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Gina Rosati

Author of Auracle

5+ Works 156 Members 8 Reviews

Works by Gina Rosati

Auracle (2012) 148 copies, 8 reviews
The Cairn in Slater Woods (2012) 4 copies
Auracle (2012) 1 copy

Associated Works

The Stories: Five Years of Original Fiction on (2013) — Contributor — 38 copies


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Seventeen-year-old Anna has lived next to her best friend Rei her whole life. He is the only one who knows she can astrally project. Whenever she feels like it, she leaves her body behind and travels anyplace in the world she wants to be, faster than the speed of light. Rei thinks something bad could happen to her when she's away from her body, but Anna thinks he's just being paranoid.

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ShouldIReadIt | 7 other reviews | Sep 26, 2014 |
originally appeared on: Bookshelf Confessions

AURACLE surprised me a lot…Well, just reading from the blurb makes one think this is another YA book, with paranormal bits…only that this book had got a lot more twist. Kudos to Ms. Rosati for writing a story with no vampires, angels or least ghost and astral projections are not so common and bland subjects.>:D

And how about the cover? Blue does fine. The girl, the falls, the light, it’s simple but put in a mysterious and beautiful way that perfectly fits the story within.

The plot is about a girl with an unnatural ability to project herself or her soul, whatever that thing is, outside of her body. Everything goes well until she witnessed an accident and the next thing she knows, the infamous, smart, flirty and recently deceased Taylor has occupied her body. What more? She or the one who’s occupying her body is accusing one of her friends, Seth, of Taylor’s death. Now she and her bestfriend Rei must do everything to find a way to get her body, save Seth, and prevent Taylor from hurting everyone else.

I don’t know about you, but for me, this is quite unique, haven’t heard of a book with astral projection or the conflicts of this one. Also, Ms. Rosati’s writing can be categorized in show-don’t-tell type of books. It’s easy to jump in each of the character’s background story without being too boring. The character’s feelings are there. It almost seemed as if I was there with them, dying to know what would happen next and what would it take for Taylor to give Anna her body back. Anna’s narration is refreshing and kept me reading til the end.

What’s also fresh is to have characters who are not perfect but perfectly relates to imperfections of ordinary people. Not that Anna’s problematic family is ideal, but it give us the feeling that we might relate with her because she has problems too that she has to deal with and not focus on hormones and high school drama. Her dad’s alcoholic and her mom left them. Seth, her friend also suffers from temperament and broken family. Rei’s torn between her own dreams and what her mom wants. Taylor, although I kind of hate her, develops fully in the story, she still had that snarky attitude, but she knows now that affection doesn’t come from being famous and all the crazy teens do to get everyone’s attention. I see her changed from that bitchy attitude to someone who understands that she needs to ask forgiveness, not just for what she done but also for herself.

Although, at some later part when Anna’s just floating around and observing people, my excitement went low, maybe I was just too geared up for new adventures, so the story felt slow there until they had this Taylor-give-me-back-my-body thing, that it all starts to get real exciting. I also would have loved to see Anna’s first reaction when she projected, isn’t she scared that she could see her body, I mean from another view point? And what about he relationship with Rei, it seems to be cut short, uhg..maybe I just don’t want the story to end just yet.. I know a sequel’s far fetch, but who knows?!

I highly recommend AURACLE to anyone who loves paranormal but wants something new, with the heroine not in control with her body..:D..with lots of unexpected turns, humorous situations and with a bestfriend that’s swoon worthy for! I can’t wait to read mor of Ms. Rosati’s writing…Great read for everyone!!!

What do you think of Auracle? Have you ever get the chance to read it?
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avry15 | 7 other reviews | Jan 11, 2013 |
That feeling when you really don't like a book that everyone else does... You know the one that has a beautiful cover and everything, but the content doesn't make up for it? Yeah that's how I felt about this. I made it through about 2/3rds of the book and I just couldn't take it anymore. With all the stars in the middle of the chapters it felt disjointed and it just didn't flow. It just felt really choppy which caused me to not connect with the story.
Then there was the story itself. It was weird. She had this really cool gift, but it seemed like she wasn't doing anything with it. It just seemed like a waste. Also, I just couldn't get with the characters. Anna just seemed weird and honestly i thought for a long time in the book that Rei was gay. He seemed to like the other dude a little too much.
I tried making it to the end of this one, but I just couldn't do it. This is another time that the beautiful cover and all of my blogger friends hype got me.
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pnh002 | 7 other reviews | Dec 18, 2012 |
It's an interesting story behind Auracle. I really liked Rei but Anna... I mean, I liked her, but I couldn't really relate with her. She was so good and pure and oddly spiritual (in a new agey type of way, not traditional) that I just couldn't buy it.

A lot of this book taps into new agey things. And the balance between the power of negativity and positivity. I'm not into that type of thing at all. Give me a horror story any day, but don't make me think about transferring energy and healing and new agey spirituality. That aside, it was an interesting read. I liked Rei, I liked Seth, and I liked Anna well enough. But... there were things in this that bothered me a lot.

I don't like excessive exclamation marks, particularly in narration -- even if it is first person POV. This was done multiple times. As was CAPITALIZING WORDS TO MAKE A POINT, which I dislike. I just feel like the way Rosati did it was a cheap way out of good dialogue. There's times when it's necessary in a horror story, I think, to make a point, but just to emphasize the fact that characters were yelling...? I mean, come on, isn't that the point of exclamation marks? You should be able to show the emphasis of these words WITHOUT DOING THIS. I know JK Rowling did it, but it's acceptable in middle grade (MG) novels which she wrote. I'd rather not deal with it in a YA.

Rosati did a good job of packing a lot of tension and drama into the book, though. And I'm sure a lot of parts would have been very amusing for people that have a better sense of humor than me (I have a dry one, more Parks & Rec than SNL). The way she explains the other dimension Anna is in is very real and sometimes even beautiful. She has a great talent to explain the unexplainable. I will most certainly read whatever her next book is, so I'm not saying she's a bad writer. She just does things that I would never.

Plus, the solution to the problem is pretty obvious -- at least it was to me. When she summoned the light for the first time, it was like duh, that's the answer. And Anna really brought most of her problems down on herself because she was either stubborn or just... stupid for not thinking of the obvious answer. But, like I said, I really like Rei and his family. I'm glad I read this book, and I'm glad I bought it, but I guess I was expecting something else. Or something more.

More of my reviews can be found on my site
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jqtrotter | 7 other reviews | Dec 2, 2012 |


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