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About the Author

Includes the name: Derek Humphry -

Works by Derek Humphry


Common Knowledge

Canonical name
Humphry, Derek
Bath, Somerset, England
Places of residence
Junction City, Oregon, USA
principal founder in 1980 of the Hemlock Society USA
Euthanasia Research & Guidance Organization, president, 1993 -
World Federation of Right to Die Societies
Hemlock Society
Short biography
Derek Humphry (b. 1930 in UK) is a journalist, author and principal founder in 1980 of the Hemlock Society USA and past president of the World Federation of Right to Die Societies.

Humphry is perhaps best known for his 1991 suicide handbook, Final Exit, and for his first wife, Jean, who ended her life on March 29, 1975 with an intentional overdose of medication after suffering from terminal cancer. He tells that story in his bestselling book 'Jean's Way.'

From 1993 onwards Humphry has been president of the Euthanasia Research & Guidance Organization (ERGO), and chairs the advisory board of the new Final Exit Network (formed 2004 to replace the Hemlock Society dissolved the previous year in mergers).

Humphry is an advisor to the World Federation of Right to Die Societies by virtue of his past presidency and in appreciation of his 26 years of involvement with that organization.

In 2008 the paperback Final Exit remained in print in English, Spanish and Italian. It is also available as an eBook for digital download {www.finalexit.org] and in English in video DVD and VHS. It has sold more than one million copies in twelve languages.

In April 2007 the editors and book critics of the American national newspaper, USA Today, selected 'Final Exit' as one of the most memorable 25 books of the last quarter century.

Humphry was first in print at age 15 when as a messenger boy on the Yorkshire Post he contributed to the paper's London Letter. In a 30-year journalistic career Humphry wrote as a staffer for the Bristol Evening World, the Manchester Evening News, the (London) Daily Mail, the London Sunday Times for 12 years, and lastly the Los Angeles Times.

Humphry currently lives in Junction City, Oregon, just outside Eugene. He is a citizen of both the USA and UK. In 2008 he completed his autobiography, 'Good Life, Good Death: Memoir of an investigative reporter and pro-choice advocate' (ebook at www.goodlifegooddeath.com)



No decent human being would allow an animal to suffer without putting it out of its misery. It is only to human beings that human beings are so cruel as to allow them to live in pain, and hopelessness, in living death, without moving a muscle to help them. It is against such attitudes that this book fights. Isaac Asimov
PendleHillLibrary | 7 other reviews | Apr 4, 2023 |
Takes a hard look at one of today's most controversial issues: euthanasia, and the difficult moral, ethical, and legal questions surrounding it.
PendleHillLibrary | Apr 4, 2023 |
The practicalities of self-deliverance and assisted suicide for the dying
jhawn | 7 other reviews | Jul 31, 2017 |
Derek Humphry certainly had the best of intentions when he wrote this book, and he also knew what he was talking about, having assisted in the suicides of both his wife and his father-in-law. I have to say, I whole-heartedly agree with the sentiment that it’s sometimes more humane to end life than to unnecessarily prolong it if a person is suffering, and it’s a shame that radical Christianity has made that illegal in this country. I liked how Humphry explains everything from practical considerations to the correct lethal dosages with various kinds of pills. I do think that he focuses a little too much on his preferred solution, pills (with trashbag assist), when to get those pills in the quantities required one would have to find a sympathetic doctor willing to risk his license. I’m not sure if the book is dated at this point now that it’s 25 years old, and his writing style is certainly not going to win any awards. It would be interesting to see this book updated and perhaps broadened, but I have to hand it to people like Humphry and Dr. Jack Kevorkian - they were pioneers in a movement that I have to believe will ultimately succeed, making this time in history, when we artificially keep people alive so that they can suffer great pain because we don’t want to “play God”, appear like the Dark Ages to future generations.… (more)
3 vote
gbill | 7 other reviews | Dec 22, 2016 |



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