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Raymond Aron (1905–1983)

Author of The Opium of the Intellectuals

140+ Works 2,530 Members 25 Reviews 3 Favorited

About the Author

Raymond Aron was a French political scientist, economist, and philosopher who was several times a visiting professor in the United States. He commented regularly and influentially on social and political topics and current issues in the conservative French newspaper Le Figaro, in books and on show more radio, and as a teacher at L'ecole pratique des hautes etudes, in Paris. Because of his consistent opposition to Marxism and his admiration and respect for the United States, Aron was perhaps not so highly regarded as French intellectuals of the Left. But he was always a voice for reason and moderation at a time when his critics were often strident and ineffectual. (Bowker Author Biography) show less


Works by Raymond Aron

The Opium of the Intellectuals (1955) 329 copies, 5 reviews
Memoirs (1983) — Author — 140 copies
Les étapes de la pensée sociologique (1967) 135 copies, 1 review
An Essay on Freedom (1965) 79 copies
The Century of Total War (1981) 68 copies, 1 review
Eighteen Lectures on Industrial Society (1962) 63 copies, 3 reviews
On War (1968) 51 copies
German Sociology (1965) 29 copies, 2 reviews
Dimensions de la conscience historique (1961) 24 copies, 1 review
Marxismo de Marx, O (2002) 23 copies
Marxismes imaginaires (1970) 19 copies
Gli ultimi anni del secolo (1984) 18 copies
Leçons sur l'histoire (1989) 16 copies, 1 review
Liberty and Equality (2013) 15 copies
Politics and History (1978) 15 copies
Estudios políticos (Spanish Edition) (1972) 12 copies, 1 review
Britannica Perspectives (1968) 10 copies, 1 review
Mémoires Tome 1 (1900) 7 copies
Karl Marx (2015) 7 copies
Mémoires Tome 2 (1983) 6 copies
Marx vivo: la presenza di Karl Marx nel pensiero contemporaneo (1969) — Contributor — 4 copies, 1 review
France: The New Republic (2016) 4 copies
Diálogo (2007) — Author — 3 copies
Mitos e Homens 2 copies
Sosyolojik Dusuncenin Evreleri (2015) — Author — 2 copies
Opium intelektualistów (2000) 2 copies
La sociologie (1978) 2 copies
Les sociétés modernes (2006) 2 copies
Lezioni sulla storia (1997) 2 copies, 1 review
Le XXe siècle (1999) 2 copies
Esej o svobodách (1992) 2 copies
Aron et De Gaulle (2022) 1 copy
Political Theory (1979) 1 copy
Widz i uczestnik (1984) — Author — 1 copy
Kebebasan dan Martabat Manusia — Author — 1 copy
Chroniques de guerre (1990) 1 copy
Der permanente Krieg (1953) 1 copy

Associated Works

The Prince (1532) — Foreword, some editions — 24,586 copies, 258 reviews
The Theory of the Leisure Class (1899) — Foreword, some editions — 2,309 copies, 24 reviews
The Vocation Lectures (1970) — Introduction, some editions — 576 copies, 7 reviews
The Philosophy of History in Our Time (1959) — Contributor — 223 copies, 1 review
Propyläen-Weltgeschichte - Eine Universalgeschichte (1960) — Contributor, some editions — 62 copies
Propyläen-Weltgeschichte - Band 10: Die Welt von heute (1991) — Contributor — 21 copies
Israel attaque (1968) — Foreword, some editions — 5 copies


