Jayme's Reviews > The Car Share

The Car Share by Zoe Brisby
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bookshelves: netgalley, fiction-tbr, buddy-read
Read 2 times. Last read March 21, 2021 to March 22, 2021.

Fanciful and Farcical....in all the best ways!!

Alex is an “old soul” trapped in the body of a depressed 25 year old.

When asked for three interests on the carshare.com website, he thinks of Herbal tea, camels and American soul music. But, he can’t say that! So, he goes with Museums, traveling and literature-hoping to attract a young lady to accompany him on his trek to Brussels.

Max is age “none of your business” and enjoys mechanics, whisky and the Tour de France.

In reality, Maxine is a spry nonagenarian, who claps like a little girl when she gets excited, and who loves to make an entrance! She thinks that she has Alzheimer’s and needs to get to Brussels. Alex sounds dull, but since SHE seems to be the only one offering a Carshare to Brussels, Max accepts the offer and pays the fee.

She soon realizes that Alex isn’t a young lady, nor the “drug addict” she feared he might be, when she buckled into her seatbelt, but rather a shy lad lacking in confidence who needed to be coaxed out of his bell. (Or is it, out of his shell?) Maxine is always getting the words in common phrases confused!

You never know what might come out of her mouth, or her enormous handbag!

If you enjoyed last year’s “Anxious People” by Fredrik Backman, about a bank robbery gone wrong, you will definitely want to hitch a ride on this road trip, gone awry!!

It is just as humorous and uplifting! 🎈

Also, if you read the AUTHOR’s NOTE, at the end of the book-you will discover one more surprise!

This book was translated from the French by Kelly Ramke Lardin and will be available on March 25, 2021! And, whoever created that colorful, charming book cover-kudos to you, too! 🚗

Thank You to Hodder and Stoughton, for my gifted copy, provided through NetGalley!
It was my pleasure to provide a candid review!

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Reading Progress

Finished Reading
February 25, 2021 – Shelved as: netgalley
February 25, 2021 – Shelved as: fiction-tbr
March 21, 2021 – Started Reading
March 21, 2021 – Shelved as: buddy-read
March 22, 2021 – Finished Reading
August 13, 2024 – Shelved

Comments Showing 1-50 of 70 (70 new)

message 1: by Pat (new) - rated it 5 stars

Pat This is the second review I’ve seen for this and, despite not being in my wheelhouse, it really does sound good! Fabulous review Jayme 🌷

Susanne Yay! Awesome review! SO glad I just got approved for this!

message 3: by Melissa (new) - added it

Melissa ~ Bantering Books This sounds so cute! But the cover is giving me "Road Trip" vibes. I think I'm gonna have to read it. Excellent review, Jayme! :)

Kaceey Fabulous review Jayme! Yay! So excited to read this one!💖

message 5: by Fran (new)

Fran Jayme...glad you enjoyed an uplifting, farcical read!💖

Jayme Pat (not getting friend updates currently) wrote: "This is the second review I’ve seen for this and, despite not being in my wheelhouse, it really does sound good! Fabulous review Jayme 🌷"

Thanks Pat! 🎈

Jayme Susanne wrote: "Yay! Awesome review! SO glad I just got approved for this!"

Thanks Susanne! I look forward to your review! 🎈

Jayme Melissa wrote: "This sounds so cute! But the cover is giving me "Road Trip" vibes. I think I'm gonna have to read it. Excellent review, Jayme! :)"

They are similar! But this road trip is more fun! 🚗

Jayme Kaceey wrote: "Fabulous review Jayme! Yay! So excited to read this one!💖"

Thanks Kaceey! I hope you enjoy it!

Jayme Fran wrote: "Jayme...glad you enjoyed an uplifting, farcical read!💖"

Thanks Fran! 🎈

Ceecee Fantastic review Jayme 🥰

MarilynW I'm at about 20% and I'm getting a kick out of these two 😁 Great review, Jayme!

Michael David (on hiatus) Fantastic review as always! I love seeing those 4 stars...but I'm a little worried since you know I didn't finish Anxious People. 😳

Jayme Ceecee wrote: "Fantastic review Jayme 🥰"

Thanks Ceecee!

Jayme MarilynW wrote: "I'm at about 20% and I'm getting a kick out of these two 😁 Great review, Jayme!"

