Picture of author.

Juan José Saer (1937–2005)

Author of The Witness

49+ Works 1,260 Members 34 Reviews 10 Favorited

About the Author

Image credit: Courtesy of Serpent's Tail Press

Works by Juan José Saer

The Witness (1983) 310 copies, 11 reviews
La pesquisa (1994) 111 copies, 6 reviews
Scars (1969) 104 copies, 3 reviews
The Clouds (1997) 94 copies, 3 reviews
The Sixty-Five Years of Washington (1986) 92 copies, 1 review
The Event (1988) 83 copies, 4 reviews
La grande (2005) 79 copies, 2 reviews
Nobody Nothing Never (1980) 69 copies
The Regal Lemon Tree (1974) 44 copies, 1 review
The One Before (1976) 41 copies
Glosa (1986) 24 copies
Cuentos Completos (2001) 23 copies
El río sin orillas (1991) 18 copies
El concepto de ficción (1980) 17 copies, 1 review
Lo imborrable (1993) 16 copies
Lugar (2000) 16 copies, 1 review
Responso (1998) 13 copies, 1 review
En La Zona, 1957-1960 (2003) 10 copies
Trabajos (2005) 10 copies
La vuelta completa (2001) 8 copies
Palo y hueso (2000) 5 copies
L'occasione (2021) 5 copies
L'enquête (2019) 4 copies
Narraciones/2 (1983) 4 copies
Unidad de lugar (1996) 4 copies
Lignes du Quichotte (2003) 3 copies
Yara İzleri (2020) 3 copies
Upptäckaren (1992) 3 copies
L'arcano (2015) 2 copies
הבן החורג (2011) 2 copies
Papeles de trabajo 2 (2013) 2 copies
Diálogo (1995) 2 copies
Cicatrici (2019) 1 copy
Martorul (2006) 1 copy
Kimsesiz 1 copy

Associated Works

Words Without Borders: The World Through the Eyes of Writers: An Anthology (2007) — Contributor — 143 copies, 6 reviews
The Silentiary (1964) — Introduction, some editions — 123 copies, 2 reviews


Common Knowledge

Canonical name
Saer, Juan José
Date of death
Country (for map)
Serodino, Santa Fé, Argentina
Place of death
Paris, France
National University of the Littoral (Law, Philosophy)
lecturer (University of Rennes)
Short biography
Juan Jose Saer died of lung cancer.



Just could not get into this book. Maybe it was the translation.
lschiff | 1 other review | Sep 24, 2023 |
A short (170 pages) but eventually difficult book for me. Saer, whom I have not read before, uses the frame of an old man writing his memoirs to tell the story of a 16th-century cabin boy captured by natives in the New World. The natives, whose customs include cannibalism, enable Saer to spend virtually the entire book philosophizing about the meaning of cultural identity, foreignness, and belonging. At times a little too heavy for the framework, it is nevertheless a fascinating book and I think I need to read more of Saer.… (more)
Gypsy_Boy | 10 other reviews | Aug 26, 2023 |
Long at 500 pages but not-quite monolithic, this scattered Argentinian novel about a confusing literary movement called Precisionism, is less precise than the dependably inaccurate blurbs led me to believe. Jumping from close-knit characters to disparate scenes to clandestine moments of startling imprudence, through days and nights and the tired territory of restaurants and bedrooms, childhood and romantic entanglements, I was propelled through the narrative in the same way I enjoyed many bigger, better Spanish language tomes in the past. But unlike Terra Nostra or Infante's Inferno, Le Grande appears at times hastily composed. Many sentences rely on similes and strained metaphors, but as often as they shed light on pithy topics, they distract from action and tension, going on at exuberant length to prove a point I might have gleaned from a few choice words. Nonetheless this was an occasionally entertaining, readable, slightly tedious novel, with mesmeric atmosphere and an effective setting. Disregarding the politics it describes (not my department), the South America is presents is both exquisitely beautiful and rife with commonplace sin and disillusion.

Like Bolaño's contrived literary movement in Savage Detectives, you might read a thousand pages more about the bit players of Precisionism before being swayed by their views.

I counted six pages in a row describing one character threading a needle. It really got to me. I recall passages in Beckett minutely cataloging inconsequential actions, but since Saer didn't prepare the reader for this side-quest, it came as an unwelcome surprise. The majority of the pages contain mundane descriptions of one sort or another interspersed with just as many good literary choices. Most of the paragraphs take up 2 full pages, cut through by sparse resuscitation of dialogue. Great lines might pass you by if you aren't paying attention, and when the description isn't fantastic it is just long. The main and only downfall of this book is the perspective. It is difficult to zero in on and understand these literary characters, bewildered as we are by the flood of detail.

La Grande is a twisted look at a fascinating culture and time, but made for an uneven reading experience in my opinion. Admittedly, there are unifying themes, images and motifs (especially wine). The characters are not shallow puppets but fleshed, flawed, damaged individuals. A dense and complex amalgamation of memory and texture, fruitful relationships and a definite, disturbing undercurrent. Read it for the publisher, who is making a valiant effort to fill the gaps in foreign literature available in English. Read it for Saer, who put his impassioned talent to use, reaching for a greatness he might not have fully attained, but certainly approached.

I may tackle more of Saer's books in the future, but I see myself enjoying the rest of Cortazar first.
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LSPopovich | 1 other review | Apr 8, 2020 |
16th century: the narrator, now an old man, tells his life-story: orphaned early in his life he joins a ship sailing to the newly discovered Americas as a cabin boy; the only survivor of a landing party he is taken prisoner living with the tribe for ten years eventually returning to Spain. It is a fable of a tribe trapped in an overwhelming existential unreality. But are they the only one being trapped with little choice? And who are the ones that are being aware of their fate? A metaphysical tale. Two quotations:
„Every life is a well of loneliness that only grows deeper with the passing years.“ (34)
„In this respect death and memory are identical: they are unique … (157 bottom)
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1 vote
MeisterPfriem | 10 other reviews | Sep 30, 2018 |



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