Manny's Reviews > Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch

Good Omens by Terry Pratchett
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I somehow ended up reading them both simultaneously. So I couldn't help wondering

What Madam Bovary Might Have Thought Of Good Omens

Three days later, a package arrived; there was no return address, but she immediately recognised Rodolphe's hand. It contained a paperback novel, whose title was Good Omens. Feverishly, she cast herself over it. Her English was poor, but, with the aid of a dictionary, she persevered and soon made great progress.

The more she read, the greater her bewilderment became. The book at first reminded her of Candide, which she had surreptitiously read at the convent, but M. Voltaire's ésprit had been replaced by another ingredient she was unable to name; she suspected that it must be the strange English invention they called humour. All the personages were well-meaning and agreeable; the witches, the torturers of witches, the prostitutes, even the Demons of Hell; they were filled with kindness and compassion, and their worst faults amounted to an occasional mild irritability. Where were the indifference and thoughtless cruelty that surrounded her, and which had now become the very air she breathed?

She did not know whether Rodolphe had sent her the book to comfort her or to mock her in her despair, and her futile attempts to resolve this question gradually resulted in an agonising headache. Her husband prescribed an infusion of valerian, and persuaded her to retire for the night; she lay sleepless in her bed a long time, until the drug finally took effect just as the sky was beginning to lighten. She dreamed of apocalyptic prophecies, red-headed women wielding swords, endless circles of horseless carriages, young boys with dogs.

In the morning, she remembered that she should purchase some arsenic.

It seemed unfair for this to be one-way. So, in the spirit of granting a right of reply, here's

What Good Omens Might Have Thought Of Madam Bovary

"I saw this smashin' film yesterday on TV," said Adam, as the Them listened attentively. "It was called Madam Bovver-Boy -"

"She was a lady skinhead?" interrupted Brian.

"No, stupid," said Adam. "It's a French name. Bovver-Boy. By Flow-Bear."

"You mean Madame Bovary, by Flaubert," said Wensleydale. "I read about it in The Encyclopaedia of World Literature."

Adam gave him a withering glance. "That's what I said," he continued. "Madam Bovver-Boy, by Flow-Bear. She's married to this doctor, and he's dead borin', so she starts hangin' around with these two lovers, and then she maxes out her credit card, so she eats arsernick and poisons herself. The bit where she's dyin' of the arsernick is dead good. Her tongue's hanging out and she's screamin' -"

"Why did she max out her credit card?" asked Pepper.

"She was buying presents for her lovers," said Adam. "Roses an' boxes of chocolates an' stuff like that -"

"I thought the lovers were supposed to give her presents?" said Brian dubiously. "My sister's boyfriend gave her this huge bunch of roses on Valentine's Day, and a box of Quality Street, and a balloon with -"

"She gave them presents instead because it was a proto-feminist novel," explained Wensleydale authoritatively. "That's what The Encyclopaedia of World Literature says."

Adam felt that his control of the situation was slipping, and decided to up the stakes. "It's all true," he said, in an exegetical move that would have had Flaubert scholars around the world clutching their foreheads. "Based on a true story," he added prudently, in case the The Encyclopaedia of World Literature happened to have opinions on the subject.

Behind the bushes, Aziraphale raised an eyebrow. Crowley looked defensive. "Very loosely based," he whispered hastily. "I mean, I tempted her, it's my job you know, but Gustave changed the ending for dramatic purposes. Said it didn't work to have Rodolphe sort out her debts and then settle down in a cozy ménage à quatre with her, Léon and her husband. I told him that's what actually happened, but he insisted the arsenic worked better..."

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March 30, 2010 – Started Reading
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Comments Showing 1-50 of 62 (62 new)

Manny I think you have to have been exposed to the Just William books as a kid...

message 2: by Jordan (last edited Apr 03, 2010 04:57PM) (new)

Jordan Sam loves those books! I have yet to read any I know this one was one of his favorites. Did you know Terry Prachett is the most shoplifted Author in England? I think that's so fun!! : )

Manny It really is a fun book - I read it in a day and a half. But as I said, it's not a bad idea to check out one of the Just William series first, if you haven't ever read one. I don't think they're well known in the US...

David Katzman i thought Candide was funny, too!

message 5: by [deleted user] (last edited May 01, 2010 01:22AM) (new)

This review is almost as good as the book!

Manny Thank you Katelin! I had fun writing it, as I'm sure you can see...

Jürgen A. Erhard Great review, spot on use of Adam :D

Manny Thank you Jürgen! Have you read any of the Just William books? I read them as a kid and Adam's language is very familiar to me...

Manny I only just realized it was a proto-Deathmatch review. You know what it's like when you start researching the roots of a genre...

Batata Great review, I had as much fun reading this as I did reading the book (which I loved) !

message 11: by Traveller (new)

Traveller A lot of Manny's reviews read like stories, and some are more fun to read than the books they review. :)

Manny Thank you Batata and Traveller!

Janet Depiazzi I think I enjoyed this as much as the book :) Just discovered this great website - love your work!