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Common Knowledge

Canonical name
Aron, Raymond
Legal name
Aron, Raymond-Claude-Ferdinand
Date of death
Burial location
Cimetière du Montparnasse, Paris, Île-de-France, France
France (birth)
Country (for map)
Paris, France
Place of death
Paris, France
Cause of death
Crise cardiaque
Places of residence
Paris, France
Ecole Normale Supérieure (Ph.D | 1938)
Institut d'études politiques de Paris
Lycée Hoche, Versailles, France
Lycée Condorcet
political scientist
Schnapper, Dominique (daughter)
Aron, Jean-Paul (nephew)
Karády, Viktor (assistant)
Castel, Robert (protégé)
Aron, Suzanne (wife)
Collège de France (Professeur, Sociologie, 1970 | Professeur, Sociologie, 1970)
Université de la Sorbonne, Institut d'études politiques, Ecole pratique des Hautes études, Paris (Professeur, Sociologie, 1955 | 1967)
Le Figaro, Journal (Editorialiste, 1947 | 1977)
Combat, Journal (Editorialiste, 1946 | 1947)
Ecole Nationale d'Administration (Chargé de cours, Philosophie, 1946 | 1947)
Ministère de l'information, France 'Directeur du cabinet d'André Malraux, 1944 | 1946) (show all 19)
Les Temps Modernes, Revue (Contributeur actif, 1944 | 1945)
La France libre, Revue de résistance à Londres (Collaborateur actif et éditorialiste, 1940 | 1944)
Armée française, WW2 (Mobilisation, 1939 | 1940)
Centre de Documentation sociale de l'École normale, Paris (Secrétaire, 1935)
Lycée du Havre (Professeur, Philosophie, 1933 | 1934)
Institut français de Berlin (Pensionnaire | 1931 | 1933)
Université de Cologne (Lecteur, 1930 | 1931)
Fort de Saint-Cyr, Service militaire (1928 | 1930)
L'Express (Magazine | Editorialiste, Président du comité directeur, 1977 | 1983)
Société française de sociologie (Président, 1962 | 1964)
Institut français de sociologie (Membre, Président, 1961 | 1962)
Centre européen de sociologie historique (Directeur, 1969 | 1983)
Centre de sociologie européenne (Directeur, 1960 | 1968)
Awards and honors
Goethepreis der Stadt Frankfurt (1979)
Officier de la Légion d'honneur
Chevalier de la Légion d'honneur
Commandeur de l'ordre des Palmes académiques
Croix Pour le Mérite (version civile)
Foreign Honorary Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1960) (show all 13)
International member, American Philosophical Society (1966)
Prix des Ambassadeurs (1962)
Prix Montaigne (1968)
Prix des Critiques (1973)
Goethe Prize (1979)
Erasmus Prize (1983)
Croix de guerre 1939-1945
Short biography
Raymond Aron was born to a secular Jewish family in Paris, France. His father was a lawyer. After lycée, he studied at the École Normale Supérieure, from which he received a doctorate in the philosophy of history in 1930. He took first place in the civil service agrégation exam in philosophy in 1928. He took a lecturer position at the University of Cologne and focused on major German philosophers, sociologists, and political and military thinkers. Witnessing the rise to power of the Nazi regime and book burnings in Berlin in 1933 Aron presciently concluded that war was inevitable and returned to France. He married Suzanne Gauchon the same year. In 1935, he published his first book, La Sociologie allemande contemporaine (Contemporary German Sociology). He was a professor of social philosophy at the University of Toulouse when World War II broke out in 1939, and he volunteered for the French Air Force. After the fall of France to Nazi Germany, he went to London to join the Free French forces of General Charles de Gaulle in exile and edited their newspaper, La France Libre (Free France), from 1940 to 1944. On his return to Paris at the end of the war, Aron became a sociology professor at the École Nationale d'Administration. From 1955 to 1968, he was professor of sociology at the Sorbonne. From 1970, he was a professor at the Collège de France. Throughout his career. Aron also worked as a journalist, and in 1947 he became an influential columnist for Le Figaro, a position he held for 30 years. In 1977, he left Le Figaro and began to write a political column for the weekly magazine L'Express. Aron had a decisive influence on the political culture in France and in Europe. Through his writings, he gave force to anti-totalitarian liberalism and rationalist humanism, and was often contrasted with his great contemporary (and former classmate) Jean-Paul Sartre, an existentialist and Communist. Among Aron's most influential works were L'Opium des intellectuels (The Opium of the Intellectuals, 1955), La Tragédie algérienne (The Algerian Tragedy, 1957), and République impériale: Les États-Unis dans le monde, 1945–1972 (The Imperial Republic: The United States and the World, 1945–1973). A constant theme running through his writings was the subject of violence and war, as in Paix et guerre entre les nations (Peace and War: A Theory of International Relations, 1962) and his books on the Prussian military theorist Carl von Clausewitz. Aron also wrote an influential history of sociology entitled Les Étapes de la pensée sociologique (Main Currents in Sociological Thought, 1967). He published his Mémoires shortly before his death in 1983.



