about her obsession love of star-ships and space. All those emotional inner monologues created an atmosphere, allowed us to know the MC better. Things between crew and Alana unfolded slowly. It was lovely. A hero doesn’t immediately ever (in fact) get a chance to prove herself. It was good until it wasn't. You can’t drag something like that for too long unless you’re a master of addictive writing. I lost my patience a little bit before 50% mark. Yep. Slow 45% was AWESOME! And then came bleh. One romantic sentence filled me with desire to run ( I predicted a downhill slope right then). After 50% mark I had some hope left, but no. Only a little bit of action (including Alana acting like a stupid hoe – which didn’t help my ‘love’ of the book) and bam! Back to romance with full force! So much drama, so much MC’s emotional turmoil I wanted to slap her, and tell her to get over herself.

Romantic relationships in that book are so complex! Starting with MC being lesbian (no, not a spoiler, we learn that on a second or a third page). And then there are even more lesbians! Lesbians everywhere! (view spoiler) So much potential for drama! And drama we get. Not a si-fi adventure. It should be titled “Story of dramatic misunderstandings in space”.

There are so many problems I don’t even know where to start.

Too slow/ nonexistent plot. It’s all about pseudo philosophical musings/ inner monologues/ romance&friendship&sisterhood drama. Action is scarce. Plot had a potential but is barely there in the end, serves as an atrophied remnant of a story that was meant to drive things, but doesn’t do shit. I almost DNF-ed at last 10 pages. Just didn’t give a damn about ANYTHING.

Fuck-ups in writing.

We get woman dominated world. Seriously? One guy(wolf actually) only? Main character? A woman. Random contact they’re looking for? A woman. Capitan of the ship? A woman. Doctor on the ship? A woman. Pilot of the ship? A woman. Random taxi pilot? A woman. Family of Alana we meet? Sister and aunt. Two women. Child aspiring to be a mechanic? A girl. Alana’s doctor? A woman. The only enforcer that ever speaks? A woman. And let’s not forget the woman that wanted to do ‘business’. Ships are feminine too. Practically every character we meet is female. I started to suspect that is some kind of post apocalyptic world without men, but Alana has a father and there is a male mechanic on the ship, so no. Just bad writing.

Certain facts are missing and we are left wandering wtf? At least I am, but maybe I’m just special. I wanted to know how many people are on that freaking ship, for example. MC tells us she recognizes people’s footsteps, so she knows who’s coming, but we are never explicitly told how big/small the crew is.

I don’t really like Alana, she’s passionate, that’s true, but also reckless and irresponsible. She’s willing to jeopardize the whole crew, her own life, pilot’s life, everybody’s freedom because... She’s feeling fucking sentimental(!) and decides to talk to a child about it. (view spoiler) I mean WTAF? I liked her at first (apart from the very beginning; her way of getting onto a ship was... Suicidal? Criminal? Moronic? Pengun-ish? but I did my best to forget this part and like her. Well, ok, I didn’t, but she had a potential). Guess how it all starts?(view spoiler) WTF? What kind of logic is that? BUT it was one reckless thing, she acted on an impulse, it happens; hence, that part I could understand (should’ve read it as a bad, bad sign though). If we add to that the reaction of a crew, it’s perfect (for a while). They don’t just all say: “oh, you’re an MC! You’re so awesome! Let’s bond!”. Things don’t go smoothly. I’ve enjoyed that very much. For a while I planned to give it **** and thought it had even five star potential.

No. Such. Luck. (Ha ha ha ha ha. Naive Little Me)

“By talking to the child, I’d condemned us all” -> That’s right BITCH! You’re so stupid I cannot believe it’s legal.

“Between this and my earlier stunt with the … I’d proven my irresponsibility several times over.” How nice of you to admit it. What? Should I applaud you? It’s mustard after dinner. ‘Don’t open’ sign on the inside. ‘Have a safe trip’ as welcome. Retrospective wits mean less than a pair of tits. LEARN bitch, learn.

