Aura’s Reviews > Marked > Status Update

Aura is on page 51 of 306
I'm really not liking the writing style of this book, but having heard it's being turned into a movie and guessing it's going to be the next Twilight, I'll drag myself through the series anyway.
Jan 08, 2012 03:02AM
Marked (House of Night, #1)


Aura’s Previous Updates

Aura is finished
I can't believe I actually started to like this pile of bullshit, worst book ever, my review is going to rip this to shreds, it should have never been published.
Jan 28, 2012 12:54AM
Marked (House of Night, #1)

Aura is on page 178 of 306
okay I'm getting scarred for some reason this is actually catching my interest.
Jan 27, 2012 09:17AM
Marked (House of Night, #1)

Aura is on page 110 of 306
*rolls eyes*
Jan 23, 2012 01:48PM
Marked (House of Night, #1)

Aura is on page 11 of 306
Dec 31, 2011 11:48AM
Marked (House of Night, #1)

Comments Showing 1-11 of 11 (11 new)

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message 1: by N (new) - rated it 1 star

N Oh my God - is it actually being adapted into a film? D:

FasterKillFastPussycat run for your!!!I read up to book 6 in this series....and it just gets worse and worse.......I couldn't even bring myself to finish and I think they are on book 8 just drags on and on.....

message 3: by N (new) - rated it 1 star

N ElectrikRed wrote: "run for your!!!I read up to book 6 in this series....and it just gets worse and worse.......I couldn't even bring myself to finish and I think they are on book 8 just drags on..."

Oh my God, I wish I could something to console you. Here, have an internet hug *tight, squishy hug* and may I say I am impressed you made it that far? I have only been able to stomach Marked and that's far as I went/am willing to go.

FasterKillFastPussycat nxlee wrote: "ElectrikRed wrote: "run for your!!!I read up to book 6 in this series....and it just gets worse and worse.......I couldn't even bring myself to finish and I think they are on book 8 now...."

lol!!!thank you for my squishy internet hug.....I started the books when they first came out and I was younger.....As I got older I was repulsed by the writing style and how the story just drags on.....I thought it would end around book 5 and they faked me out......This is the first series that I just couldn't finish no matter how hard I tried and I always push through even if I hate the book

message 5: by N (new) - rated it 1 star

N ElectrikRed wrote: "nxlee wrote: "ElectrikRed wrote: "run for your!!!I read up to book 6 in this series....and it just gets worse and worse.......I couldn't even bring myself to finish and I think they are ..."

You're welcome! Dude, it's okay - we will not judge you regardless (I mean once upon a 'I was a preteen eons ago' time, I too was a Twilight fan). And don't worry, there are plenty of series that I have dropped after reading the first book. I think the Evermore and Mortal Instruments are the only series that I have read beyond the first book.

FasterKillFastPussycat nxlee wrote: "ElectrikRed wrote: "nxlee wrote: "ElectrikRed wrote: "run for your!!!I read up to book 6 in this series....and it just gets worse and worse.......I couldn't even bring myself to finish a..."

lol!!!Evermore was the 2nd series that I stopped!!I am actually still trying to read the Mortal Instruments though City of Angels ruined the series for me.Evermore just felt like something I read before a thousand times, though I did like the past lives idea.

message 7: by N (new) - rated it 1 star

N ElectrikRed wrote: "nxlee wrote: "ElectrikRed wrote: "nxlee wrote: "ElectrikRed wrote: "run for your!!!I read up to book 6 in this series....and it just gets worse and worse.......I couldn't even bring myse..."

High-five to that!

Oh my God, same for me too! I mean, I may dislike the Mortal Instruments in general, but least there were a few stuff that redeemed it for me but after City of Fallen Angels, I just lost my shit and could not take any more of it.

The whole past lives/reincarnation idea isn't a bad idea. I just didn't like how Alyson Noel and Lauren Kate used it as the ONLY reason to justify Ever/Damen and Luce/Daniel's romance because there really was nothing else to any of them being together.

message 8: by Aura (new) - rated it 1 star

Aura lol loving this convo, I don't know why but the badness of it keeps me reading haha. I'll finish Marked and see how I feel by the end about continuing the series. I'm not surprised it's being turned into a movie. It doesn't matter how bad a book/singer/actor/franchise is *cough cough Twilight* as long as it has a teen/tween appeal, it will sell bucket loads....and film bosses know that.

message 9: by N (new) - rated it 1 star

N Aura wrote: "lol loving this convo, I don't know why but the badness of it keeps me reading haha. I'll finish Marked and see how I feel by the end about continuing the series. I'm not surprised it's being turne..."

Thanks Aura! I guess there are just some topics I can't seem to veer my big mouth away from yapping about. And I totally agree with on the whole 'as long as it has teen appeal we will be riding on its coattail under otherwise' reasoning for this series being turned into a movie. I just hope it is for the better, or at least it is so bad it's good. :D

FasterKillFastPussycat lol!!!!! I liked twilight a little bit before it became a tween sensation.....I read it in like 2006 or 2007 and I was still young....The whole team jacob or edward thing confused the hell out of me because it's always been so obvious that she was never going to pck jacob!!!!it just ruined everything.I get so!!!Marked really makes me mad tho because between two authors you can't come up with an awesome series....thats ridiculous!!!

message 11: by Aura (new) - rated it 1 star

Aura @Nxlee haha, no problem, you have to let it out sometimes, can you imagine if the first movie did well though that would be atleast 8 movies more down the line and there seems to be this growing trend of splittin gthe last one in two -_-. @ElectrikRed I didn't mind Twilight until we got to Breaking Dawn, then I was like....are you kidding me. Bella is so bland I just didn't relate to her, I've never been obssesed with boys so a female that sits infront of her window waiting for one that will never come back got on my nerves.

I'll see part2 anyway, thats's the thing about Twilight, once your sucked in there's no going back. Could you recommend a vampire series that is good? Out of the three I have tried to read (Marked,Twilight and True Blood), they've all failed to impress me.

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