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Michele Drier

Author of Edited for Death

9 Works 92 Members 4 Reviews

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Includes the name: Michele Drier

Works by Michele Drier


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Stephanie Meyer is not the only writer that is able to create a vampire story that is both compelling and addicting. Drier creates a world where vampires and humans live and work alongside one another, but the humans are not always aware.

Maxie enters a new job and a whole new world opens up as well. Is she ready to face what she learns and enjoy the spoils that go with her new life? Will love trump danger? And now you may want to read SNAP: New Talent! I even had one woman who writes medieval romance (and said she never reads vampires) tell me that she got so hooked she was rooting for Jean-Louis to turn Maxie! Does he?

The story is fun, with an original love story that keep you turning pages! I rate it 4 stars and recommend it to readers who love light vampire romance.
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Mrsmommybooknerd | 1 other review | Mar 31, 2014 |
The first book was so well written and believable it literally transported you away to where you could identify with the main character and feel her frustration and fear of this realization of how her world was turning upside down. This book however is full of inconsistencies and fails to smoothly follow the first book, for instance in the first book we are told her assistant Jazz is a Normal and has no idea about the true nature of SNAP or the Family and yet not even into the first few chapters here we have Max having a Phone con with Jazz going on and on about the Vampires and daemons

If there is a Third Book I Feel I will pass
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Byron_Troutman | 1 other review | Oct 18, 2012 |
This was kind of an interesting way to start a vampire book for me. I mean its kind of like People, Extra, and TMZ all rolled into one, and then add in a mob like vampire family war and you get the general idea of what the book is going to be about. I have to admit that the whole celeb media thing appealed to me, because as much as I hate to admit it, I'm the girl who looks at celebrity gossip every morning to start my day right. So I had some high hopes for how this book was going to turn out for me.

Since my main issue with books these days is the pacing of a book, that was really the first thing I was looking at when I started reading this book. Thankfully I felt like the pacing was just right, there was action when there needed to be, romance when there should have been, and generally speaking there wasn't really any part of the book where I wanted to put the book down.

As the main character, Maxie, well she was okay. She wasn't a bad character or anything like that, but she seemed to suffer from what a lot of authors seem to like doing to their main women characters, making her sound like a teenage girl who is convinced the world is going to end when the slightest thing goes wrong with Mr. Fantastic. I tend to hate characters like that, mainly because their whininess exists in all aspects of their life, but in this book, thankfully, Maxie was no whiny all the time, just in relation to boys.

Now normally in books where I find a girl whining over a boy, I tend to find the boy to be a bit of a control freak, and end up hating him more than I hate the girl in the book. In this case, not only did I not hate him, but I actually enjoyed reading him a lot more than Maxie. Jean-Louis is just fun to read, he kind of pops off the page for me.

I like the story about the vampire families at war, it's a pretty common theme in vampire books, but it is well executed in this book. And I also really liked the whole celebrity thing, I mean come on I am a girl who loves her People. Overall, I thought the book was a pretty solid effort. I hope in the next installment Maxie experiences some character growth so maybe I can like her a little bit more, but at the end of the day I really did enjoy reading the book. I think a lot you will enjoy this book as well.
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HomeLoveBooks | 1 other review | Aug 23, 2012 |
In SNAP: A NEW TALENT we meet Maxie Gwenoch, an editor at a top selling celebrity gossip magazine that is owned by a vampire family known as The Kandesky’s. Jealous of the Klandesky fame and fortune, a rival vampire clan the Haszar’s try to kidnap Maxie. Jean-Louis Maxie’s vampire boyfriend tries to teach her to minipulate her mind into hearing his thoughts. He also teaches her to hide her thoughts from the enemy clan so they are unable to use her knowledge to steal Snap. In this book you will read about vampires, demon bodyguards and shapeshifters. The end of this book left me wanting more, and I was glad to know there is a book to follow. This book was received for the purpose of an honest review.


Rating 4

Heat rating mild
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MyBookAddiction | 1 other review | Jul 6, 2012 |


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