Jeff ’s Reviews > Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell > Status Update

Jeff is on page 172 of 1006
The unavoidable, yet mandatory, magical Deadpool status update.

Sep 17, 2018 07:42AM
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell


Jeff ’s Previous Updates

Jeff is on page 724 of 1006
Strange talks to the dead.

Oct 10, 2018 06:26AM
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

Jeff is on page 545 of 1006
Is public opinion starting to turn against the magicians?

Oct 04, 2018 05:04AM
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

Jeff is on page 447 of 1006
Jonathon Strange helps battle Napoleon and the French army with thrilling magical deeds.

Oct 01, 2018 05:27AM
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

Jeff is on page 350 of 1006
Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell team up to save England. And it’s fabulous…

Sep 26, 2018 04:30AM
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

Jeff is on page 280 of 1006
There’s a rival magician in town, Mr. Norrell!

Sep 21, 2018 06:12AM
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

Jeff is on page 142 of 1006
What if Charles Dickens kicked Harry Potter in the horcrux and wrote his own tale of magic. So far, it might go something like this.

Sep 13, 2018 05:20AM
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

Comments Showing 1-7 of 7 (7 new)

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message 1: by Matthew (last edited Sep 17, 2018 08:10AM) (new) - rated it 2 stars


Trish Funny. I'll read this one in November.

Jeff Trish wrote: "Funny. I'll read this one in November."

I think you'll like this. If I'm still not done, we can consider it a buddy read.

message 7: by Trish (last edited Sep 19, 2018 09:44AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Trish Jeff wrote: "Trish wrote: "Funny. I'll read this one in November."

I think you'll like this. If I'm still not done, we can consider it a buddy read."

Ha! Sure thing! I've seen the TV show (Amazon prime) and loved it and only then found out that it's a book. I'll also read the other book by the same author (apparently taking place in the same world).

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