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Ellen C. Maze

Author of Rabbit: Chasing Beth Rider

10 Works 78 Members 13 Reviews 1 Favorited

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Includes the name: Ellen C. Maze


Works by Ellen C. Maze


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There have been a lot of technological advances since I started buying books 30 years ago, but my favorite has to be easy, accessible paper recycling. Now when I make the mistake of purchasing two covers surrounding a giant pile of dreck, I don't feel guilty about tossing it.
Jammies | Mar 31, 2013 |
Review: RabbitRabbit: Chasing Beth Rider is the story of the famous novelist Beth Rider, author of vampire books and a Christian, who finds herself being pursued by the Rakum, an ancient order of vampires. Labelled a "Rabbit," a marked target, by an Elder, she is hunted by all Rakum to be tortured again and again because her books have started causing Rakum to leave the fold in search of a better way.When some of the vampires try and protect her, she finds herself surrounded by conflict as the power struggle rages around her. As the conflict grows, Beth finds her faith a pillar of strength in the midst of it and soon her strength inspires those around her. They began asking questions and seeking answers they'd never thought about before. The "virus" sweeping through the Rakum, so feared by Jack Dawn, Beth and Michael's nemesis, begans spreading all the more, until the final confrontation with the Rakum Fathers and Beth's God.I have to admit, when Ellen first described her book, I was skeptical. I had no concept of how Christianity and Vampires could be in the same book. Other than a vampire hunter priest, it just didn't make sense to me. And I also have to say the book had a slow start. Despite the short chapters and moving between characters, it didn't really hook me until 40 pages in when the back story of one of the supporting characters just touched me. After that I devoured the book rapidly, page after page.First novels are tricky, especially then they are self-published, which is becoming more and more common. But Maze avoids most of the pitfalls. There are some missed words, such as "to" for "too" and such, but even novels from the major print houses let those slip through sometimes. For me the novel's major weaknesses were two holes in character motivations. First, with Michael seeming to flip over Beth because she's a pretty girl and looks too nice to be an enemy of the Rakum. Given the risks and potential costs for him, I expected a stronger reasoning. Men are attracted to pretty girls, yes, but this is a vampire and his own kind all hunt him over this. Why would a man who has lived on human blood take such a risk just for a pretty human? He's immortal, she's not, and he could lose everything.The second motivational issue involved Beth herself, whose faith is so solid and even that she seems to hardly fear the events unfolding around her. In my experience, even strong, devoted Christians would have moments of fear and questioning when being hunted by blood thirsty killers, especially mythical creatures, but Beth never seems to. Additionally, faced with the possibility of extraterrestrials at one point, she finds them hard to believe while fully accepting the vampires and other craziness consuming her days.Despite these issues, the book sweeps you away. Maze does an amazing job with pacing, keeping things moving at a lightning pace in a way that catches you up and takes you along for the ride. The plot continues unfolding with various complications that raise the stakes as the book races toward the inevitable confrontation between the Rakum and Beth's God.A powerful first novel, I am surprised a mainstream house has yet to snatch this up. It may be because of the present competitive environment, but I have no doubt that as this book keeps growing in popularity, they will take notice. I have the pleasure of proofing/editing the sequel next month, and if it's this good, the series can only become more popular.Whether you're a vampire story fan or reticent as I was, I highly recommend this book from an exciting new talent.… (more)
BryanThomasS | 7 other reviews | Nov 7, 2011 |
By: Ellen C. Maze

Reviewed By: Crystal Trent Dotson

Dr. Mark Coresu was a priest in the 1600's before being turned into a vampire. Now four centuries later he is a successful Dr. , but when darkness falls he begins his "Judging" of those who have sinned and done evil. He believes by making them repent then killing them , he is serving God. He has done this for so long he believes it's right and does not question his actions.

He then meets Hope Brannen , who he now thinks God has sent to him to be his mate. Hope falls for him , but knowing his "Judging" isn't right she turns to Anthony Agricola, to help Mark uncover his past. But will the two of them be able to save his soul or will he be lost forever.

I have read alot of Vampire books and alot of them have the same storyline to them, but I haven't read anything quite like this before. I love the way that vampirism and christianity are put together with a bold , yet twisted plot. This brings a whole new meaning to Good v/s Evil. The characters are brilliant and exciting.

I know I will soon be reading Damascus Road- The Corescu Chronicles Book Two !

Five Stars and Two Thumbs up !
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crystaldotson | 2 other reviews | Oct 24, 2011 |

My intention with this dual review is not to give away one iota of detail about either book. What I do intend to do is praise the genius that is Ellen C. Maze's writing finesse. These books are the first I have ever read that put a quite successful Christian twist on an ages old horror theme.

So maybe we have seen books with vampires in them that intend to do good by ridding the world of the evil of mankind. Ellen takes it to another level by having created a truly tortured soul that is on one hand trying to do what he deems, God has created him to do, while being plagued by the voice of the devil that tries so hard to push him in the other direction.

Both books are written with this general theme in mind but with a depth that makes you feel the main character's anguish.
I give the books 5 Ravens each!

Kitty Bullard / Great Minds Think Aloud /
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RavenswoodPublishing | 2 other reviews | Oct 23, 2011 |




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