YA Book Addicts discussion


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message 1: by Lindsay (new)

Lindsay Paige (authorlindsaypaige) Who are some great authors? Authors that you love.

message 3: by Lindsay (new)

Lindsay Paige (authorlindsaypaige) Jodi Picoult
Meg Cabot
L.J. Smith
Sarah Dessen
Cassandra Clare
Maria V. Snyder

Usually the first person out of my mouth would be Nicholas Sparks but lately I've done more branching out and have read better work. He is still one of my favorites but he is just lower down on the list.

Rach (pagesofpiper) (piperbunny) At the moment it's Maggie Stiefvater, purely because she gives so much in blog posts and describes what it's like to be an author.

message 5: by Jeremy (new)

Jeremy Hung (jrhmy) I love John Steinbeck! Particularly after reading Of Mice and Men.

Rach (pagesofpiper) (piperbunny) Of Mice and Men is lovely, I had to read it for school. Have you seen the movie too?

message 7: by Jeremy (new)

Jeremy Hung (jrhmy) Piper wrote: "Of Mice and Men is lovely, I had to read it for school. Have you seen the movie too?"

It wasn't part of required reading for me, but I'm glad I read it on my own time. I haven't seen the movie, should I?

Rach (pagesofpiper) (piperbunny) I don't know, it depends if you love or hate books that turn into movies. We watched it at school after we read the book and it did the book justice. But I don't mind books turning into movies. :)

message 9: by Jeremy (new)

Jeremy Hung (jrhmy) I loved both the book and movie version of What's Eating Gilbert Grape!

Rach (pagesofpiper) (piperbunny) Try it :)

message 11: by Lindsay (new)

Lindsay Paige (authorlindsaypaige) I had the chance to meet Maria Snyder and Tera Lynn Childs today!! I got Forgive My Fins and Fire Study autographed. It was awesome!

message 12: by [deleted user] (new)

Wow! Good for you :)

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