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Swami Paramananda

Author of Concentration and Meditation

31+ Works 141 Members 5 Reviews

Works by Swami Paramananda

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This short book (143 pages) is a readable comparative study of Christ and Vedanta ideals. The object is to find common ground, not to assert the superiority of one religion over the other. The major points are the concept of God incarnate in human form, the Saviour within us, love and tolerance and the harmony of religions. The reader is part of the discussion because the author frequently uses the pronoun "we". Swami Paramananda (1884-1940) came to America in 1906 and established a Vedanta Centre in Boston. He continued Swami Vivekananda’s message on the harmony of religions.… (more)
zen-potato | Jan 1, 2018 |
Self-discipline has always been something I've, perhaps foolishly, rebelled against. It's a word that reeks of oppression and limitation. And yet, without self-discipline, where does one find the structure and stength to meet goals?

So, when I came across a thin little book called SELF-MASTERY in an old book sale, I was intrigued. Written by yoga master Swami Paramananda (5th Edition, Vedanta Centre, 1961) this book begins with the statement that "the thirst for happiness is a common instinct in all mankind; but every one does not possess the secret of acquiring it, nor the power to retain it when it comes...perhaps for this reason the great men of all countries and ages have laid such tremendous emphasis on a life of self-discipline."

Yearning for that happiness, yearning for the strength of will that great men & women possess I paid the required donation and was reading the book before we got home. The index lists the chapters:
* mastery of self
* man: his own friend and foe
* control of body and mind
* how to conserve our energies
* self-help and self-surrender

Each chapter contains a wealth of wisdom that, as I read it, felt like a light-bulb had gone off in my head. My view of self-discipline has been changed forever. Where the word self-discipline triggered a knee-jerk reaction against a perceived oppression of my soul, I now eagerly seek to master my soul. (Sounds like William Henley's "Invictus" poem: ... I am the master of my fate/ I am the captain of my soul)

Every page is packed not only with the spiritual importance of learning self-mastery, but also with practical advice on how to apply self-mastery to mind, body and soul. The book ends with paragraph that says "surrender to God is the greatest sign of wisdom ... the (wo)man who surrenders himself to God, s/he alone finds peace ... and his(her) doings are filled with Divine Love and Wisdom."

The path to happiness SELF-MASTERY reveals is not an easy path, but it is a life changing one. Whatever your religion or spiritual beliefs, this book will offer a way to bring you closer to that Divine Peace, the peace of God, which is beyond understanding or knowing and merely is. How lucky I was the day that I was guided to find this book of wisdom.
… (more)
JudyCroome | Nov 20, 2014 |
An excellent book on silence as a yoga practice - the practice of mouna (mauna) written by a yoga master, Swami Paramamanda of the Ramakrishna Order.

The six chaptrs of the book are:

1. The Creative Power of Silence
2. Silence and Co-ordination
3. The Service of Silent Living
4. The Practice of Silence
5. The Light WIthin
6. The Eternal Presence

About the Author:

Swami Paramananda (1884-1940), of the Ramakrishna Order, was one of the early Indian teachers who went to the United States to spread the Vedanta philosophy and religion in America. He was a mystic, a poet and an innovator in spiritual community living.… (more)
Saraswati_Library | May 21, 2010 |

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