Picture of author.

Staton Rabin

Author of Betsy and the Emperor

7 Works 697 Members 29 Reviews

About the Author

Includes the name: Rabin Staton

Image credit: c 2004 by John Maggiotto. I am Staton Rabin and this photo is used by me with the permission of the photographer, John Maggiotto of Dobbs Ferry, NY.

Works by Staton Rabin

Betsy and the Emperor (2004) 335 copies, 4 reviews
Mr. Lincoln's Boys (1991) 167 copies, 17 reviews
Casey over There (1994) 89 copies
The Curse of the Romanovs (2007) 74 copies, 7 reviews
Black Powder (2005) 30 copies, 1 review


Common Knowledge

Canonical name
Rabin, Staton
University of New York



"Mr. Lincoln's boys" tells the story of the adventures of two of Lincoln's sons, Willie and Tad. Often when we think of presidents we do not think about the lives of the children. The two rambunctious boys had many adventures in the household. They took the role of a solider very seriously. The story mentions a doll named Jack who the boys were constantly putting into jail and sentencing to death. The book was interesting in the sense that many people know about Lincoln's political stance verses his home life. It gives the reading another view of one of our Nation's greatest presidents.… (more)
slockett2008 | 16 other reviews | May 2, 2016 |
Crisp, clear, lovely illustrations of Ibatoulline are the highlight of this small illustrated book regarding President Lincoln's very special relationship with his two mischievous sons Willie and Tad.
Whisper1 | 16 other reviews | Jan 1, 2015 |

Summary of book
This story is about President Lincoln’s two sons. Growing up in the white house they would get into trouble with people that worked in the white house. Mr. Lincoln was able to switch his role of president to father at a moment notice. This would at times aggravate people working with him but Mrs. Lincoln didn’t mind.

Personal reaction
This book reminded me the importance of being a loving parent above anything else. Sometimes as adults with our busy lives we don’t give our children the time they deserve. No job is as busy as the President’s job, so if he made time for his son why not us?

Extension Idea
Ask students to think about life in the White House. Have them write about what they would do if they lived in the White House for one day. Have students present their work to their class.
… (more)
readcindyread | 16 other reviews | Nov 11, 2014 |
Summary: This book was about Lincolns sons Tad and Willie and how much love they had for their father. The beginning of the book starts with Tad having a dream about the war that was to come. Tad ran to his father and asked if the dream would come true and unfortunate it did. One day Tad and Willie were playing in the yard with their pet goat and they heard the booms from the canons across the river where they were fighting. The boys were always jumping and playing with their father even when he was busy he wouldn't let anyone ruin his time with his children as they were important to him. The boys spent days playing soldier and running court on their doll jack one day they got in a lot of trouble for burying jack in the rose garden. The next thing we know President Lincoln pardoned poor jack and the boys were pleased.

Reaction: I chose the book because I personally like to learn all I can about President Lincoln. But this book is really interesting I liked it because it shows that Lincoln really cared for his children even though his job was of great importance. And at the end of the book it explains about the pardon that Lincoln wrote for Jack the doll it also explains who the characters are in the story.

1. I would have my kids draw their favorite scene from the book (mine was trouble in the Rose Garden.)
2. I found the pardon for jack very interesting so I would probably teach something about that.
3. I would also teach about the battle that was going on across the river that the boys heard.
4. Have the children dress up one friday as people from that time period. The soldiers or even nurses for the girls.
… (more)
VictoriaHernandez | 16 other reviews | Apr 12, 2014 |



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