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Ash Krafton

Author of The Heartbeat Thief

18+ Works 137 Members 12 Reviews

About the Author

Includes the name: AJ Krafton

Disambiguation Notice:

Ash Krafton writes urban fantasy and paranormal romance. AJ Krafton writes new adult speculative fiction.


Works by Ash Krafton

Associated Works

Heroines & Hellions (2018) — Contributor — 11 copies


Common Knowledge

Disambiguation notice
Ash Krafton writes urban fantasy and paranormal romance. AJ Krafton writes new adult speculative fiction.



First, I was amazed and astounded that in the praises, the very first one, was from my very own blog. Thank you Ms. Krafton for that it totally made my day.

Now onto my review....

Ash Krafton has done it again, I'm amazed with this series. And the next one is being released in 2014. REALLY ASH? you're killing me here lol.

it's a little over one year since the last book, an Sophie is going day by day, working her normal job, and working as the Sophia for the Demivampire community. She hasn't had any contact with her DV family and friends, and she's left with a huge hole in her center a hole that was placed by her soulmate her true love Merick. Until she is contacted by her ex's brother,Rodrian, about a proposition she is unable to refuse.

While settling into her new home, and dealing with the ghost of Merick, another Sophia contacts her. She thens meets this Sophia to learn how to be a better Sophia.

During all this she's still lost and confused with her life and love, she also grows to be stronger and therefore is growing to be a better Sophia. Rodrian and Sophie grow closer, and then all of a sudden Merick pops back into the picture. Is he the old Merick, no of course not, he's completely different, and completely cold, especially to Sophie. Also there has been a Were that has been following her, one day she gets bold and confronts him, and it turns out Toby the werewolf, is more than what she initially believed him to be. Sophie is lead down a road, where the unheard of is happening, a battle she never thought she would face, and a new goal set out for her, as she continues to find a way to find a way to save her one true love, her soulmate, Merick.

This book is filled with the continued loss of a soulmate, love found by another, power is brought to someone special, and something I never expected happened that makes the whole series, even more breathtaking, and makes me bloodthirsty for more... hehe no pun intended, maybe, I think.

This book, this series, is phenomenal... phenomenally phenomenal even. If you are not reading you are definitely missing out.

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hixxup79 | 2 other reviews | Feb 23, 2020 |
this book was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!!!!

The moment I picked up this book and read a few pages I was hooked, I had stayed up all night reading this and had spent a part of today finishing it up. It was totally a boy meets girl, boy falls for girl, girl falls for boy, girl finds power, boy goes fights enemy, and girl loses boy story. Mareck, was interested in Sophie the moment he met her, Sophie became interested in the first moment she had thought she met him. They dated for a but, then one night they witnessed someone being attacked and kill, the killer being a vampire. Marek was a demivampire not fully a vampire. Vampire's in this story are created in a different way than I have ever read. They have to lose their soul to become a vampire, until then they are only demivampire. I loved the use of Egyptian history in this. And the details of the scenery and the character detail was awesome, I felt I was right there watching everything play out in front of me. I also love the uniqueness is some of the names. Basically the only other thing I can say about this book though is, When is the next one Coming out.

P.S. I loved this book soooooo much it has been placed on my favorites list and I will recommend this book to everyone I know. :)

A definite must read.

Thank you Ash Krafton for this wonderful new series. YAY EXCITED FOR BLOOD RUSH & WOLF'S BANE:D
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hixxup79 | 3 other reviews | Feb 23, 2020 |
What would you do to cheat death? That's the question that lies at the very heart of The Heartbeat Thief. In fact, it's the very question that plagues Miss Senza Fyne, the protagonist of this story. When your whole life is your beauty, when you're pampered and primped, raised with the sole purpose of claiming a good husband, how do you face down time? Time, which will steal that beauty. Time, which will steal those closest to you. That deep, dark fear of the unknown is exactly what drives our protagonist, and it makes for a rather interesting story.

I'll admit that Senza took a while to grow into a character I liked. I didn't fault her for her prim and proper demeanor, nor for the way she drank in the attention of others. It's simply how she was raised. No, what made it hard for me to like Senza was how deeply irrational her fear of death felt on the surface. I have firsthand knowledge of how hard it is to lose a loved one. It cuts deep, and isn't something that goes away. For Senza though, the loss of her loved one caused something that felt forced to me, at least at first. Suddenly she was terrified of dying. So much so, she put her faith in a gorgeous stranger that she had never even met. Does that sound wise? I think not.

However, as the story progressed, things evened out. This story spans decades, and Senza slowly comes to experience much more than she ever expected in her long lifetime. I appreciated how AJ Krafton navigated history. Senza was put into situations that took her out of her comfort zone, and it was those times that I liked her the most. The more pain she went through, the more real she became. By the time I'd reached the ending, I actually understood her. I mentioned it above, but if beauty is all you've ever had, how do you let go of that and journey into the unknown?

While this isn't a perfectly etched out story, the premise and the constant hopping through the decades keeps things fresh. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at how much growing Senza does throughout this book. She comes out a brand new person, and a wonderful one at that, on the other end. Hand me characters that grow and learn, and you have my heart. A solid three stars to The Heartbeat Thief.
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roses7184 | 3 other reviews | Feb 5, 2019 |
~ 2 Words That Bind Stars ~

Words That Bind is a story filled with magic, mystery, and a little mayhem. Not much on the romance side of things.

This story had an interesting concept. I liked the idea, more then the execution. We have Tam who is a social worker and then our djinn Burns. I enjoyed learning about both characters, but I never connected to them, so I never believed that either one fell in love with the other. It felt like the author was more into Tam’s practice and ethics, then into developing the actual romance. The romance it’s self was a very slow burn and when it came to the sex scene, I am not sure how to describe it. It was very wordy and not at all in a hot and bothered kind of way. More mentally feeling the connection, then the actual act of it.

Another thing I noticed that got to me was somethings in the story where never finished. An example is the doorway that Tam discovers. Nothing ever comes of it, so it felt odd that there was emphasis on it. There where a few more things like this that the author emphases, but never developed it, so why do that?

Last the ending was weird and felt unfinished in a way to me.

I did like the spin on the genies and the mystery surrounding them. I also enjoyed how unique and different Tam is. You learn so much about why she draws Burns to her and why she can never break her word. It was unique.

Words That Bind left me feeling very undecided by the finish of the novel. It was not the book for me. If the blurb intrigues you, I urge you to give it a shot. Just because it did not work for me does not mean it won’t for you.

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angels_gp | Apr 26, 2018 |

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