Every one's Choice discussion

Books > Book Request for NOV.

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message 1: by Donna, The Pusher (new)

Donna (dfiggz) | 3119 comments Mod
Hey guys it's that time of the month again so pick which book you want to read and then we will do a poll again to see who the winner is for November!

message 2: by [deleted user] (new)

Ok, here is one I committed to someone read with someone in November. Not all that far off from last month:

Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman.

message 3: by Donna, The Pusher (new)

Donna (dfiggz) | 3119 comments Mod
Jeex Where is everyone???

message 4: by [deleted user] (new)

This place is like a library. Quiet!

message 5: by Donna, The Pusher (new)

Donna (dfiggz) | 3119 comments Mod
Yea what is up with that?? Maybe just us 2 are addicted?!?

message 6: by [deleted user] (new)

Shamelessly so.

message 7: by Carrie (new)

Carrie (missfryer) I like your pick!!
What about THE HOST by Stephanie Meyer?

message 8: by Carrie (new)

Carrie (missfryer) Well, I just read about the book you suggested and HAD to order it from Amazon! Thanks a lot! :)

message 9: by [deleted user] (new)

Ummm....sorry? :)

I happen to like Pratchett and this is getting some pretty good reviews all around.

message 10: by Donna, The Pusher (new)

Donna (dfiggz) | 3119 comments Mod
After I finish readin Netherland I am going to read Twilight so...

message 11: by [deleted user] (new)

The Host was really good. okay I'm going to pick - oh hard choice- The Road.

message 12: by Donna, The Pusher (new)

Donna (dfiggz) | 3119 comments Mod
I have so many books to read but I think I am going to vote in Drown by Junot Diaz

message 13: by Cheri Howard (last edited Oct 30, 2008 09:59AM) (new)

Cheri Howard Good Omens is on my TBR list...I read The Host already, excellent book. I'm not even sure I will be able to read with the club in November, I'm still plugging away at the stack of books that have been lent to me. I'm very eager to return them.

I nominate The Big Over Easy by Jasper Fforde, 1) because I already own it, 2) because I've been dying to read it for ages (I am a HUGE fan of his Thursday Next series), and 3) maybe this will be the kick in the butt I need to read something of my own choosing!

message 14: by [deleted user] (new)

Good choices!! I just read Oscar Wao by Diaz and that was great.

message 15: by Donna, The Pusher (new)

Donna (dfiggz) | 3119 comments Mod
Junot Diaz is a very strange man in person and he also recommended a book for me called Out! by Natsuo Kirino

message 16: by [deleted user] (new)

Oh yeah. I forgot that you got to meet him. Please tell me more! All I know of him is what I saw on Colbert and from reading the book.

message 17: by Donna, The Pusher (new)

Donna (dfiggz) | 3119 comments Mod
Me and him hit it off and I think that all the people at my job got offended. LOL. She is very vulgar and kinda dorky but he is very down to earth. Youcan go to his site and see if he will be around you. He is "touring"
Junot Diaz

message 18: by [deleted user] (new)

Looks like the closest he is coming is just outside of Boston.

message 19: by Donna, The Pusher (new)

Donna (dfiggz) | 3119 comments Mod
You know... He lives in NYC and travelds to MIT to work. Maybe he only works 2-3 days a week. That's a hike and a half.

message 20: by [deleted user] (new)

If my memory serves me correctly it is a 4 hour drive. But there used to be a Delta shuttle that ran every hour.

message 21: by Donna, The Pusher (new)

Donna (dfiggz) | 3119 comments Mod
You guys are killing me!!! Even if you are not going to read the book please still vote to make it more interesting!


message 22: by [deleted user] (last edited Nov 05, 2008 06:40AM) (new)

Hey, I exercised my right to vote! :)

message 23: by Donna, The Pusher (new)

Donna (dfiggz) | 3119 comments Mod
Well, I can always count on you!

message 24: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer (Misskitty1026) | 105 comments i voted also girlie :)

message 25: by Donna, The Pusher (new)

Donna (dfiggz) | 3119 comments Mod
I see that. And it won!

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