Picture of author.

Tracy Banghart

Author of Grace and Fury

11+ Works 946 Members 46 Reviews

About the Author

Includes the names: Tracy Banghart, Tracy E. Banghart


Works by Tracy Banghart

Grace and Fury (2018) 573 copies, 24 reviews
Queen of Ruin (1995) 180 copies, 3 reviews
A Season of Sinister Dreams (2021) 41 copies, 3 reviews
Rebel Wing (2014) 35 copies, 3 reviews
By Blood (2013) 31 copies, 2 reviews
Shattered Veil (2014) 29 copies, 5 reviews
Moon Child (2013) 19 copies
Storm Fall (2014) 12 copies, 2 reviews
What the Sea Wants (2006) 12 copies, 3 reviews
Torn Sky (2015) 9 copies, 1 review
Love Like Chocolate (2023) 5 copies

Associated Works

The Time Travel Chronicles (2015) — Contributor — 26 copies, 2 reviews


Common Knowledge




Full review: wanderinglectiophile.wordpress.com/2018/07/05/review-grace-and-fury-by-tracy-banghart/

I suspect that my opinion on this book will be an unpopular one, but I’m just gonna put it out there now: I reeaally, really want to roast this book. *stone faced* *cuts eyes to the side*

*refocuses eyes straight ahead* But I’ll relent and play nice since this was an ARC. …plus roasting it would mean picking it apart and I can’t do that if I want this review to be spoiler free. *shrugs*

Needless to say; I did not like this one. It tries waaaay to hard to be more than it is. I’m taking a stab here and assuming it’s supposed to hit some feminist lit category? …It missed the mark in my opinion, but I might not be the best at assessing this as I have never identified as feminist. (Don’t shoot me, I only mean that I’ve never made achieving total equality apart of my personal agenda….that’s really a discussion for another time sooo SAVE IT lest this BOOK REVIEW be hijacked by social issues!) To me it seems more like rough draft Banghart needs to add to and clean up. She’s got an interesting premise going – I mean that’s why I requested it on NetGalley – but that’s all she’s got going here. There’s nothing solid but an outline of a story.

“So Rochelle, what is it that makes you want to start a fire and roast this book over open flame?”

I’m glad you asked.

Let’s start with world building. Small spoiler; it was shallow and it sucked. Some how the world our characters live in finds itself with an established way of life where the rulers select common women as “graces”. Which to me basically translated to consort, concubine, or sex slave. *gag* You take your pick on what term you want to apply here but it’s all basically the same – a woman of lesser status in the service of a ruler that’s more property than person. As I’m reading about this “tradition” (Banghart’s term not mine) I find myself wondering how the heck this world came to be like this. How the heck does a ruler decide he needs 40 partners to schmooze and bed??? I mean is there a fertility scare? Is he eventually going to pick one and dismiss the others? (That answer is no by the way…apparently he just keeps them and chooses who and when based on a whim???….before you even say it;that’s not really a spoiler as the synopsis basically said as much.) I get that these women don’t have a choice if they are selected and that they live in society that severely limits what they are able to do, but whhyyyyy does this world work this way? There’s nothing to explain it and I found that annoying.

The story is structured with alternating points of view for Nomi and Serina. This I liked, but there were so many other issues that that barely improved my opinion. The plot left a LOOOOT to be desired. It’s probably one of the worst plots I’ve read this year. There are some good moments (for example, Serina ending up in prison for something Nomi was responsible for) but much of the book felt forced and unlikely. Ultimately resulting in an improbable plot with characters that equally disappointed me. Also, I totally saw the "twist" coming from miles away...it was so cliche.

Ahh characters. Can you say “one-dimensional”? I was expecting a fierce, defiant, relatable character in Nomi, (timeout: what kinda name is Nomi?? No-me. Are we aiming for irony in that her name actually tells others “not her”? Ick. A terrible name choice. Proceed.) and was given a character that was actually compliant with only flickers of “fury” and backbone. *deep eye roll* Frankly, if I lived in this world I’d either be dead or imprisoned; there ain’t no way I’d allow myself to be a “grace” let alone forego my I-do-what-I-want mentality. But Nomi, “rebellious” Nomi, actually seems cowed by the simple threat of death or imprisonment. Serina…I don’t even know how to articulate what disappointed me about her. She just wasn’t a well developed character. She started out as a compliant and malleable character and never improved from there despite repeatedly telling herself she needed to be more like Nomi. Serina’s chapters annoyed me because they never seemed to go anywhere. At least with Nomi’s there were a few fleeting moments of fight and defiance to be found in her.

I think the most painful part of this whole book was the writing. It. Was. Bad. Truly cringe worthy lines and poorly introduced ideas. And although I’m not wholly sure of how to even address this, I was not a fan of the “Your Eminence” title that was used to address “The Superior” and his “Heir”. I realize that Banghart screwed herself by using the term “grace” for the concubines, but Your Eminence? That’s what you’re going to have other characters call the ruler(s)? Nope. I'm out.

So basically, I still found a way to roast this book and be mostly spoiler free. *shrugs* At least I feel better now.

Bottom line? I didn’t hate everything about this book, but I’m not recommending Grace and Fury to anyone and I will not be picking up the next book in the series.
… (more)
RochelleJones | 23 other reviews | Apr 5, 2024 |
* I got this book for review for my honest thoughts*

I really enjoyed this book and found it def be a darker fantasy novel but I would call it more a historical fiction novel. I would be intrigued if some type of magic system becomes more obvious in future books. I was equally invested in both lead characters storyline and liked the duel POV of the story. I really flew through this book and I thought the world building and the various mysteries were engaging. I wish the ending was less predictable but I will def be checking out book 2!
… (more)
lmauro123 | 23 other reviews | Dec 28, 2023 |
* I got this book for review for my honest thoughts*

I really enjoyed this book and found it def be a darker fantasy novel but I would call it more a historical fiction novel. I would be intrigued if some type of magic system becomes more obvious in future books. I was equally invested in both lead characters storyline and liked the duel POV of the story. I really flew through this book and I thought the world building and the various mysteries were engaging. I wish the ending was less predictable but I will def be checking out book 2!
… (more)
lmauro123 | 23 other reviews | Dec 28, 2023 |
ostbying | 2 other reviews | Jan 1, 2023 |


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