Grace (irisroman & evajacks' version) ✧’s Reviews > Faking Normal > Status Update

Grace (irisroman & evajacks' version) ✧
Grace (irisroman & evajacks' version) ✧ is on page 125 of 321
I'm actually really enjoying this so far! 😄 its a lot heavier than I expected, but I like the way the author talks about what the MC is going through. I may need some tissues by the end of it tho... 🤧🤧🥺🥺
Dec 04, 2022 09:44PM
Faking Normal (Faking Normal, #1)


Grace (irisroman & evajacks' version) ✧’s Previous Updates

Grace (irisroman & evajacks' version) ✧
Grace (irisroman & evajacks' version) ✧ is on page 180 of 321
Bodee is literally so sweet 🥺🥺❤❤
Dec 05, 2022 01:44AM
Faking Normal (Faking Normal, #1)

Grace (irisroman & evajacks' version) ✧
Grace (irisroman & evajacks' version) ✧ is on page 150 of 321
Okay that is heartbreaking 😭😭💔💔
Dec 04, 2022 10:14PM
Faking Normal (Faking Normal, #1)

Grace (irisroman & evajacks' version) ✧
Grace (irisroman & evajacks' version) ✧ is starting
I honestly have zero expectations for this.... but the synopsis looks interesting enough, so I might as well give it a try 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️😊😊

I hate that cover tho. Real people on covers- 🤮🤮
Dec 04, 2022 08:08AM
Faking Normal (Faking Normal, #1)

Comments Showing 1-3 of 3 (3 new)

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message 1: by LTJ (new)

LTJ So glad you're enjoying this one!

Grace (irisroman & evajacks' version) ✧ Thanks @LTJ!! ❤ I'm glad too 🥰🥰

message 3: by LTJ (new)

LTJ Anytime, my friend! :-)

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