I hate this not because I disagree with it - although I do - but because it is so hypocritical and has one of the flimsiest theses I think I've ever encountered. aron's argument is basically that communism is anti-democratic and unnatural because it was invented by ivory-tower intellectuals in one country and imposed upon the proletariat in others - okay, sure, whatever, but nowhere does he explain why this argument doesn't also apply to his beloved liberal capitalism, which he does not see as an ideology or deliberate political system at all but as some kind of undefiled natural state of mankind. one of his preoccupations is with the foreignness of communism to many of the countries in which it exists, but it's difficult to see how french liberalism is any more native to eastern europe than german communism. his implicit answer, of course, is that french liberalism is not 'french' or 'liberal' at all, but somehow universal and non-ideological - which makes one wonder what the jacobins were so worked up about.

this book reads like satire, because aron is completely incapable of acknowledging the limitations of liberalism, unable to realise that it is his OWN opium, that he is guilty of exactly what he criticises the titular leftist intellectuals of!
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monasterywine | 4 other reviews | Oct 5, 2024 |
I read this book in 1960, intrigued by Aron's predictions of the future. It is even more intesting to read it in the 21st century. He go some right, most wrong.
hcubic | May 11, 2024 |
luvucenanzo06 | Feb 19, 2024 |
I'm going to be straight forward: don't read this book if you don't have a particular interest in the history of ideas or intellectual history of the mid-20th century. Because this book is largely marked by the period in which it was written, around 1954-55, during the height of the Cold War. Raymond Aron (1905-1983) was still a rising French intellectual, did not yet have a permanent position at a university or a research institution, but had already made himself noticed in the polemic surrounding Marxism and more specifically Stalinism, especially because he undisguisedly opposed what he called the idolatry of extreme left-wing ideas. In this book he systematically explains his views on this. In other words, you must have some knowledge of Marxism itself, and especially of the French intellectual landscape of the 1950s. And – with my apologies – still 1 element that makes the reading difficult: the book is not as homogeneous as I expected, sometimes it looks more like a collection of previously published articles. (By the way: I read this in French, so I couldn’t comment on the translation)

Enough warnings. What I especially want to emphasize is how lucid Aron's analyzes were: how fearlessly he attacked all the sacred cows (in this case of the left), in an argument that razor sharply exposed the contradictions of Marxism and especially Stalinism and de facto proved how those views in reality were wrong. But there's more. Aron frames his judgment in a broader vision of the naive progressive optimism of the left, of exaggerated philosophies of history in Western culture, of the idolization of the phenomenon of 'revolution' in France, and of the own moral psychology of the intellectual elite. With regard to the latter, in my opinion he occasionally went a bit out of line, for example by scornfully pointing out that intellectuals are not insensitive to the 'pecuniary aspects' of the public forum.
I could write endless more about this book, but others have done it much better. I conclude by underlining that - although this book is very dated, especially in terms of context - it is nevertheless testimony to a lucid and brilliant mind, whose right has been confirmed by history.
In my History account on Goodreads I go into a little more detail about Aron's philosophy of history: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/6046153633.
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bookomaniac | 4 other reviews | Dec 13, 2023 |



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