Author picture

Nick Wilkshire

Author of Escape to Havana

6 Works 50 Members 7 Reviews


Works by Nick Wilkshire

Escape to Havana (2016) 15 copies, 2 reviews
The Moscow Code (2017) 12 copies, 2 reviews
Thin Ice: Capital Crime (Capital Crimes) (2014) 8 copies, 1 review
Sleeper (2004) 6 copies
Remember Tokyo (2018) 5 copies, 2 reviews
Foreign Affairs (2007) 4 copies


Common Knowledge

Canonical name
Wilkshire, Nick
Places of residence
St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada (birth)
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Memorial University, Newfoundland (BA, 1990)
Osgoode Hall, Toronto Ontario (LLB, 1993)
Short biography
Nick Wilkshire is a lawyer with the federal Department of Justice in Ottawa. He was born and raised in St. John's, where he attended Memorial University (BA, 1990) and practiced law (LLB, Osgoode Hall, 1993) for several years with Williams, Roebothan, McKay & Marshall before leaving the province in 1996.



“Thin Ice” is a suspenseful police procedural set in Ottawa and revolves around the murder investigation of a rookie hockey player recently signed by the Ottawa Raftsmen.

I enjoyed reading this story adding to the appeal is the setting, Ottawa is a rich and colourful city where hockey is way of life. This is a fast-pace and dialogue driven mystery that follows two homicides detectives Jack Smith and Dave Marshall on the tail of suspects when a young hockey superstar is murdered on a morning jog.

I was tuned in from the opening page and had a hard time putting this story down. The huge cast of suspects were intriguing characters, very different on their own but all had a connection with Curtis Ritchie, the hockey sensation. As the case moved on and the investigation intensified it is evident the author is a lawyer who excels in asking questions and twisting them around to get what he wants. The story has pretty interesting police procedural and dabs somewhat into the personal life of the protagonists. This story is well written with plot twists to detail us and a great ending hard to see coming. Good pacing all through and played out by interesting characters.

You don’t need to be a fan of hockey to enjoy this book. I am not by a long shot although being Canadian it was easy to make parallels with the NHL and the Ottawa Senators ….and the shenanigans going on….
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Tigerpaw70 | Apr 1, 2019 |
"Remember Tokyo" tells the story of Charlie Hillier's third foreign posting as a Canadian diplomat. He is assigned to the Canadian Embassy at Tokyo as a consular officer. His job is to help Canadian visitors in trouble or having a problem with authorities. His first case involves a young Canadian banker who was severely injured in a car crash and when Charlie first visits him in hospital he is in a coma. After the coma, the Canadian, Rob Lepage, has a bad case of amnesia. Of course as things develop Lepage is not what he seems, and the plot really thickens when one of his friends visiting him in Tokyo is killed in a bad part of town. This involves Charlie in a police investigation and the full extent of Lepage's background comes out. The story develops into a good suspense thriller, against the background of modern day Tokyo.
The strength of the story (and the previous ones) is Charlie, who is the narrator and the protagonist. He's an all round good guy, although a bit of a boy scout who seems to find trouble quite easily.
I hope there's a sequel.
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BrianEWilliams | 1 other review | Feb 17, 2019 |
Book #3, in A Foreign Affairs Mystery

“A Foreign Affairs Mystery” is quite a different type of mystery; it gives us a very Canadian twist to immerse ourselves into and one charismatic main player, Charlie Hillier, to follow. I love to see how he manages to jump the multiple hurdles he has to face in order to do his diplomatic job.

After leaving Russia on his last posting as consular Charlie is sent to immerse himself in a truly foreign culture….Tokyo …watch out ….Charlie is not your ordinary consular.

After his misadventures both in Havana (book#1) and Moscow (book#2) Charlie wants to play low key but he is soon drawn into a case of a young man who winds up in a coma after a car accident….or maybe it wasn’t an accident after all?...Charlie is definitely a magnet for trouble and in “Remember Tokyo” he finds more than can be imagined. Along the way in this fast-paced mystery we have colourful details of life in the city: crowded metro system, food and the polite culture and custom…. including the corruption that is lurking at every corner.

This series is one of my favourite. Charlie may be a consular but he has great investigative skills and a strong and loveable personality. The protagonist not only faces ruthless criminals in his day to day job he also goes beyond all means helping expatriates in distress. Trying to shift truth from deceit and get to the bottom of what happened without causing an international incident is a feat in itself for Charlie…..but of course things rarely turns out the way he plans….what a thrill we have following him through another wonderful journey. And as in the previous novels, to help with his case is a beautiful woman to be smitten of and… to eventually leave behind once he is reassigned to another post….or recalled home…sometime in disgrace.

I agree with those saying this is a well-plotted travel-crime novel with great characterization and I love how diplomatic rules are not one he complies with rigidly….well-done.

I received this ARC from the publisher Dundurn Press via NetGalleys for my thoughts
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Tigerpaw70 | 1 other review | Jun 11, 2018 |
This series is so much fun. The Moscow Code moves at a fast pace, takes place in a locale I was eager to learn more about, and has an interesting plot that is resolved effectively.

My two favorite things about this series are the loveable but inept protagonist and the various settings of each book. As Nick Wilkshire writes, Charlie Hillier is “an unlikely hero… whose heart is in the right place even if his skills and judgment as a consular officer may leave a little to be desired.” As often as not, I am laughing at how Charlie manages to so completely bungle whatever he is investigating even going so far as losing his passport and his Blackberry (twice!) while stationed in Moscow. Even though he has questionable judgment, I am always cheering him on. The first book in the series took place in Cuba, and Nick Wilkshire did a fabulous job depicting the culture, architecture, and general “feel” of Cuba. The first half of The Moscow Code incorporates Moscow into the storyline in much the same was as Escape to Havana did for Cuba. Sadly, Charlie leaves for other destinations in the second half of The Moscow Code, and the cultural aspect of the book was eliminated. The third book takes place in Tokyo, and I am eager to learn more about life there and hope Charlie will remain in Tokyo for the entirety of the story.

I recommend The Moscow Code (and Escape from Havana) for anyone who likes a good mystery with a unique protagonist. Thanks to Dundurn and NetGalley for the chance to read this ARC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.
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cburnett5 | 1 other review | Oct 18, 2017 |



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