Picture of author.
28+ Works 2,440 Members 22 Reviews 6 Favorited

About the Author

He is a Fellow in Media Management at the University of Hertfordshire Business School, Global CBT production manager for Management Consultancy Service for PricewaterhouseCoopers and former Multimedia consultant to Shell International. 050

Includes the name: Peter Block

Also includes: P. Block (1)

Image credit: By Soil gurgaon - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=17035443

Works by Peter Block

Community: The Structure of Belonging (2008) 480 copies, 9 reviews
Erfolgreiches Consulting (1997) 8 copies
El Manager Fortalecido (1990) 2 copies

Associated Works

Saw VI [2009 Film] (2009) — Actor — 49 copies, 2 reviews


Common Knowledge

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Well, it's not really by Peter Block. He's been smart enough to enveigle 30 other consultants into writing chapters. Each ok in their way but I'm not sure that this would make me a top notch consultant. Certainly some good tips there though. I liked the book overall and I'm sad to see it going to a charity. But I have to downsize my library and this is one of the victims. The reality is that I will never be able to sit down and re-read it ....pity. And there reality is that no one will be hiring me for my consulting skills any longer. Three stars from me.… (more)
booktsunami | Jan 17, 2024 |
The Publisher Says: A powerful, inspiring, and achievable vision of a society based on cooperation and community instead of competition and commodification.

This book counters the dominant and destructive story that we are polarized, violent, selfish, and destined to consume everything in sight. That is not who we are.

The challenge, Peter Block says, is that we are suffering under an economic theology tat is based on scarcity, self-interest, competition, and infinite growth. We’re told we can purchase and outsource all that matters. Block calls this the “business perspective narrative.” It dominates not only the economy but also architecture, faith communities, journalism, arts, neighborhoods, and much more.

Block offers an alternative in the “common good narrative.” It embodies the belief that we are basically communal and cooperative. And that we have the capacity to communally produce what we care most raising a child, safety, livelihood, health, and a clean and sustainable environment.

This book describes how shifts to the common good perspective could transform many areas, fostering journalism that reports on what works, architecture that designs habitable spaces creating connection, faith collectives that build community, a market that is restrained and local, and leadership and activism that build social capital by creating trust among citizens. With these shifts, we would fundamentally change the world we live in for the better.


My Review
: A business guru wrote this book, this loud call to rein in our enshrined attitude of greed and selfishness. That delights me more than anything else about the read. I resonate like a struck bell to the author’s call to rethink our cultural norms. Given how entrenched the mindset of me first, me on top is, the best thing to do is to begin the process of change at the personal and local level.

Visit the website, The Abundant Community.com, that the author and his collaborator John McKnight run. It is chock-a-block with ideas and resources to accomplish this. The book at hand is an excellent read to guide you to the areas that you most need to focus on, be they personal or community based. Our individual well-being is tied closely to our social well-being and this is a frequently discussed facet of life that the author is at pains to weave throughout the short book. From the Introduction, entitled “We Are Not Divided”, forward, Author Block makes the case for beginning one’s journey with the personal commitment to calibrating one’s mind to a "we are not alone" mindset. The difference between "alone" and "divided" recurs throughout the book, very much ringing through the ideas for actions we as citizens of this system of divide-and-conquer tactics can effectively take.

There is nothing at all unattainable in any of the goals Author Block offers to us as models for effecting change. That he offers them in actionable formats and in digestible, relatable examples makes the read both pleasant, easy, and short and offers real-world results to those willing to undertake his tried-and-tested steps toward a common-good focused world.
… (more)
richardderus | Jan 14, 2024 |
Peter Block clearly identifies the essential ingredients, qualities, questions, atmosphere and actions needed to creat and build vital communities filled with possibility, generosity, accountability and deep engagement.
StFrancisofAssisi | 8 other reviews | Nov 11, 2020 |
The main concept behind the book is that we have been conditioned to ask the wrong types of questions when making decisions. We often ask "How do I get X?" when we should first be asking "Why do I want this?" or "Is this Right?" If we base our decisions more on whether we're doing the right thing for the right reason (if we answer yes) then we can move to the how's of getting it done.

Organizations often place too much emphasis on the how versus why and that can lead to a stunted and ineffective environment. To act genuinely requires idealism, intimacy and depth. Business practicality often favors realism bordering on cynicism. We often forgo our values in business to simply get ahead. The author offers the idea that if you make yourself a commodity and you're willing to sell your values then others determine your worth and your life is left to the laws of supply and demand.

As the author puts it, "The diversity and imperfection of human soul is, ultimately, what makes institutions engaging, humane, and habitable. Human systems are imperfect, the homes for unsolvable problems. And we cannot take the tools and strategies of engineering and economics and apply them to the governance of organizations." To be effective, organizations need to be more humane and mindful of their values and motives.
… (more)
pmtracy | Dec 17, 2019 |



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