I can forgive a lot, if it’s a story of growth. But it isn’t (even if the book claims it is at the end, which it does LITERALLY. I don’t care how vehemently my pet penguin swears he’s a toaster, I aint popping any bread in him when I want some toast). Alana hasn’t changed at all. We don’t see her being ‘the best’ anything, definitely not sky surgeon (like blurb suggests). Yes, she has a constant hard on for those flying vessels, but aside from her obsessive monologues about the depth, with and girth of her grand devotion to them and space there is nothing going on.

And what was this about: “Women with swagger like that….” bla bla bla. Now, I could easily forgive usage of the word ‘swagger’ has it been implemented jokingly. But you can’t have a full blown dramatic monologue and snick in some ‘swagger’. Talk about anticlimactic.

I also didn’t like the way the author handles Alana’s chronic degenerative nerve disease and pain in general (not a spoiler, we’re told at the very beginning). MC is some super human that is constantly often in excruciating pain (for one reason or the other) and just rolls with it. Broken ribs + getting smashed against the wall in throws of passion? Doesn’t matter in face of her LUV, more than that, it actually made her feel more alive. Like WTF?. Do you know any people with chronic pain? Or at least have you seen house MD? It affects you. It just does. But in this book the point about pain heightening sensation has been repeatedly hammered in during the same scene. Over and over again. Either Alana is a closet masochist without ever realizing it (it’s not like she lacked the opportunity with lifetime of pain... *sarcasm*) or the author knows nothing gets cute ideas that reek of ignorance. I know it’s supposed to highlight just how much they yearn for each other (i.e. Alana is so HORNY she’d hump a doorknob if there were any on the ship), I guess it was simply a straw that broke the camel’s back. The way author casually treats pain is a big no no for me.

And what’s with engineers having traditionally long hair? Really? What about, oh, I don’t know, COMMON SENSE? No wonder they’re a dying breed. Nothing screams professionalism like long, thick mane of hair. Again, I have long hair and it gets in a way all the freaking time. NOT an asset for an engineer.

And here we have it. The author divorced common sense in general.

That book deceived me. It pretended to be a si-fi adventure and then spited at me a surprising amount of personal bullshit and… Behold…. ROMANCE! It was slow and romantic and overly dramatic and pseudo philosophical. It’s not a sin, but I just came to the beach with all my ski gear. No fun at all.

To think I considered giving it 5 stars at a point…

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Reading Progress

July 1, 2013 – Shelved
July 2, 2013 – Started Reading
July 4, 2013 –
page 0
0.0% "Give me, give me, give me a book after midnight!"
July 5, 2013 –
page 46
13.9% "So far it's pretty cool. But there haven't been a single male around :0 ??? Hmm... Is it a world without man or just a coincidence?"
July 5, 2013 –
page 46
13.9% "Oh, a guy! It's a first! Yey! As I read this I realize I'm not the adventurous type. I'd totally miss on the action in her place. What a decision!"
July 7, 2013 –
page 336
100% "That was... Underwhelming. Full review to come soon (preferably when I win a war with my computer, my baby refuses to cooperate :/ I'm sooo behind on goodreads. I think it's a painful withdrawal I'm experiencing now. Give me my readers community back!)"
July 7, 2013 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-25 of 25 (25 new)

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message 1: by AnHeC the Paperback Obliterator (last edited Jul 07, 2013 01:26PM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

AnHeC the Paperback Obliterator Thank you ^^

I had to really control myself here. I love si-fi (yes there are none on my shelves yet, but I did rid quite a few of them).

I haven't read a good si-fi in a while and looked really forward to it. And I don't mind philosophical (Lem is one of my favorite authors of all time) but it was really bad. *sigh*

I haven't said in my review, but guess how it all starts?(view spoiler) WTF? What kind of logic is that? To me it seemed like a stupid crime/waste of time/ waste of money. It made me feel a bit suspicious, but I pushed it aside and continued. Damn.

message 2: by NLMB (new)

NLMB AWESOME review!!!

