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Fereydoon Batmanghelidj (1931–2004)

Author of Your Body's Many Cries for Water

22 Works 705 Members 13 Reviews 1 Favorited

About the Author

Image credit: Fereydoon Batmanghelidj

Works by Fereydoon Batmanghelidj

Your Body's Many Cries for Water (1992) 399 copies, 7 reviews


Common Knowledge

Canonical name
Batmanghelidj, Fereydoon
Date of death
Teheran, Iran
Place of death
Falls Church, Virginia, USA
Places of residence
Falls Church, Virginia, USA
Foundation for the Simple in Medicine



The book claims that you will learn how to prevent, treat, and/or cure several ailments: asthma, allergies, and lupus. The primary mode of treatment appears to be recognizing and alleviating profound dehydration in your body.
librisissimo | Mar 22, 2024 |
It’s not that it was badly written. It only gets 2-stars because I couldn’t understand half of what I was reading. It felt like the author kind of expected the reader to at least know something about physiology, which I don’t. But, somewhere in all that eye-gazing writing was some damn good information on why you need to drink water, and you need to start NOW before disease sets in.

According to this doctor, it is long-term chronic dehydrated cells in your body that is the start of almost all degenerative diseases. By hydrating your cells properly, with pure water (not tea, not coffee nor juice), there is a big chance that your disease will reverse itself, as long as it hasn’t gone on too long and taken a hold on your body. Even at that, you may even find some relief with water. With kidney disease, he explains a slower introduction to drinking water and the care you will need to take when on diuretics.

Your body will begin to give out signals of distress due to chronic dehydration before immunity breakdown, then eventually the onset of degenerative diseases set in. If your mouth is dry or your urine is dark colored yellow or orange, then you are already, and have long been, chronically dehydrated. With the body consisting of 75% water, and the brain 85% water, we need to make sure we are drinking plenty of it on a daily and ongoing basis. Every single function in the body is dependent on the efficient flow of water.


No less than 2 to 2-1/2 quarts of pure water (that’s 8 to 10 (8 oz) glasses) daily minimum for a long period of time to fully hydrate the body. A large amount in just a few days, trying to make up for the lack of drinking water, doesn't work. Hydrating your body takes continuous water intake for weeks, sometimes months to properly hydrate your cells so you begin to see and feel results of disappearing symptoms.

Upon waking, begin your day with one or two 8 oz glasses of water (before morning coffee).

• Drink a glass of water 30 min before each meal...breakfast, lunch and dinner, and a glass 2-1/2 hours after each meal. (That's 6 glasses of water so far.) Add extra glass after heavy meals and/or 2 glasses before bed.
• 2 (1/2 hour) walks a day...morning and evening.
• Limit fatty and fried foods.
• Eat more omega-3 rich foods: flax seed, flax oil.
• Eat more omega-6 rich foods: safflower & sunflower oils (A spoonful daily of Dr. Udo's Choice oil mix: flax, sunflower, sesame, rice germ oil, wheat germ oil, oat germ oil, lecithin, vitamin E, and special triglycerides...should provide all the essential fatty acids the body needs).

There’s a lot more to this book if you can muster through it. The chapters deal with some of the more common degenerative diseases that cause chronic pain, ones we are all familiar with or we know someone suffering with, such as dyspeptic pain (heartburn, acid reflux), asthma and allergies, cholesterol, high blood pressure, rheumatoid arthritis pain, anginal pain (heart pain on walking, or even at rest), low back pain, intermittent claudication (leg pain on walking), migraines and hangover headaches, colitis pain, brain issues (Alzheimer’s), and more. He goes into the physiology of each and tells you how to combat it.

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MissysBookshelf | 6 other reviews | Aug 27, 2023 |
Athletic competitors such as boxers or marathon runners drink copious amounts of water after working up drenching sweats. It's a necessity. These people know well what could happen otherwise. It's well known that lack of hydration following strenuous physical activity can cause catastrophic results.

What about the not-so-athletic individuals who never work up a heavy sweat, but have gradually dropped their routine of drinking an ample amount of water? The average non-athletic, ordinary Joe or Jill Schmo spends hours engaged in regular day-to-day living accompanied by minimal water consumption. These people are all around you. They may not be readily obvious, but many of these people are very sick after unknowingly become dehydrated.

The late Doctor F. Batmanghelidj left us an important book about water and how it is important to health. The title is You're Not Sick, You're Thirsty: Water for Health, for Healing, for Life. The doctor listed a vast array of reasons why we all need to drink ample amounts of water as a part of our daily routine. His words make sense.

This doc was put down by some established medical professionals. When those who preach the mainstream line of thought don't buy into what is said, their reaction may be an indicator that the message is on target. I have a feeling that this is one such example.

The list of ailments which could be eliminated through proper hydration is a long one. The doctor's research led him to cite asthma, allergies, abdominal pain, hypertension, constipation, diabetes, migraine headaches, dry eyes and even breast cancer as being among the many maladies that a few more trips to the water cooler could have prevented. Who is to say that's wrong?

Perhaps the most interesting findings of Doctor Batman, as some called him, relate to the brain. As the book points out, this small but most important organ of the human body that weighs only about three pounds is about 85 percent water. The doctor's recommendation for stopping a migraine is four glasses of water. Fortunately I am unable to test that advice, having never suffered from migraines.

There are five things on the Batmanghelidj list of what is most important to human survival. They are air, water, salt, food and exercise. If you digest this book with an open mind, I'm pretty confident you will discover much that will be to your benefit. Maybe you will even take some of it to heart, and be better for it.
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JamesBanzer | 4 other reviews | Aug 25, 2021 |
New Edition! This is the third edition of Dr. F. Batmanghelidj' classic water book! THis book, based on a pioneering physician's twenty years of clinical and scientific research into the role of water in the body, explains a breakthrough discovery that Unintentional Chronic Dehydration(UCD) produces stress, chronic pains and many painful degenerational diseases. Dry mouth is not the only sign of dehydration; waiting to get thirsty is wrong. You will learn the different signals of thirst when your body is calling for water. Simply adjusting your water intake - yes, water! Natural, pure water!- can help you to live a healthier, pain-free life. Lean: How to naturally prevent and reverse conditions such as asthma, allergies How to naturally eliminate pains including heartburn, back pain, arthritis, colitis pain, migrant headches How to use water to prevent and combat premature aging How to lose weight effortlessly, without strick dieting… (more)
sozoasia | 6 other reviews | Jul 3, 2020 |

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