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William Stoddart (1925–2023)

Author of Sufism: The Mystical Doctrines and Methods of Islam

13+ Works 123 Members 6 Reviews

About the Author

William Stoddart is a prolific author, editor, and translator. He was for many years assistant editor of the British journal Studies in Comparative Religion. His works include Outline of Hinduism and Outline of Buddhism.

Works by William Stoddart

Associated Works

Alchemy: Science of the Cosmos, Science of the Soul (1960) — Translator, some editions — 241 copies, 4 reviews
Sufism: Veil and Quintessence (1979) — Translator, some editions — 49 copies, 3 reviews
Mirror of the Intellect (1987) — Editor — 42 copies, 1 review
Sufism: Love and Wisdom (2006) — Contributor — 27 copies
An Illustrated Introduction to Taoism: The Wisdom of the Sages (2010) — Foreword, some editions — 23 copies
Frithjof Schuon: Messenger of the Perennial Philosophy (2010) — Foreword, some editions — 11 copies


Common Knowledge



“How consoling it is for me to know that, all over the world there are millions of people who, five times a day, bow down before God.” Pope Pius XII

What Does Islam Mean in Today's World: Religion, Politics, Spirituality By William Stoddart is an examination of Islam and a comparison to other religions. Stoddart was born in southern Scotland in 1925. He studied language and later earned a medical degree. He has translated many works into English and was assistant editor to the British journal Studies in Comparative Religion. Soddart is considered one of the most important writers on Perennial Philosophy.

In What Does Islam Mean Soddart attempts give an unbiased opinion of Islam. He shows that Islam historically had made exceptions for “people of the book” – Christians and Jews and to some extent Hinduism. In 1097 when the crusaders took Jerusalem they killed all the people in the city, Jews, Muslims, Non-Catholic Christians: men women and children. When Saladin's troops entered Jerusalem no one was killed. Catholics were given safe passage out of the city and Jews ans Eastern Catholics stayed. Hindus, Buddhists, Native Americans all had their episodes of violence. Christianity has changed in modern times. It has become more humanist and its growing indifference had lead to the toleration of other religions.

The indifference has spread to the treatment of women. The Bible, Old and New Testament, allow for rather harsh treatment women, even when compared to Islam today. Polygamy in Islam is brought by Christians while ignoring King David, King Solomon, and prophets had more, some many more than one wife.

What does religion mean. Many say Christianity means, democracy, all men are created equal, free press, modern science (except for evolution and the Big Bang), and peace. All are incorrect. “I come not to bring peace but the sword.” are words attributed to Jesus and not Mohamed (Mathew 34:10). Islam is not a monolithic religion. It has it zealots like the Wahhabists of Saudi Arabia, revolutionaries of Iran, Secularist in Iraq and what can be called ordinary Muslims like the former King of Jordan or the worshipers of the mosque on the corner of my street.

Soddart tries to explain Islam from a neutral point. I think he succeeds, but many Christians and Muslims will disagree. Just like Catholics and Pentecostals or Sunni and Shiite won't agree. For those with an open mind and a willingness to listen (or read), this short book provides much insight. The author attempts to provide some neutral information in the wake of September 11th and help set the record straight.
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evil_cyclist | Mar 16, 2020 |
William Stoddart's An Illustrated Outline of Buddhism presents a beautifully illustrated book that explains the basics of Buddhism. Stoddart was born in southern Scotland in 1925. He studied language and later earned a medical degree. He has translated many works into English and was assistant editor to the British journal Studies in Comparative Religion. Soddart is considered one of the most important writers on Perennial Philosophy.

An Illustrated Outline of Buddhismstarts with the very basics of what is religion, what is orthodoxy, and where does Buddhism stand with the other religions of the world. Stoddart makes the comparison that Buddhism rose from Hinduism as Christianity rose from Judaism. Buddhism is a universal religion like Christianity and Islam. It willing takes converts, whereas, for the most part, Hinduism and Judaism are something that you are born into.

A very good history of the Buddha's life is given and the Four Nobel Truths and The Eight Fold Path, and the Five Precepts are explained. Buddha's teachings became the Dharma or The Law. From here the book goes on to give a short biography of some early Buddhist figures. Buddhist art is also covered and there are plenty of illustrations in the chapter and throughout the book to show it. From cover to cover the illustrations are amazing.

Basic Buddhist teaching are explained and clarified. Comparisons with other religions are made. Where most religions have a supreme being, Buddhism has a supreme state: Nirvana. Also the divisions and and historical spread of Buddhism are covered. The shortness of my review should not be considered a negative, but just the opposite. An Illustrated Outline of Buddhism is an excellent introduction to Buddhism.
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evil_cyclist | 1 other review | Mar 16, 2020 |
Disclaimer: I received this book free from World Wisdom in exchange for an honest review. I did not receive any form of compensation.

As a Unitarian Universalist, I have always been fascinated with the various religions and spiritualities of the world. Of course, most people think they know what Buddhism is since it is a very prevalent religion. However, there were many little nuances that I never knew about. I knew the basics and that is about all.

This book takes a better look at what Buddhism is and where it comes from. Not only that, but the artwork in this book is absolutely breath taking.

One of the great things is that before delving into what exactly Buddhism is, the author takes the time to explain the similarities and differences between Buddhism and the other major religions of the World.

Next, the author takes us through the life of Siddhartha Guatama. He is the one that they call Buddha. Buddha means "enlightened" or "awakened". We follow Siddhartha's journey towards his awakening. He then explains to us the basic tenets of Buddhism. And introduces us to the various figures that play an important role in Buddhism.

If you have ever wanted to know more about the Buddhist religion, then this book will give you lots of great details.
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wakela | 1 other review | Oct 7, 2013 |
This slim volume is an introduction to Sufism through the lens of traditionalism. There are numerous references to René Guénon and Frithjof Schuon, who were great exponents of a traditional philosophy that undergirds all religions, but finds its best exposition in Sufism. Stoddart does stress that practioners of Sufism must first be Muslim. He makes an interesting point that Christianity does not have an exoteric domain like Judaism and Islam. An appendix contains interesting quotations from the Qur'an, the hadith, and from Sufis thmselves.… (more)
1 vote
vpfluke | Nov 17, 2008 |

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