Revival God's Way Quotes

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Revival God's Way Revival God's Way by Leonard Ravenhill
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Revival God's Way Quotes Showing 1-24 of 24
“The Church right now has more fashion than passion, is more pathetic than prophetic, is more superficial than supernatural.”
Leonard Ravenhill, Revival God's Way
“If we had more sleepless nights in prayer, there would be fewer souls to have a sleepless eternal night in hell.”
Leonard Ravenhill, Revival God's Way
“Who or what takes priority over God in our lives?”
Leonard Ravenhill, Revival God's Way
“Where,oh,where are the eternity-conscious believers? Where are the souls white-hot for God because they fear His holy name and presence and so live with eternity's values in view?”
Leonard Ravenhill, Revival God's Way
“If the fires go out in the boiler room of the church, the place will still look smart and clean... but it will be cold. The prayer room of the church is the boiler room for the spiritual life.”
Leonard Ravenhill, Revival God's Way
“Time was when people went to church to meet God. Now they go to hear a sermon about Him.”
Leonard Ravenhill, Revival God's Way
“The Revival Song

Lord, we are hungry for blessing
This is in tune with thy word
Now is our need we're confessing
Give us new hearts, cleansed and stirred

Great is the need of our nations
Great is the need of this hour
Lord, we abhor our stagnation
Answer with Holy Ghost power

Look on our great desperation
Hold back thy judgment, we pray
Move through the length of our nation
Open thy windows today

Lord, fill the church with thy spirit
Lord, save our nation, we pray
Quicken our love and our zeal
And send us revival today”
Leonard Ravenhill, Revival God's Way
“Prayer is the language of the poor in spirit. Since repetition is the law of learning, let me reiterate a phrase I often use in preaching on prayer:
The self-satisfied do not want to pray.
The self-sufficient do not need to pray.
The self-righteous cannot pray.”
Leonard Ravenhill, Revival God's Way
“Prayer is the most unexplored area of the Christian life.
Prayer is the most powerful weapon of the Christian life.
Prayer is the most Hell-feared battle in the Christian life.
Prayer is the most secret device of the Christian life.
Prayer is the most underestimated power in the Christian life.
Prayer is the most untaught truth in the Christian life.
Prayer is the most demanding exercise in the Christian life.
Prayer is the most neglected responsibility in the Christian life.
Prayer is the most conquering outreach in the Christian life.
Prayer is the most opposed warfare in the Christian life.
Prayer is the most far-reaching ministry in the Christian life.”
Leonard Ravenhill, Revival God's Way
“God's problem in the United States and England is not humanism or communism or spiritualism. God's problem in America and England is dead fundamentalism.”
Leonard Ravenhill, Revival God's Way
“I am distressed at the zeal of the heretics; and at the amnesia of the believers.”
Leonard Ravenhill, Revival God's Way
“How Do You Take It Easy?

How do you take it easy
When His fire burns within?
How do you take it easy
In a world that's crushed by sin?

How do you take it easy
With a thousand tribes to tell?
How do you take it easy
In a world that speeds to Hell?

How do you take it easy
While the church sleeps in its ease?
How do you take it easy
Will someone tell me, please?”
Leonard Ravenhill, Revival God's Way
“The Heathen

What shall I do when the heathens stand
And accuse that I seldom lent a hand
To save them from pain and eternal woe
And stayed in my ease, but made others go

When the Message I knew, I knew full well
Could save them from sin and fear and Hell

Oh God, My God, on that dreadful day
When all excuses are tossed away
And there's no time left to repent and pray
As earthly treasures in ashes lay

Then Lord, oh Lord, what shall I say
For the money and time I have frittered away?”
Leonard Ravenhill, Revival God's Way
“While Joseph's brothers made a pile
Joseph suffered for a while
That while did not seem a lengthy season
With no design, no rhyme or reason

The brothers did not care a bit
That Joseph languished in a pit
They showed no sorrow for his plight
They cared not for the wrong or right

