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Dr. Michael D. Sedler

Author of When to Speak Up and When To Shut Up

6 Works 273 Members 3 Reviews

About the Author

Dr. Michael D. Sedler provides consultant services to schools, businesses and churches throughout the United States. He is the author of When to Speak Up and When to Shut Up, which has sold over 250,000 copies. Dr. Sedler lives with his wife, Joyce, in Spokane, Washington, and works as an adjunct show more professor for three universities. show less

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Works by Dr. Michael D. Sedler


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We all know it’s not a good thing to gossip. But have we ever considered that listening to gossip, negative talk or an “evil report’ about an individual or situation might be just as bad? That’s the premise of Stopping Words that Hurt: Positive Words in a World Gone Negative by Michael D. Sedler.

“It’s the purpose of this book to define and emphasize the magnitude of injury that takes place when we are involved in negative conversation,”
says Sedler early in the book.
“Just listening to an evil report can do tremendous damage to your perspective, viewpoint and overall spirit” – Stopping Words that Hurt, Kindle Location (KL) 39 & 150.

Sedler, a trained counselor, social worker, educator, and pastor builds his case with lots of practical insights. In one of the first chapters he lists eight ways that speakers let us know they are about to give us what he calls “defiling information.” These include:
- Looks for support from you for beliefs, attitudes, and actions.
- Attempts to create disunity and division.
- Flatters and praises the listener.
- Exaggerates a situation to make it worse than it is.

In a chapter titled “Why do we gossip?” (Chapter 5) he likens an evil report to a locomotive “barreling down certain ‘tracks.’” One of these tracks is confusion. This can flesh itself out in us taking up another person's offense and being overly concerned about the acceptance of those around us.

Confusion can shunt us onto the track of contamination (Chapter 7) where we are tempted to join in the negative conversation of backbiters, busybodies, complainers, slanderers, gossipers etc.

In other chapters Sedler unveils the cleansing process, the benefits of speaking healing words, and how to deal biblically with negative talk in various settings, including the church. In the final chapter he discusses the impact of our attitudes, words, and actions on our children and those who look up to us.

Sedler’s style is clear and easy to read. I enjoyed the illustrations he gives from his life. He quotes many Bible passages in their entirety and retells many Bible stories at length so sometimes I felt like I was reading sermons.

Though in the main I appreciated Sedler’s argument and the way he made his case, one of his tendencies bothered me. More than once when using a Bible example, he built his argument on a part of the story that he imagined or embellished from the Bible account. For example in the chapter “When Fear Talks” (Chapter 9), he retells the story of Mary and Martha and their response to Jesus not coming to heal Lazarus. Sedler interprets Martha’s conversation with Jesus as showing a lack of faith. He maintains this has been brought about through listening to the negative talk of neighbours:

“My impression is that Martha and Mary had been polluted by the words of those around them …. Mary and Martha were not able to seize upon their active faith because they had been polluted by discouragement and confusion …. Where did this ‘pollution and fear’ come from? The words spoken to Martha and Mary had indeed penetrated deeply. John 11:19 speaks of how people gathered around to ‘comfort’ them …. Was godly solace for the bereaved really taking place? More likely the comforters gave in to the temptation to speak negative comments about Jesus and his ‘unwillingness’ to come when He knew that His friends desperately wanted him” (KL 1422 and on).

These things may have been so but they really aren’t in the Bible. I take exception to writers spinning the Bible account to undergird their theories in such a way.

Aside from such quibbles, I would say that this is a book Christians young and old, new and mature, would do well to read. It contains practical wisdom that reveals how our negative attitudes and talk affect others and carries on to show how we can be contaminated by even listening to gossip, hearsay, complaining, and all kinds of “evil reports.” I would recommend this book for all those serious about safeguarding their spiritual health and the health of those whose lives they touch.

