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Ali Winters

Author of The Vampire Debt

17 Works 93 Members 4 Reviews


Works by Ali Winters


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I absolutely love reaper stories! I especially love them when they are written exceptionally well, and given a very fresh and exciting take. Winters has done this fantastically, to the point that I could not put the book down. I honestly had to read every single page, in one sitting. Shh, don't tell the hubby.

I loved the two main characters, in this book. It felt as though they wre created very well and truly filled out the positions of who they were and who they were about to become. I loved that the reaper wasn't all bones and darkness. Don't get me wrong, I kill for those, but I truly enjoyed having a new look at death and how they were doing business.

The pace was done very well. It was exciting and really drew me in, from the start. I liked that there was a romance brewing, but it was more about the thrill of a new romance and the excitement of meeting someone you were drawn to...and maybe someone you shouldn't have.

The storyline is fab. It is unique, exciting and carried out very well. Ali has filled the pages with detail to really make you feel as though you are there, a part of the story. You become hooked and truly invested in what is happening.

Overall, this is an excellent read. I highly highly recommend giving it a go!

**I received this book for free in exchange for my honest and unbiased opinion.
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naturalbri | May 21, 2016 |
Such a brilliant, short read. I love all of Ali's work, so I was very excited to read this little piece. I liked that I was more than able to sit and gobble it up, during one of my short breaks. I am glad, as I wouldn't have been able to put the book down, if it hadn't ended.

The tension and excitement between Piper and Evander was excellent. I liked that they had a zing, right from the moment they saw each other. Neither knew what to make of it and I knew what I hoped would come from it, but the best part was the way in which Ali approached it. There was a sense of wonder and fascination between them. I loved this, as it reall drew me in.

The span of time and the way the author described it was done very well. I felt as if I was Piper, with half my heart missing, since the last moment I saw him. She showed us their feelings and their story so well that it was easy to really be a part of the story, even with it being shorter.

Overall, I was very impressed by this read. It is perfect for when you only have a moment and really want to get into something brilliant.

**I received this book for free in exchange for my honest and unbiased opinion.
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naturalbri | 1 other review | May 21, 2016 |
After reading The Reapers, I was really keen to read another of Ali Winters' books. When Star Dust showed up on Goodreads, I was captured by both the cover and the blurb. I knew I had to read it and I expected it to be another brilliant book by Ali. I wasn't wrong. She genuinely outdid herself with this book. It was captivating, exciting and packed with brilliant detail.

I loved the world created. Winters paid attention to every detail, and explained them in such a way that it felt like an art. I was able to slip into the world and truly feel as though I was a part of it, rather than just seeing it on a page. I loved the time taken to describe the world around the characters and really bring it to life.

Winters has a way with creating characters. Whether they are in the book for you to love or hate, she gives each adequate time, to really let you get to know them. You are able to picture them, know what to expect from them and really get to know their personalities. I liked the blend of personalities, which gave us a very rounded cast, throughout the book. I also liked that secondary characters were just as easy to get to know. I found myself really connecting to the story.

With the excellent plot and the way Ali carried it out, I was pulled into the story, from page one. I really connected with and cared about the characters, what the story meant for them and what was going to happen. I found myself describing the story to my husband, on several occasions, to see what he thought of the situation, just because I loved it so much.

Overall, this is an absolutely brilliant and captivating read. I would definitely class is as a must read. I look forward to reading more of this series, and seeing just how brilliant Ali's next book will be.

**I received this book for free in exchange for my honest and unbiased opinion.
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naturalbri | May 8, 2016 |
Floratina | 1 other review | Dec 7, 2019 |

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