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Works by Tori Smith

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LOVING this new series!!! Arden and her friends (and fellow interns) are out on the town celebrating her birthday. For ONCE she lets her hair down and has drinks with her pals. On the rare evening off from their slavedriver boss who has them on call 24/7. Tonight however, is all about Arden.... having had a few drinks the group points out a cutie at the bar...Then nudges her toward him. Why not?! After all it is her the heck was she to know her entire world would turn on its axis that night? On her way over to said cutie pie she gets a text from the boss demanding she return to work....she never makes it there as a thief tries to steal her purse. Out of nowhere a searing pain goes down her arm while the cutie from the bar comes to her aid. That's all she recalls as she passes out from the immense pain her arm is causing. She awakens the next day in a strange place with her arm bandaged. WTH is going on, and where is she? In all this weirdness she's somehow NOT freaked out. Upon waking to hearing a few male voices, she learns the cutie from the bar and another hot and broody guy are there. She quickly learns the searing pain she felt is actually a magical mark forming. Tada!!!! Lo and behold Arden is a magical Queen from a future Earth. Sent back in time to help save their race...a magical race of witches and warlocks from witchhunters...her memory had been wiped for her safety. To say this is A LOT to process is UNDERSTATEMENT OF THE CENTURY....She's apparently their only hope of living in peaceful existence with humans in the future. She's definitely NOT sure she buys all this....except she has this odd connection to these guys that seems to be growing. Much more is revealed as these protectors of hers share more and more....DANGER is headed their way, they just don't know what it is yet. Arden wasn't supposed to get her mark so soon, and it has the guys more than a little spooked and uncertain of what's to come. All they do know is Arden is to be protected at all costs!!! Take the ride with this amazing woman. Strong and resilient she has a lot on her young shoulders. See her fight for herself and those she loves....I cannot wait to see what happens next. For this is the start of a kick butt and exciting new series!!! Get ready for the ride of your life!!… (more)
txbritgal | 1 other review | Apr 6, 2021 |
Be warned...this ends with with one heckuva cliffhanger.....However it's so worth reading!! Like it's predecessor its filled with a strong willed, independent female.. magic, sexy male guardians and LOTS of suspense and action! Arden starts to come into her own as Queen, and starts to learn much of what these hunky guardians have kept from her about their life before. All endure many intense trials and intense shocks....will these events force them closer than ever, or rip them apart? There are a number of major surprises to ALL. Be warned...this ends with with one heckuva cliffhanger.....However it's so worth reading!! Like it's predecessor "THE QUEEN'S DESTINY" is filled with a strong willed, independent female, magic, sexy male guardians and LOTS of suspense and action! Arden starts to come Into her own as Queen, and starts to learn much of what these hunky guardians have kept from her about her life before. All endure MANY intense trials....will they force them closer than ever, or rip them apart? There are also a number of major surprises all along the to say the third book will be one doozy of a read *wink*.....Arden seems to begin tapping into her magic and their bond through her mark more than in the past book. Looks like she will need every resource available to bring about this so called peace for their future realm. Maybe even with more than just her own Guardians to help along the way. If you're a fan of action, suspense, magic, good vs evil, crazy relatives, and one hard headed, stubborn, yet kick butt female then this is definitely the book series for you! Enjoy!… (more)
txbritgal | Apr 6, 2021 |
I got this book for free from Amazon. It sat in my library for not a long period of time actually. The reason I decided to read this book now, is because it's part of a book challenge i'm doing.

So reading the synopsis, it sounds like it's going to be a steamy reverse harem- urban fantasy. Ehhh it has the potential for sure. It definitely has potential, that's why I am going to read the second book in the future to see if things calm down, and go more at an even pace.

But for me it was a huge let down. It felt very rushed, there was no build. One minute she's striving for her independence in life, the next weary of these four men, to going as far as saying you love them. There was nothing sexual, which was a plus because then it would've really felt rushed.

There was inconsistencies in the book, how on moment she was talking about her olive skin, then the next one of the guys was saying it was bronze. Mild grammatical errors. I'm hoping it was just a first book blooper thing and the rest of the books get better.... here's hoping
… (more)
hixxup79 | 1 other review | Feb 23, 2020 |

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