I received this book as a gift from the publisher (Bethany House – Chosen Books) for the purpose of writing a review.
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Violet_Nesdoly | 1 other review | Jan 4, 2015 |
Fair warning! If you are going to read this book you will have to put your big girl/ big boy pants on! I guarantee you the Holy Spirit is going to convict you! It isn’t a book to be read just once or even twice, but many times and studied along with the scriptures. It isn’t going to give you a quick read it, fix it solution. . It does give you the tools to make a lifelong pursuit of making your words pleasing to God, written, spoken or even listening to others. Be ready to get serious!
I have read many books on the subject of the tongue and this is by far the most thorough and extensive. As soon as you begin reading you will think of someone who is offensive and cruel in their speech. The gossip, the slanderer, the critic, will all pop into your head, probably with people’s names attached. Stop yourself and focus on looking at yourself. After all, by reading this book, you are the only one you can help change.
Words can be a slippery hole of transgression we easily fall into, damaging not only our lives but the lives of others. The sad part is we so easily excuse ourselves, thinking it really isn’t that important, then “corrupt communication” becomes an
unconscious way of life. Mr. Sedler covers so many areas that one rarely thinks to look at. He also helps you view our communication from God’s perspective. At the end of each chapter are questions for self-examination.
This book is well written and easy to read. I like the multitude of scriptures the author uses to guide you, and also the answers he gives to help you apply them. A powerful book!
I received this book free from Bethany House Publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own
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Moonpie72 | 1 other review | Mar 5, 2014 |
NO OF PAGES: 201 SUB CAT I: Lashon Hara SUB CAT II: SUB CAT III: DESCRIPTION: Do your conversations empower or destroy?

Sticks and stones may break our bones, but words can sure hurt, too. Negative speech affects every home, church and workplace. What do you say when you're caught in an ungodly conversation? How do you avoid speaking harmful words? What do you do when others want you to engage in gossip with them?

Stop the Runaway Conversation offers positive and effective strategies to prevent you and those you care about from becoming "evil reporters." It answers questions such as: * What is meant by an "evil report" and how do I recognize it? * What if I just listen without comment. Isn't that O.K.? * Can I learn to respond biblically to people who gossip and murmur?

This book will help you to use words that bring healing and hope, and put the brakes on runaway conversations. Words can heal profoundly or hurt deeply, particularly words of gossip or murmuring. In his groundbreaking book on the power of speaking an "evil report," Dr. Michael Sedler shows the verbal cues that lead ultimately to the blindness of deception.
Using real-life examples and biblical truth, Sedler shows that every one of us is prone to gossip and murmuring. He illustrates the damage done by these evil reports, both to those who speak and those who listen. But, he explains, we can learn not only to stop these defiling conversations, but to find cleansing and freedom from the pollution they bring. Stop the Runaway Conversation gives suggestions to parents, leaders, teachers, and spouses on how to build one another up by choosing life-giving words. A book that honestly and practically addresses the destructive power of gossip would be very helpful for Christians. Unfortunately, this is not that book. It lacks a clear definition of gossip, prescribes tactless ways of handling negative communication and fails to delineate between constructive and destructive criticism. First-time author Sedler has experience as a teacher and a social worker, but writes this book from his current role as a pastor. Sedler's discussion of gossip and criticism is so interwoven with the language of spiritual warfare that most readers, even Christian readers, will find it foreign. He describes the aftermath of a counseling session: "That night, both Joyce and I felt defiled, unclean and oppressed. We realized we had not cleansed ourselves after the meeting and it was very apparent to us that some of those spirits and oppressive tendencies had attached themselves to us." The structure of the book follows the regressive stages of someone who listens to gossip or criticism without openly challenging it. These stages are confusion, contamination, foolishness, identification, fear, impurity and deception. Sedler wants to emphasize the critical role of the listener in such negative communication. But instead of arguing from common sense that only a listener has the opportunity to challenge destructive words, he paints a picture of dire consequences for all who fail to oppose such communication.NOTES: Donated by Gary & Angie Springer, during the first BH book drive. SUBTITLE: Take Control Over Gossip and Criticism
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BeitHallel | Feb 18, 2011 |

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