Picture of author.

Judith Henry Wall (1938–2021)

Author of The Surrogate: A Novel

16+ Works 408 Members 11 Reviews

About the Author

Works by Judith Henry Wall

The Surrogate: A Novel (2006) 104 copies, 6 reviews
Family Secrets: A Novel (2007) 59 copies, 1 review
The Girlfriends Club: A Novel (2002) 54 copies, 2 reviews
My Mother's Daughter (2000) 38 copies
A Good Man: A Novel (2005) 32 copies
If Love Were All: A Novel (1998) 28 copies, 1 review
Handsome Women (1990) 26 copies
Love and Duty (1988) 21 copies
Blood Sisters (1992) 20 copies, 1 review
Mother Love (1995) 13 copies
Death Eligible (1995) 8 copies
Love and Glory (1992) 1 copy

Associated Works


Common Knowledge

Date of death
Indiana, USA
Cause of death
COVID-19, alzheimers
Places of residence
Norman, Oklahoma, USA



Review :The Surrogate by Judith Henry Wall.

This was a captivating story and educating. I didn’t want to put the book down because it was well written, well developed characters and plenty of suspense throughout the story. I always wonder how a woman can be a surrogate mother and hand her baby to strangers without emotions bring her down. This story gave me all my answers and I should have predicted what a mother would do.

The story starts with a struggling collage girl Jamie Long that has know means of finding money to go on with her collage studies. She was brought up by her grandmother who recently died and she had no money to leave for Jamie. She couldn’t think of anyone to offer any suggestions on financial opportunities. There was one person she could think of and that was a neighbor who befriended her who lived behind her grandmother’s place.
His name was Joe Brammer who stayed her friend but he was a few years older than she was, plus now he had moved away. Unknown to him Jamie had fallen in love with him but he never showed anything to her but friendship.

Soon after Jamie thought of a way to make the kind of money she needed was to become a surrogate mother. Jamie made a few calls and finally someone returned her call and told her about a couple who would do anything to have a child. It didn’t take long for the contract to be worked out but she was still a little hesitant with all the rules and putting her schooling away for a year. The couple was a well known in the religious and political circles. One main rule was that she was not to tell one person of what she was agreeing to and she had to live on their ranch completely alone, no privacy, no phone, no computer, no direct mail, and no connection with the staff.

Well it wasn’t long before Jamie was on her journey of nine months of pregnancy. The story was captivating and some times predictable but full of suspense.
… (more)
Juan-banjo | 5 other reviews | Feb 27, 2020 |
This started out pretty lame. They did so many things wrong. I enjoyed the female friendship and each woman coming into her own.
dara85 | 1 other review | Jan 19, 2019 |
While there were some things about this book I didn't enjoy-the anti-religion vibes, for example. That's a major one-the moment I picked up this book, I found it compelling. It held my attention extremely well and I had the overwhelming desire to keep reading, to finish it, I needed to know what happened, and I really liked it. It's well written, and a good, original story.
jewelsk96 | 5 other reviews | Jun 28, 2016 |
Jamie Long is a college drop out, left deeply in debt after looking after her dying grandmother. An ad in a college paper to be a surrogate mother seems like the answer to all her prayers. In answering the ad she becoming embroiled in a family of tele-evangelists and some murderous political intrigue. I picked this book up because of a recommendation. I was not disappointed but I did find the book a little predictable.
ChristineEllei | 5 other reviews | Jul 14, 2015 |


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