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Alberto Mussa

Author of The Mystery of Rio

20 Works 172 Members 4 Reviews

About the Author

Includes the name: Alberto Mussa

Works by Alberto Mussa


Common Knowledge

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil



Borgeanismo tupiniquim máximo: certeza de que 90% do que ele escreveu é pura invenção, mas ele te vomita tantas referências e fala com tamanha propriedade que você fica hmmmm, e se aqui em particular ele tá falando a verdade?....
Não é um livro para qualquer um (minhas fontes me informaram que os outros membros do Compêndio Mítico do Rio De Janeiro são melhores. Veremos) — não me importo, contudo: se você, como eu, tem certo encanto pelo brasil quinhentista, este é um livro de mão cheia.
O enredo é virtualmente irrelevante. Ele é apenas uma justificativa para 200 páginas de pseudo-indianismo.
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lui.zuc | 1 other review | Aug 31, 2021 |
É um livro extremamente interessante pela reconstrução do Rio de Janeiro de 1560, mas, se comparado com os outros livros da série, na minha opinião sai perdendo, pois há muito menos história e muito mais conjecturas e desvios do autor. É um estilo
ladyars | 1 other review | Dec 31, 2020 |
I bought this book on spec because I like to explore new writers (Mussa is Brazilian), because I have an interest in South American writers, and because I find the Europa Editions are generally pretty interesting. The book won a Brazilian national prize for Best Novel, but it is does stretch the definition of "novel".

There is a mystery: a powerful political operative is murdered in an upscale brothel. The prostitute who was with him disappears but there are questions as to whether she could have actually committed the murder. Beata, the foremost forensic expert on the police force and expert on the new science of fingerprinting, and frequenter of the brothel, with and without his wife, is assigned to the case which soon takes a personal angle that Beata could never have forseen. The style is third person narrative, but Mussa often stops and addresses the reader directly to discuss or dissect the current state of the plot.

But this is more than a mystery. This is a book that encompasses history, myth, fantasy, anthropology, psychology, criminology, geography, sociology, sorcery and black magic-- all woven through the interlocking histories of natives, colonists, and slaves through centuries in the development of Rio as a city.

At times, Mussa is deliberately didactic; and other times he weaves historical events into the pattern of his story. Through it all, across the centuries, the connecting threads are sex, sexual acts, sexual desires, sexual attraction, and sexual relationships that determine relationships and sometimes the practices of society and for which people love and lose and sometimes kill.

There is a twist that I can't reveal without spoiling the end of the story. Suffice to say that if there is a an overarching theme, it is that for a man to be a truly great lover, he must think and feel like a woman. As one character puts it: "If pleasure could be divided into a thousand parts, nine hundred and ninety-nine of them would belong to women".

A fun read.
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John | Mar 27, 2014 |
"Arabic literature (and in particular the Arabic narrative) is, fundamentally, geometric. More than telling a story, the primitive characters of the desert intended to sketch a picture. It is not by chance that among the Arabs calligraphy is practically the only decorative art."

This passage comes fairly late in the book, which was mildly unfortunate for me as a reader because it was the first time I got how the book was meant to be read. The format of the narrative looks, at first glance, like a story all the way through, but really the chapters are disconnected, looping back and forth among characters and scenes throughout. It's appropriate though - much of the story is about hearsay, legends, and half-remembered histories. So it's an incredibly atmospheric novel about the Arabic world, one that reads more like a minimalist Arabic fairy tale than a novel.… (more)
the_awesome_opossum | May 7, 2010 |


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