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76+ Works 2,402 Members 20 Reviews 6 Favorited

About the Author

Stanislav Grof, M.D., is a psychiatrist who has been principal investigator at the Psychiatric Research Institute in Prague. Chief of Psychedelic Research at the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center, and assistant professor of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University. He is now professor of show more psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies. His 20 books include Beyond the Brain, Psychology of the Future, The Cosmic Genius, and Spiritual Emergency. He live in California. show less

Works by Stanislav Grof

LSD Psychotherapy (1980) 155 copies
The Stormy Search for the Self (1901) — Author — 128 copies, 2 reviews
Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science (1984) — Editor; Contributor — 54 copies
The Human Encounter with Death (1977) 46 copies, 1 review
Human Survival and Consciousness Evolution (1988) — Editor — 29 copies
Transpersonal Vision (1998) 10 copies
Psychologie transpersonnelle (2004) 4 copies, 1 review
Kozmik Oyun (2014) 2 copies
A la recherche de soi (1996) 2 copies, 1 review
Sabiduría antigua y ciencia moderna (1993) 1 copy, 1 review
Cura Profunda (2014) 1 copy
Sonsuz Yolculuk (2014) 1 copy
Bilincin Oyunlari (2013) 1 copy
Die Welt der Psyche (1997) 1 copy

Associated Works


Common Knowledge

Czech Republic
Prague, Czech Republic
Charles University (MD|1956)
Czechoslovakian Academy of Sciences (Phd|Medicine|1965)
Halifax, Joan (first wife)
Grof, Christina (second wife)
California Institute for Integral Studies
International Transpersonal Association
Awards and honors
Boulder Prize (2007)
The VIZE 97 Prize (2007)
Short biography
Stanislav Grof, docteur en médecine et psychiatre de formation, a plus de cinquante années de recherche sur le potentiel de guérison et de transformation des états non-ordinaires de conscience. Il est un des fondateurs et des théoriciens principaux de la Psychologie Transpcrsonnelle. Il est aussi le fondateur de l’Association International du Transpersonnel - International Transpersonal Association (ITA) - et son président. Quelques ouvrages en français : Nouvelles perspectives en psychiatrie, psychologie et psychothérapie : Aux confins de la recherche contemporaine sur la conscience, de Stanislav Grof et Olivier Clerc (Ed. Alphée, 2010) ;
Pour une psychologie du futur : Le potentiel de guérison des états modifiés de conscience de Stanislav Grof et Patrick Baudin (Ed. Dervy, 2009) ; Psychologie transpersonnelle de Stanislav Grof (Ed. du Rocher, 1996).
Site internet : www.stangrof.com
Voir aussi le site de l’institut de Recherche et d’Etude en Thérapie Transpersonnelle : www.irett.net



Stanislav Grof was an early researcher into the use of psychedelic drugs as a tool for psychiatrists and psychologists to use in treating patients with mental difficulties. When the federal government shut down access to these drugs, the research virtually died and society temporarily lost contributions into well being that these drugs seemed to promise. In recent years these research restrictions have been relaxed and, once again, there is some potential for impacting difficult things like PTSD and depression.

Grof realized altered states of awareness had great healing potential. When drugs couldn't be obtained, he turned his attention to natural ways of producing altered states. He settled on developing a breathing technique that he called "holotropic breathwork".

I've had 4 breathwork sessions over the past 10 years with two different certified practitioners. My experiences are my personal treasures providing me with some remarkable insights. If you are interested in self exploration and are willing to confront past difficulties and traumas, this might be worth considering. It isn't a light read.

Jim Fisher
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Consciousness_Cafe | Mar 28, 2020 |
This book is written by Stanislav Grof, a man described as a Transpersonal Psychologist. I was not exactly certain (euphemism for, 'I had no idea') what this might be so, I tried Wikipedia for a quick explanation. The entry came up emblazoned with the warning "THIS ARTICLE HAS MULTIPLE ISSUES": I know the feeling, having read this book.

I am presuming, from the scraps of knowledge that I have in the area, that the historical detail contained in this book is accurate and this gives a fascinating insight into the views upon death of the Egyptians, Tibetans and Mayans. It is interesting to note the similarities, which leads to the unasked question, at least in this book, as to whether these points of agreement are a form of borrowing or the result of a common source for these beliefs: i.e. was the Christian God, of my belief system, the same deity behind these other, seemingly disparate ideologies?

Mr, or should it be Doctor, Grof sidesteps this issue to head into a series of theories that would have seemed much more at home in the nineteen-sixties, linking the experience of dying with drug induced states. This I struggled to take seriously but, I still enjoyed the book, which is a well illustrated, pleasant trawl through the death rituals and beliefs of the aforementioned civilisations.
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the.ken.petersen | 1 other review | Dec 1, 2013 |
Stanislav Grof, um dos fundadores da psicologia transpessoal, defende que as suposições e conceitos actuais e básicos da psicologia e da psiquiatria requerem uma revisão radical baseada na investigação intensiva e sistemática dos estados invulgares de consciência.

Em A Psicologia do Futuro, que serve como um sumário introdutório a meio século de carreira, Grof apresenta as contribuições que fez para os campos da psiquiatria e da psicologia - em especial o seu conceito central de experiência holotrópica, em que holotrópico significa "movendo-se em direcção à totalidade" -, desde as primeiras tentativas de proceder a uma cartografia da psique humana mediante psicoterapia com LSD, passando pela prática clínica com pessoas moribundas e pelo seu trabalho com respiração holotrópica, técnica terapêutica que desenvolveu, até às suas reflexões mais recentes sobre a consciência e as perspectivas para lidarmos com uma crise planetária crescente.… (more)
firmiana | 1 other review | Jun 20, 2011 |
This is an interesting book. More from the point of view of assuring people who believe in alternative views of reality that they aren't necessarily insane just seeing the world in a different way. Also interesting in that Mr (actually Dr) Grof is a qualified psychologist and recognises that persons going through this kind of problem may be labeled as clinically suffering from some form of mental illness when that is not the treatment they need.
1 vote
wyvernfriend | 1 other review | Oct 22, 2005 |



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