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Damian Dibben

Author of Tomorrow

10 Works 426 Members 22 Reviews 1 Favorited

About the Author

Includes the name: Dibben Damian


Works by Damian Dibben

Tomorrow (2018) 177 copies, 13 reviews
The Storm Begins (2011) 142 copies, 3 reviews
Circus Maximus (2012) 51 copies, 2 reviews
The Color Storm (2022) 33 copies, 3 reviews
Nightship to China (2014) 16 copies, 1 review
Chinski ekspres 2 copies


Common Knowledge




We take colour for granted nowadays. We can have our cars in all sorts of colours and finishes, the walls of our houses and the plants in our gardens. There are books about the history of colour: I particularly enjoyed The Secret Lives of Colour by Kassia St Clair and these start to give us a glimpse into the world of passion about colour. Imagine it is 1510 and colours are rare and expensive. Ultramarine is a sort after colour but there are rumours of another colour found in mines far away that has never been used before. The Colour Storm is about how far one artist, Giorgione Barbarelli or Zorzo, would go to get this new colour, prince orient. Dibben has written a very interesting article about the introductions of new colours and how it can upset the balance when people make the colour their own even today. You can read it here.

Artsists start to appear in Venice as word of the new colour spreads as does Jakob and Sybille Fugger, one of the richest men in Europe, a miner and banker in whose mines the colour was found. Zorzo befriends Sybille and is allowed to paint her portrait and this is his entrée into the household which he hopes will gain him a contract to paint the inside of a new church and access to the prince orient.

The characters in the book are real ones, it is the story woven around them that is fictional. Zorzo falls in love with Sybille, that part is quite predictable, but the character Sybille is more interesting as is her relationship with her brother and husband. I wouldn't say that colour is woven throughout the writing but it is definitely there when describing Sybille and her moods through her dress.

The phrase opens up Zorzo's head again and panic tumbles out.

Sybille Fugger: silver gown, ivory face, carnelian lips, malachite room.

There are other strands woven into the story such as the plague which was so prevalent during those times as well as a rumour about the 'Inquisition' being rolled out around the world, funded by a very rich person and backed by Rome.

You do get an insight into art during these times with Zorzo explaining where colours come from to Sybille and how he starts a painting - from the inside out to capture the person or from the outside in to try and capture the atmosphere and mood. And there are snippets where his passion for colour squeezes out.

'Colours took me over. Completely. I volunteered for every job that would teach me more about them. I hurried around all the pharmacists and vendecolori of the city, comparing materials, inspecting, touching, smelling, turning everything to the light. Even the names of materials seemed to have this enchanted quality: porphyry, malachite, verdigris. Like names from mythology. I wondered how I'd managed to take it all for granted until then. An example: do you know there are about a hundred different yellows?'

The book is marketed as a thriller and the role of the plague and a flood act as devices to heighten the sense of panic and need for speed. Everything is closing in and something has got to give.

I really enjoyed the art world side of this book, the relationship between Sybille and Zorzo less so. I didn't feel it was a storm of colour, more showers - some of them quite heavy in places. For me, this book was a bit beige. I enjoyed the article about desire to own colour more.
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allthegoodbooks | 2 other reviews | Aug 12, 2023 |
Dit is een lekker leesbaar boek voor dezelfde leeftijdsdoelgroep als De Grijze Jager. De karakters zijn leuk, de wereld wordt beeldend beschreven en er zit een bult actie in dit tijdreisverhaal. Deel 1 had ik nog niet gelezen en het is goed te doen ook zonder die voorkennis.
weaver-of-dreams | 1 other review | Aug 1, 2023 |
Ik had net een heftig emotioneel boek gelezen toen ik hieraan begon en het stroeve en ietwat treurende begin maakte dat ik al heel snel geen zin meer had om te lezen. Daarom stopte ik om even iets luchtigs tussendoor te lezen. Daarna had ik weer zin in dit boek en heb ik het in één ruk uitgelezen.

Het verhaal op zich was intrigerend genoeg, maar de manier waarop het geschreven is, vooral in het begin, vond ik echt niet geweldig. De zinnen waren te lang (teveel komma's en bijvoeglijke naamwoorden) en het eerste deel had de helft korter moeten zijn. Dan had ik waarschijnlijk die pauze niet nodig gehad. Het is dat anderen zeiden dat het echt beter werd dat ik weer ben begonnen. Ze hadden overigens gelijk, het werd ook beter.
De plot was interessant en werd beter uitgewerkt naarmate het verhaal vorderde.

Morgen is het schoolvoorbeeld van trouwe hond en zijn baasje vond ik totaal oninteressant als goeierik met schuldcomplex. Vilder was echt het enige interessante karakter en bleek gecompliceerder dan gedacht. Eigenlijk de enige in het verhaal die wat karakterontwikkeling doormaakte. Ik had graag meer willen weten over bijv. Jacobina maar andere mensen bleven echt erg vluchtig wat op zich logisch kan zijn als je zo lang leeft, maar het maakt het verhaal niet interessanter.

Al met al een interessant boek, maar niet echt goed geschreven.
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weaver-of-dreams | 12 other reviews | Aug 1, 2023 |
I really enjoyed this novel that takes place in Renaissance Venice. I enjoyed reading about the different artists and how they each used different colors and techniques to create their art. I really liked Zorzo. I thought that Sybilla was a very interesting character that me quite intrigued. I loved the use of colors throughout the story. I received a copy of this book from the publisher for a fair and honest opinion that I gave of my own free will.
Virginia51 | 2 other reviews | Dec 2, 2022 |



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