But, God was there, behind the cloud
He does not shout His plan aloud
The path through pit and prison led
For Joseph to the nation's head

Not then did Joseph weep or groan
Each step was leading to a throne
The starving brothers soon behold
A ruler with a chain of gold

They wept, and each his breast did smite
Before one sold to Ishmalite
Their brother, with the power of death
Each man fell down with baited breath

Forgiving, Joseph understood
Yee meant for evil, God meant for good

He did not leave me, or forsake
He knew each step I had to take
My shepherd, led by pastures green
No other way could there have been

For me, I proved that He is God
Endured the dark, and kissed the rod
Take this example from His word
And follow on to know the Lord

Now, through darksome glass we see
But oh, the glory yet to be”
Leonard Ravenhill, Revival God's Way
“The Glory Yet to Be

God called to us, His people
To be His holy bride
From out the rest of living souls
He calls us to His side

The way He calls is rugged
The way He knows
We are His sheep

By grand design, He has the goals
His love leads to the waterholes
Gives us this day our daily bread
And hitherto, He's always led

Though dark the way
The path is steep
He drives the wolves from us, His sheep

At times the clouds obscure His face
But, bless His name, supplies of grace
Can fortify against every shock
His wisdom plans for all the flock

Just now the skies seemed solid brass
For not, just think
It came to pass

The furnace, seven times hotter be
My grace sufficient is for thee

Your soul is riding out the gail
Your courage falters, and the tale
Is not yet told, but brighter gold
Comes from this long hostility
As Jesus calls, look unto Me

I've planned for thee eternal days
I've planned for thee a thousand ways
I went through my Gethsemany
Will you, my child, bear this for Me?

My back was stripped--I bore the rod
Will bear this for Me, your God?

I plan for thee a jeweled crown
Will you go through, or let me down?

Can you bear up a few more years
Or will you cause your master tears?

While Joseph's brothers made a pile
Joseph suffered for a while
That while did not seem a lengthy season
With no design, no rhyme or reason

The brothers did not care a bit
That Joseph languished in a pit
They showed no sorrow for his plight
They cared not for the wrong or right

But, God was there, behind the cloud
He does not shout His plan aloud
The path through pit and prison led
For Joseph to the nation's head

Not then did Joseph weep or groan
Each step was leading to a throne
The starving brothers soon behold
A ruler with a chain of gold

They wept, and each his breast did smite
Before one sold to Ishmalite
Their brother, with the power of death
Each man fell down with baited breath

Forgiving, Joseph understood
Yee meant for evil, God meant for good

He did not leave me, or forsake
He knew each step I had to take
My shepherd, led by pastures green
No other way could there have been

For me, I proved that He is God
Endured the dark, and kissed the rod
Take this example from His word
And follow on to know the Lord

Now, through darksome glass we see
But oh, the glory yet to be”
Leonard Ravenhill, Revival God's Way
“Joy requires at least two conditions: submission and service. If yee abide, submission means staying put when it might seem smart to quit. It means having done all to stand when there is only a toehold. It means believing God when it appears far wiser to believe everybody else. It means defying one's feelings and fears and saying triumphantly, 'Thy will be done.'

Joy comes through service. Most Christians are activists--they get caught up in some kind of church work. But not all of it is good. Not all of it is essential. Even missionaries find themselves tangled in lesser things than winning the lost. Unprayerful souls soon get diverted from the supreme task he appointed for them. This is why submission is also necessary.

Let me summarize it this way: The way to enjoy indestructible peace and joy is to determine 1.) to do whatever God commands, however difficult. 2.) to endure whatever God appoints, however severe. 3.) to obtain whatever God promises, however seemingly unobtainable. 4.) to die daily, however costly the crucifixion. 5.) to love my enemies, however misunderstood in this. 6.) to pray without ceasing, and in everything give thanks. This will give one a healthy soul, and a conscience void of offense before God and man.”
Leonard Ravenhill, Revival God's Way
“I'm Resting in the Lord

I must be carried to the skies
On flowery beds of ease
Let others fight to win the prize
And passel on their knees

I cannot fight, but I must rein
In heaven's blessed abode
I'm glad that some enjoy the pain
I'm resting in the Lord

There are no foes to face
My pastor is so good
He says, "Just draw on saving grace.
"And love the brotherhood."