Thanks Marilyn! I look forward to your review! Enjoy! 🎈

Jayme Michael wrote: "Fantastic review as always! I love seeing those 4 stars...but I'm a little worried since you know I didn't finish Anxious People. 😳"

I think (hope) the VERY likable characters will make this one work for you!! 🚗🤞🏻

message 17: by Catherine (new) - added it

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - so very behind! If I loved Anxious People, I need to read this?! Okay, I'm game! 😊 Wonderful review Jayme!! 💕

Jayme Catherine wrote: "If I loved Anxious People, I need to read this?! Okay, I'm game! 😊 Wonderful review Jayme!! 💕"

Thanks Catherine! Enjoy!

Michelle Excellent review, Jayme! 💜 This sounds really cute.

DeAnn Love this review Jayme, such a fun one!

Richard (on hiatus) Sounds fun, funny and poignant ......... Great review Jayme :)

Paromjit Fabulous review, Jayme.....I am looking forward to reading this! ♥️

Jayme Michelle wrote: "Excellent review, Jayme! 💜 This sounds really cute."

Thanks Michelle! It was! 🚗

Jayme DeAnn wrote: "Love this review Jayme, such a fun one!"

Thanks DeAnn! Glad we got to read it together! 🎈

Jayme Richard wrote: "Sounds fun, funny and poignant ......... Great review Jayme :)"

Thanks Richard!! 🎈

Jayme Paromjit wrote: "Fabulous review, Jayme.....I am looking forward to reading this! ♥️"

Thanks Paromjit!! Enjoy!! 🚗❤️

message 27: by Sofie | (new)

Sofie | i love brit-lit so muchhhh

Kat (Books are Comfort Food) Excellent review, as always, Jayme. I’m glad you enjoyed this book. We can always use a bit of “uplifting”. ❤️🌹

Jayme Sofie | wrote: "i love brit-lit so muchhhh"

❤️ Wonderful!

Jayme Kat (Books are Comfort Food!) wrote: "Excellent review, as always, Jayme. I’m glad you enjoyed this book. We can always use a bit of “uplifting”. ❤️🌹"

Thanks Kat! ❤️

message 31: by Lucy (new) - rated it 5 stars

Lucy Great review! I'm planning to read Anxious People soon, so I'll likely read this one too.

Jayme Lucy wrote: "Great review! I'm planning to read Anxious People soon, so I'll likely read this one too."

Thanks Lucy! Enjoy!

Nancy (playing catch-up) I loved Anxious People and the interaction between the characters, so I'll definitely be adding this one. Fabulous review, Jayme!

Jayme Nancy wrote: "I loved Anxious People and the interaction between the characters, so I'll definitely be adding this one. Fabulous review, Jayme!"

Thanks Nancy! Enjoy!

Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader Fun review, Jayme! It matches that fun cover!

Susan  (on hiatus) I want to read this, it looks so heart warming. Fantastic review Jayme!

Jayme Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader wrote: "Fun review, Jayme! It matches that fun cover!"

It does! You and I love our book covers, don’t we?!

Jayme Susan wrote: "I want to read this, it looks so heart warming. Fantastic review Jayme!"

Thanks Susan! I think you will enjoy this one! 💕

message 39: by Farrah (new) - added it

Farrah I love the premise to this book! It sounds so sweet! I'm glad you enjoyed it, excellent review and it's on my list 💛

Jayme Thanks Farrah! Enjoy! 💖

Kim ~ It’s All About the Thrill Anxious people huh? I might have to check this out. Great and entertaining review Jayme!

Kat I'll absolutely be reading this one when I can! It sounds delightful. Wonderful review, Jayme!

Jayme Kim ~ It’s All About the Thrill wrote: "Anxious people huh? I might have to check this out. Great and entertaining review Jayme!"
Thanks Kim! Enjoy!

Jayme Kat wrote: "I'll absolutely be reading this one when I can! It sounds delightful. Wonderful review, Jayme!"

Thanks Kat! Enjoy!

message 45: by Debra (new) - added it

Debra Fabulous review, Jayme! I'm glad you loved it. Sounds wonderful!

Jayme Debra wrote: "Fabulous review, Jayme! I'm glad you loved it. Sounds wonderful!"

Thanks Debra! 💕

Tamar...playing hooky for a few hours today Great review! i'm adding it❤️

message 48: by Christina (new) - added it

Christina This sounds really fun! Wonderful review, Jayme! ❤️

Jayme Tamar...light at the end of the tunnel? wrote: "Great review! i'm adding it❤️"

Thanks Tamar! Enjoy!

Jayme Christina wrote: "This sounds really fun! Wonderful review, Jayme! ❤️"

Thanks Christina! 🎈

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