AnHeC the Paperback Obliterator Tank you very much :D I guess rants are in my nature XD

message 4: by NLMB (last edited Jul 07, 2013 01:57PM) (new)

NLMB You're welcome! or awesomeness? :p

AnHeC the Paperback Obliterator @Cory, I almost didn't finish. When it got to the final 'exciting action' (which was an excuse for more 'philosophy') I was so put off I literally couldn't get past last 10 pages - took me 3 hours! (I should probably put that spoiler in the review though... Will edit soon).

@NLMB (Nine?) Definitely rants ;) When I love a book I have no idea what to say, but girl, let me shred it! Let there be BLOOD! *insane smile*

message 6: by NLMB (last edited Jul 07, 2013 02:36PM) (new)

NLMB Yes, Nine! Hi *waves*

Hahahaha well your rants are made of awesomeness, and I can't write a review for the books I love either, I just begun writing reviews (by Cory's demand LOOL, but previously I didn't really thought people cared what I had to say, or the things I wanted to say were already said), but I actually like it very much, especially to let my GR friends now what I thought of a book they recommended, and it's nice to write my thoughts and opinions out in the open and to interact with people about these books! But lately I've just been reading books I love, so I have not been able to write a single review, I try, believe me I try, but everything I write is just gibberish or doesn't express my feelings on the book well enough, the words feel inaccurate. :p So I get it. XD

message 7: by AnHeC the Paperback Obliterator (last edited Jul 07, 2013 02:49PM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

AnHeC the Paperback Obliterator :D The best part of Goodreads is sharing your opinion about books with friends. I don't have any 'real' people (you know, the ones I can touch) at hand so it's been a shocking/awesome experience so far. FIRST TIME EVER I can have those conversations! And its AWESOME! (If it wasn't for Cory I'd probably still have 0 friends, though XD (I'd probably never invite anyone and just stalk random reviews) THANKS CORY! *hugs*)

I didn't really thought people cared what I had to say, or the things I wanted to say were already said Totally my issue too! I get it! But now I just like writing *sheepish smile*, it's a good exercise (in using English) and helps manage my hectic thoughts. ^^ And it's fun!

message 8: by NLMB (new)

NLMB I don't have any 'real' people (you know, the ones I can touch) at hand so it's been a shocking/awesome experience so far. FIRST TIME EVER I can have those conversations! And its AWESOME! (If it wasn't for Cory I'd probably still have 0 friends, though XD (I'd probably never invite anyone and just stalk random reviews) THANKS CORY! *hugs*)

^^ I HAVE THE EXACT SAME THING!!! I don't have friends who love books as much as I do, and they don't really get it either (they think I'm crazy because I rather read then go out, lol) And Cory was my first friend on GR, and thanks to her I got all my other friends (because they were her friends first). And now we are friends, also because of her! BTW, thanks for the friendvite, you beat me to it! :P

So indeed THANK YOU SO MUCH CORY! You've opened up an awesome and amazing world for me, I never thought there was, and more importantly I would be a part of! #lotsofclonehugs

And it is good exercise, I always thought I was quite good at English, and now I've realized I still have much to learn and have learned here on GR. :D
helps manage my hectic thoughts. ^^ And it's fun! <-- YES it is! XD

message 9: by Rose (new)

Rose *hugs Cory*
I got to know quite a few people through Cory, too (like you, Anna and Nine, too!). So yay Cory! You're made of awesome. And... and... (view spoiler) Today's shocker confession. YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL ABOUT THAT SENTENCE! But I do. Really. A little.

message 10: by Rose (new)

Rose Strike that little.

message 11: by Rose (last edited Jul 07, 2013 04:42PM) (new)

Rose <3
Sending you love and hugs from Germany. And Nine and Anna, too. :)

message 12: by NLMB (new)

NLMB Aaww Cory, I thought you had your tear ducts removed because you weren't using them? LOOOL!
But either way, I <3 you too, Cory! Lots and lots and lots of it :)

ahahaha what a love fest..
I have to say, I kinda like em!
Sending you all, love and hugs from the Netherlands!

message 13: by Cynthia (new)

Cynthia HAHAHA omg. Your rant was just so funny. My favourite parts was the commentary accompanying the quotes.