Manny Thank you Janet!

message 15: by Yukikawa (new) - added it

Yukikawa OMG, I love your writing!!! In case you publish a book, please tell me. ^^

Manny Thank you Sparkling! I did in fact publish a collection of my favorite reviews last year, but I'm afraid nothing more substantial as yet...

Giota I loved Good Omens!! I thought it was funny but meaningful. I also enjoyed your review. I don't know about Madame Bovary, since I haven't read it yet, but the characters from Good Omens are spot on, especially Aziraphale and Crowley, who also happen to be my favorite!! Thank you for such refreshing reviews.

message 18: by Manny (last edited Dec 17, 2014 05:00AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Manny Thank you Giota!

Aziraphale and Crowley were my favorites too, their conversations are so funny...

message 19: by Olga (new) - added it

Olga Wow - love the review!

Manny That's very nice of you, Olga!

message 21: by Olga (new) - added it

Olga I am only on chapter 1, but enjoying it a lot. I am a fan of Gaiman and Pratchett. The Omen reminds me more of Christopher Moors (Stupidest Angel; Lamb). Love the dark-ish humor and anti-religious satire.

message 22: by TP (new)

TP One of the best comments I've read so far. Can't wait to read more of these

Manny Thank you, Titus!

Monica Great review! Madame Bovver-Boy…

Cecily It's a while since I read one of your mashup reviews, but this did not disappoint.

Manny wrote: "Thank you Jürgen! Have you read any of the Just William books? I read them as a kid and Adam's language is very familiar to me..."

"According to Gaiman, he originally began the book as a parody of Richmal Crompton's William books, named William the Antichrist, but it gradually outgrew the original idea."

message 26: by Tere (new) - added it

Tere This is literally the best review I have read on Goodreads. Five Star review of this review.

Perifian [Remembers MB was hella depressing]

Manny Oh, it's just what usually happens to people who are trapped in a lifeless marriage and start playing around. Though apparently it caused a great deal of excitement when Flaubert pointed this out.

honey Wow. I normally don’t comment on reviews, but I must say this review is so cool!

Manny Thank you Honey, I really had fun writing it :)

message 31: by Kaya (new) - rated it 5 stars

Kaya Kobold I should visit Madame Bovary and re read good omens with her. Maybe she can make a cameo in the film?

Manny Kaya wrote: "I should visit Madame Bovary and re read good omens with her. Maybe she can make a cameo in the film?"

Thank you Kaya, I hadn't noticed that it's soon going to appear as a movie!

Neil Gaiman, are you listening? Can you make this happen?

Tracy Hilarious review.

Manny Thank you Tracy!

message 35: by Sue (new) - rated it 5 stars

Sue Bursztynski Hi Manny! I believe that the whole thing started with an idea by Neil Gaiman. His original title was “William the Antichrist.”
And they are currently filming a 6 part TV series with David Tennant as Crowley. Miranda Richardson is Madame Tracy! We have to wait till next year, though.

Manny I am kind of looking forward to seeing this. From the advance pictures, I think David Tennant is enjoying the role...

message 37: by Sue (new) - rated it 5 stars

Sue Bursztynski He is perfect for the role!

Manny I agree, excellent casting decision!

Daniel Pak This book is very interesting and has a very dramatic plot. That is why, in my opinion, this book is great for people into supernatural powers and comedy. However, some things I disliked was the first part of the book because the author introduced too many characters at once. Additionally, these characters were not really relevant towards the book and only offered brief anecdotes. Besides this, I really liked how the author made the plot very dramatic and interesting but also funny. Additionally, the book is decently easy to read for the majority of the pages, however some other pages are hard to understand and process. In general, this book was a great choice and I would continue to read more books from Neil Gaimen and Terry Pratchet.

Manny I quite agree, several characters were only marginally relevant, and the plot is in general quite illogical. In particular, I do not think one can reasonably say that the Just William books prefigure the coming of the Antichrist.

Cecily Manny wrote: "I do not think one can reasonably say that the Just William books prefigure the coming of the Antichrist."

I always thought Violet Elizabeth was one of Satan's acolytes - the female and demonic equivalent of a cherub.

message 42: by Alexandra (new)

Alexandra Must confess I haven't read yet the Good Omens, but your review is hilarious, and brilliant!

Manny Thank you Alexandra! I love both these books in different ways :)

Jennifer Bravo, sir, bravo!

message 45: by Manny (last edited Nov 29, 2018 09:01AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Manny What can you not achieve when you've managed to sign up Gustave Flaubert, Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman as assistants? I can tell you it took some organisation. Gustave and Terry in particular really didn't agree on certain key issues.

message 46: by maga (new) - rated it 4 stars

maga I was waiting for the part where Madame Bovary is the real Agnes

Manny Why did Flaubert never get around to writing a sequel? James Patterson could have taught him a thing or two.

message 48: by maga (new) - rated it 4 stars

maga Or there is a sequel just one book and is in the librarian of Azirafel and absolutely no one knows

message 49: by Manny (last edited Jul 20, 2019 04:01AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Manny Maga, you need to get started on Madame Bovary 2 before someone scoops you. Obviously she faked her death, but then what?

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