I am a soldier for Christ
Unfaithful though I am
I pay my tithes for His own cause
But blush to speak His name

I'm sure on that day of rewards
He'll give me some small prize
And so my gracious, loving Lord
Will wipe tears from my eyes”
Leonard Ravenhill, Revival God's Way
“Soldiers of Christ Arise

Soldiers of Christ arise
And put your armor on
Strong in the strength that God supplies
Through his eternal Son

Strong in the Lord of hosts
And in His mighty power
Who, in the strength of Jesus trusts
Is more than conqueror

I have no bow of burning gold
To shoot my arrows of desire
And yet, oh God, I crave a life
That will transmit thy holy fire

I shall not cease from mental strife
Nor shall my pen slip in my hand
'Til I've seen God's holy men arise
And shake our needy land”
Leonard Ravenhill, Revival God's Way
“Seeking Thee

Lord, I seek thee for renewing
Of my faith and of my love
Rush and care are my undoing
Touch me, Savior, from above

Pass me not, oh holy Savior
Leave me not to grope and fail
Through thy blood I seek thy favor
With thy grace I can prevail

Faith moves in to claim the promise
Peace revives and flood my soul
Make me now thy chosen chalice
Giving drink that makes men whole

Seeking thee, seeking thee
Touch and give me liberty”
Leonard Ravenhill, Revival God's Way
“Oh, may no earthbound cloud arise to hide thee from thy servant's eyes.”
Leonard Ravenhill, Revival God's Way
“Oh, Wonder of Wonders

Oh, wonder of wonders
My God, can it be
That Jesus has died
For one rebel like me

He lifted my bondage
And soul's misery
The Lord, King of glory
Was wounded for me

They led Him to trial
They spit in His face
He bore it alone
Oh, amazing His grace

He bowed neath his burden
Was scourged in my place
I'll sing it forever
Amazing His grace

With hands full of mercy
With hearts full of good
My spotless Redeemer
Was nailed to the wood

He suffered Hell's torment
My soul to set free
Deserted by God
As He hung on the tree

He died, but he rose
He extracted death's sting
He is living enthroned
My savior, my king

Let the earth hear His voice
Men and angels proclaim
'He's coming! He's coming!'
He's coming again

With the saints marching in
I shall be at that throne
In the great 'hallelujahs'
I'll join in that song

With apostles and prophets
My best, Lord with thee
I shall live! I shall live!
Leonard Ravenhill, Revival God's Way
“The way to enjoy indestructible peace and joy is to determine:
1.) to do whatever God commands, however difficult.
2.) to endure whatever God appoints, however severe.
3.) to obtain whatever God promises, however seemingly unobtainable.
4.) to die daily, however costly the crucifixion.
5.) to love my enemies, however misunderstood in this.
6.) to pray without ceasing, and in everything give thanks.
This will give one a healthy soul, and a conscience void of offense before God and man.”
Leonard Ravenhill, Revival God's Way
“Joy comes through service. Most Christians are activists--they get caught up in some kind of church work. But not all of it is good. Not all of it is essential. Even missionaries find themselves tangled in lesser things than winning the lost. Unprayerful souls soon get diverted from the supreme task he appointed for them. This is why submission is also necessary.”
Leonard Ravenhill, Revival God's Way
“If yee abide, submission means staying put when it might seem smart to quit. It means having done all to stand when there is only a toehold. It means believing God when it appears far wiser to believe everybody else. It means defying one's feelings and fears and saying triumphantly, 'Thy will be done.”
Leonard Ravenhill, Revival God's Way