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Duncan Simpson

Author of The History of Things to Come

8 Works 127 Members 4 Reviews


Works by Duncan Simpson


Common Knowledge



I started reading this thinking it could be some interesting mix of Newton's work with fiction involving suspense and thrill. I was disappointed. It turned out to be a straight forward story with no surprises. It had nothing to do with science facts from Newton. It turned out to be just another take on christian theology. It was a poor attempt to mimic Dan Brown.

Vincent Blake looses his wife and life because he was investigating series of thefts related to Newton's artefacts. He wants revenge.
DCI Milton is investigating the same thefts and together they set out to catch one "Drakon" who seems to be responsible for all this.
The first mention of Ema Mats gets you thinking that she might be Drakon and you loose all interest as the mistry is gone. There is not much thriller either.
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ktn_vrce | 2 other reviews | Jul 5, 2024 |
I started reading this thinking it could be some interesting mix of Newton's work with fiction involving suspense and thrill. I was disappointed. It turned out to be a straight forward story with no surprises. It had nothing to do with science facts from Newton. It turned out to be just another take on christian theology. It was a poor attempt to mimic Dan Brown.

Vincent Blake looses his wife and life because he was investigating series of thefts related to Newton's artefacts. He wants revenge.
DCI Milton is investigating the same thefts and together they set out to catch one "Drakon" who seems to be responsible for all this.
The first mention of Ema Mats gets you thinking that she might be Drakon and you loose all interest as the mistry is gone. There is not much thriller either.
… (more)
1 vote
BeingKejo | 2 other reviews | Nov 10, 2021 |
A terrible secret, London and enough facts about ancient cultures to make a geek like myself squeal on sheer glee.

This is a really interesting, full of suspense and compelling book, a truly fitting end for the trilogy. The characters are engaging, with a well-paced plot and a smooth writing.
Claudia_M | Oct 27, 2018 |
Competently written, but the villain comes out of the blue with little to indicate the supernatural powers possessed. Didn't make me want to read the next installment.
1 vote
wdwilson3 | 2 other reviews | Oct 14, 2018 |


½ 3.4

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