AnHeC the Paperback Obliterator @Cynthia, I guess I have that thing with quotes ^^ Just always have to do it. Can't. Live. It. Alone. Glad you liked it, Cynthia.

@Cory, see, everybody loves you! :D Soon you're going to have an army of utterly devoted minions! (evil plans are evil, he he)

message 15: by Faye (new)

Faye I haven't read this book so I can't comment on your review in its entirety, but I just wanted to point out that the author herself does suffer from chronic pain. I don't want to go into details because it's not my place, but she's talked about it pretty publicly, so you can find it easily if you wish. Might make a difference in how you perceived that aspect of the book.

message 16: by Blanche (last edited Nov 08, 2013 08:03PM) (new) - rated it 1 star

Blanche Faye wrote: "I haven't read this book so I can't comment on your review in its entirety, but I just wanted to point out that the author herself does suffer from chronic pain. I don't want to go into details bec..."

I learnt this after I read the book, but that did not help my own assessment of the character's chronic pain. If anything, it made me view it all the more negatively; the author should have been able to write that aspect better. Along with everything else which is relevant to the author's own experience. The author appears to have been in romantic relationships before, and yet the romance was terribly dull.

Perhaps had the author been writing outside her expertise the book would have been better, but one remains doubtful - the descriptions of the protag's job were awful, yet one presumes the author is not a ship engineer of any sort.

Sadie Forsythe I agree with every word of this review.

message 18: by Indigo (new) - added it

Indigo Your review made me want to read the book even more. All the things that ticked you off, are things I am hungry to read in my books. YAY FOR PLENTY OF WOMEN CHARACTERS! <3

message 19: by Emmers (new)

Emmers The author actually lives in chronic pain I have followed her on social media for years and I remember her powering through daily pains to write this book. I can't say anything else about the book or review as I have not read it yet. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

message 20: by Chelsea (new) - added it

Chelsea I haven't read the book, but I do find it interesting that you would claim a lack of male characters to be attributed to "bad writing". I suppose, through that logic, male-dominated works such as Fight Club and Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde are considered "badly written" due to a glaring lack of female characters.

message 21: by Angel (new)

Angel Chelsea wrote: "I haven't read the book, but I do find it interesting that you would claim a lack of male characters to be attributed to "bad writing". I suppose, through that logic, male-dominated works such as F..."

Yes, I noticed that bit too but I don't think I'd call it "interesting"; maybe something more like "absurd" haha. I certainly don't think she would say the same about Fight Club and Jekyll/Hyde, which are some of the BEST btw. And what was with all the "bitches" and "hoes"? Is this a review or a rap song?? Not necessary. Sucks that it is first on default because honestly her review is just bad all around 0/10.

message 22: by Mistress (new) - added it

Mistress OP I've read best sellers where whole books series of 8 novels. award-winning has only 10 female character our of a cast of 50 or 60 named or speaking characters.

closet masochist lol possibly. (long hair as an engineer is fucking dumb unless it's well braided like a black women do. locked down then rolled) made no sense tho your right

I kinda get the feeling that people are dying for a black woman, or a POC in sci-fi lead role. and this barely makes the grade as a book. ty for your review I'm gonna skip it and save the money I don't have to spend

message 23: by Lelly (new)

Lelly So many of your bad points look like good points to me lol, so your review helped a lot.

message 24: by stephanie (new)

stephanie Please learn to spell sci-fi correctly if you're going to continuously use the word, you look like an idiot...

message 25: by Meli (new) - added it

Meli So having primarily female characters is "bad writing". Lol, image if we applied that same standard to books with almost all male characters.

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