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Eric Gill (1882–1940)

Author of An Essay on Typography

71+ Works 918 Members 11 Reviews 2 Favorited
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About the Author

Includes the names: Eric Gill, Arthur Eric Rowton Gill

Image credit: Courtesy of Joe Cribb, the Eric Gill Society. http://www.ericgill.org.uk/

Works by Eric Gill

An Essay on Typography (1931) 382 copies, 4 reviews
Autobiography (1969) 69 copies
The engraved work of Eric Gill (1963) 37 copies, 1 review
All the Love Poems of Shakespeare (1993) — Illustrator — 37 copies
Beauty Looks After Herself (2012) 20 copies, 1 review
Letters of Eric Gill (2007) 15 copies
Twenty-five Nudes (1988) 12 copies
Last essays (1942) 9 copies
Art (1949) 7 copies
Eric Gill: A Bibliography (1991) 7 copies
First nudes (1954) 5 copies
Drawings from Life 3 copies, 1 review
Art & Prudence An Essay (1928) 3 copies
Sacred & secular &c (1940) 2 copies
The Phaedo of Plato. (1930) 1 copy
Sulla tipografia (2005) 1 copy, 1 review
Art & love 1 copy
Unemployment 1 copy
25 Nudes 1 copy, 1 review

Associated Works

Twelfth Night (1601) — some editions — 11,094 copies, 111 reviews
The Merry Wives of Windsor (1602) — Decoration, some editions — 2,099 copies, 38 reviews
Troilus and Cressida (1374) — Illustrator, some editions — 1,928 copies, 6 reviews
A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy (1768) — Designer, some editions — 1,775 copies, 24 reviews
Song of Songs {broadside} (1935) — Illustrator, some editions — 402 copies, 8 reviews
Books and Printing: A Treasury for Typophiles (1951) — Contributor — 99 copies
The Variorum Edition of the Poetry of John Donne. Volume 7, Part 1: The Holy Sonnets (2005) — Illustrator, some editions — 15 copies, 1 review
Wood engraving (1921) — Illustrator; Appendix; Introduction — 15 copies
Every man an artist : readings in the traditional philosophy of art (2005) — Contributor, some editions — 10 copies
American Aphrodite (Volume Three, Number Ten) (1953) — Illustrator — 2 copies
Catalogue 97, Rare & interesting books from G. F. Sims (1977) — Cover artist — 1 copy
A catalogue of the Llewelyn Powys manuscripts (1956) — Cover artist — 1 copy
Typography : a quarterly, no. 5, Spring 1938 (1938) — Contributor — 1 copy


16th century (107) 17th century (131) 18th century (85) Bible (76) British (153) British literature (165) Chaucer (75) classic (333) classic literature (66) classics (427) comedy (367) drama (1,072) Elizabethan (64) England (92) English (143) English literature (317) fiction (734) Folio Society (151) France (52) humor (87) literature (420) medieval (100) medieval literature (60) Middle English (62) non-fiction (55) novel (63) own (79) play (500) plays (670) poetry (468) read (159) Renaissance (65) romance (96) script (55) theatre (384) to-read (405) travel (101) typography (131) unread (62) William Shakespeare (1,323)

Common Knowledge



Eric Gill - Four Gospels Limited Edition in Folio Society Devotees (September 27)


First edition. Gill no.48. 36 plates of nudes drawn by Gill. One of the last books that Gill worked on as he died in 1940.
petervanbeveren | Jul 1, 2024 |
Short introduction by Eric Gill followed by 25 white line nudes on a black background.
petervanbeveren | Jul 1, 2024 |
Uma boa forma de acompanhar a visão de um grande Tipógrafo do início do século XX. 100 anos desde então e observar que muito do que ele criticava à época, contra o excessivo industrialismo, observa-se sob postura similar em relação à excessiva digitalização. Mais do que abolir o status quo, refletir porque chegamos a esta percepção de arte, e se vale a pena continuar por esse caminho. Isso e muitas dicas valiosas na composição de livros.
danielzonn | 3 other reviews | Mar 25, 2022 |
Benché Gill sia oggi ricordato soprattutto come un artista della tipografia, non meno interessante fu il suo contributo teorico rispetto alla composizione tipografica. Questo saggio - il primo scritto da Gill - venne pubblicato in cinquecento esemplari nel giugno 1931 e nelle sue pagine, lucide e austere, si rispecchiano gli elementi di crisi propri di quel momento storico: in particolare, il conflitto tra industrializzazione e antiche procedure di stampa manuale, che oggi conosce inediti e allora impensabili sviluppi grazie all'elettronica. Fondatore della September Press, disegnatore di caratteri tra i quali, celebri, il Gill Sans (1929), il Perpetua (1929) e il Joanna (1930), l'inglese Eric Gill (1882-1940) è tra i massimi artisti dell'arte tipografica.… (more)
perseveranza | Feb 24, 2021 |



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